I know you've been hurt by someone else.

The Truth Hurts, But Those Lies Heal.

[I'm so happy you guys like the story! Thank you for subbing and commenting <3 I found this gif and it totally fits this chapter, btw~ lol. xD Anyways... enjoy. Next chap will be the last one.]




The very dim light that faintly illuminated your nightstand caused you to turn over in your bed, and you yawned softly, squinting your eyes open enough to see the time on the alarm clock.

2:29 am

So early, you thought, and you rolled over onto your pillow. When you reached up to push away your hair from your face, you were surprised to feel dampness on your cheeks. Sitting up, you took a deep breath, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands. You had been crying in your sleep. 



Across the city, in his own villa, Seunghyun lay awake on a couch. Empty bottles of various brands of alcohol lay strewn about on the nearby coffee table, and he was staring blankly at his phone, his intense eyes bloodshot from tears that his own pride wouldn't allow to fall. He had been unable to sleep well in weeks, and sometimes the boys came over to see if he was doing okay or not...but the text that you had sent--or rather, been sent from your phone--was now just one other thing keeping him up to brood about at night.

He was scrolling through old photos of the two of you, faintly smiling when he came across one that had been taken by a waitress when you two were out at a dinner one night.

Seunghyun! Aigo, I don't even have any makeup on, I look like a mess!

"But you looked beautiful," he said out loud now, recalling how shy you'd become when people sitting near the two of you clapped and congratulated the both of you on your engagement. He thumbed through a few more photos, his heart stopping when he came across one he'd thought he'd deleted. Anger at himself swept over his emotions, and his face contorted in hatred as he glared at the person seated in between the both of you, noticing now how you didn't appear too happy in the photo. The girl in the middle, however, looked glowing, a giant smile on her face.


"It's all your fault," he growled, and he sat up, throwing the phone at the floor.

In a way, he was right.

But he knew it was his as well, as there is only room for two in a relationship, especially when you were bringing marriage into the picture.



"I was thinking maybe instead of ... traditional wear," you began hesitantly as you spoke to the wedding planner, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. But his hand squeezed yours gently, and you gathered confidence, speaking firmly. "A white wedding dress," you blurted, and the lady glanced at Seunghyun briefly before giving you a polite smile. "Of course! And I take that means you will need to get tuxedo fittings for you and your groomsmen, ne?" You looked over at Seunghyun, who was smiling like a little kid who was being given a gold star for good behavior. He nodded and the small lady jotted a few things down on the open binder in front of her, capping her pen when she was done. "We will do our best to make this happen beautifully," she said with sincerity, and you reached over, giving her a hug. When you were done with getting all the forms filled out, you both said your goodbyes and exited the well-hidden building, feeling yourself being pulled into Seunghyun's side as you walked outside.

The whole wedding thing was well underway, and after a long celebratory dinner last night with everyone from YG, you both just wanted to spend the day alone with each other, which had been a miracle to get. Since they were getting ready for the family concerts that were going to happen in just a month or so, there wasn't going to be much time to have a day for just the two of you. You had grown used to not seeing him for a few months since he'd entered YG seven years ago, and the thought made you smile.

"You hungry, jagiya?" His bigger hand tugged your smaller one up into his when he placed his arm around your shoulder, and you glanced up at him, surprised that he was gazing at you with pure adoration in his eyes. "A little... but I can't eat too much! I need to fit into my dress, or do you want a chubby bride?" He laughed, the corners of his eyes wrinkling as he playfully tapped your cheek with his hand. "It'd be more of you for me to love," he replied, leaning his head down to kiss the top of your head. A fluttery feeling drifted across your stomach. He still gave you the butterflies, even after so long.



The smell of barbeque made your mouth water, and the waitress set the food down on the grill in front of the both of you, bowing almost three times to Seunghyun. He nodded uncomfortably, bowing his head to her a bit before running his eyes over the delicious feast on the table. "Mmm," you sighed, lifting a piece of beef to your mouth and chewing appreciatively. "That woman has been working here since we were little, hasn't she?" His question interrupted your food worship, and you took a glance at the lady who was scrubbing the counters. She had, indeed, and you vaguely remembered a time when you spilled rice on the floor and your parents made you clean it up. The Chois had watched in embarassment, and little Seunghyun had helped you sweep up the mess you'd made. But that was how it'd always been, you thought. He had always been there when you needed him most. "Maja," you replied, nodding as you ate some rice. He shook his head, blowing on a spoonful of soup before eating. "It's funny how they treat you differently," you added, taking a sip of tea. "It makes me feel embarassed to be recognized," he admitted, giving you a sheepish smile.

The two of you shared laughs and plenty of bibimbap to last the rest of the day, and you pulled your purse out as your phone began to ring noisily. "Aish, how rude, woman!" He gave you an adorable attempt at a pout, but his lips kept moving into a smile. "Oh, hush," you giggled, tapping the 'answer' button and holding the phone up to your ear. "Yeobseyo? Umma?" You winced as a happy screech emitted from the phone, and you gave Seunghyun a smile when he reached across the table and held your hand, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles softly. "I got your message! How do you announce you're getting married through a voicemail, ____?!" Sighing, you rolled your eyes, too happy to let her annoy you. She went on and on about arrangements for things and you listened intently, your attention drifting when you noticed Seunghyun. He kept gesturing to go oustide, his eyes flickering from you to something that was behind you. His entire face was somber, the happiness gone from his features. He stood up and pulled you along with him, and you hastily followed him. He was walking fast, but a voice cut the exit short.

"S-Seunghyun? Choi Seunghyun?"

Frowning, you felt him drop your hand, and you quickly ended the call, stepping around your surprised fiance to see what the problem was. He was staring at her, his eyes widening slightly as he appeared to be completely mesmerized by the woman sitting at the table near the doors. The woman never once looked in your direction, instead standing and giving him a hug, which he returned reluctantly as soon as he regained his composure. You stood there in disbelief, shocked that she was here.

It was her, the infamous girl he'd immortalized in a song.

The one who'd shattered his heart--no, his world--with just one question.


"Which do you love most, Seunghyun? Me? Or your 'career'?"


You opened your eyes wide when the chiming of your phone awoke you from your light sleep this time. "Ugh, really," you mumbled groggily, waving a hand over your nightstand to grasp your phone. Wincing at the bright shock of light, you brought it near your eyes, blinking slowly and answering it without fully reading the name.

"Y-Yeobseyo?" You yawned, wondering why you even bothered answering the phone at--cue a glance at the clock, 3:06 am--and closed your eyes, placing a hand over them.

There was no answer for a few seconds, just the sound of breathing, and you were about to hang up when his voice startled you.

"Yeobo," he murmured into the phone, treasuring the very sound of your voice. He took a long sip from the half-empty bottle he held in a hand, his weary eyes staring at the floor. "Is this really you?" He was surprised you had answered, especially at this time of the night.

"Seunghyun?" You inhaled sharply, suddenly more awake than you had been just seconds ago. You sat up in the bed, getting out of it. You didn't know what to tell him, to be honest. You wanted to hang up, but you couldn't. Somehow, your heart wouldn't let your mind function right now.

"I've missed the sound of your beautiful voice." He sighed loudly, grateful for the fact that you were still on the phone with him. It was little, but it meant everything to him. "I was wrong for what I did, _____," he said, his throat tightening slightly when he tried to continue speaking. There was so much he wanted to say that he was afraid he wouldn't be able to get it all out in one sentence.

"I'm sorry, jagi... I love you," he whispered, and you closed your eyes, sitting on the couch as you heard him straining to keep his voice from cracking. You bit down on your lower lip, sniffling. "And I'm sorry, too," you managed to say, knowing what you wanted to say was hurtful and horrible, but it was how you felt. "Sorry I'm not her."

"Jagiya, why don't you tell me you love me anymore?" On the other side of the phone, Seunghyun ran a hand over his slightly-sweaty face, the drunken stupor he'd managed to drink himself into catching up to him. "Is it because I'm too mean, too cold? Do you think I'm as heartless as you are being right now?"

The salty tears that stung your eyes were threatening to corrupt your vision completely. You sat up on the couch, faintly sniffling. You didn't want to cry right now, not when he would be able to hear you. When you were certain your voice wouldn't give in to the lump in your throat, you finally managed to say something.

"I never loved you. How can I love someone who only loves the idea of having me, and not truly me?"


The words cut him like a knife, but the pain it caused you to finally, finally let out what was the truth when he would take them badly in his state of mind right now was unbearable. You hated him for doing this to you, but most of all, you hated that you let it get this far that it had to be said over a phone call, in the middle of the night.

A muffled sound drifted over the phone, and you could hear a few voices, but none of them were his. On the other line, Daesung and Youngbae had let themselves into Seunghyun's place after he hadn't answered their calls.

"Omo, he drank so much..."

Daesung pointed at the drunken mess Seunghyun had become, collecting the bottles before taking them to the trash. Youngbae shook his head in disappointment, smacking Seunghyun's back. He rolled back onto the couch, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. It wasn't until Youngbae noticed the phone in his hand that he picked it up, staring at the caller id.

"Hyung? We told you not to call her!"

"S-she despises me," you heard him groan, and Youngbae's voice cut in harshly on the phone, speaking to you.


"Leave him alone. Haven't you hurt him enough?"




Clearing his throat, he held the door open for you, letting you out first before following you out. The ride to his villa from the restaurant had been silent on your part. He hadn't said much himself, only occasionally commenting on the plans he had for the next day, and you felt an uneasiness settling in your stomach.

That woman.

She had meant so much to him for the few years they'd known each other. You had never liked her, truthfully. You had felt as if she'd stolen away all hope of being with him, the one you'd known since childhood was your first love. The damage she had caused him by making him choose between his music and her had been unrepairable for a few years. All those times, you'd been there to help your best friend get over her, supporting him throughout all the heartache even during Big Bang's debut. And in those years, it seemed, he'd finally seen you in a light that was more of a lover.

But you knew it, just from what you'd seen.

All it had taken was one look.

One look from her, and it was like he was seeing things for the first time in his life.

"____? You're not mad, are you?" Shaking your head, you shot him a smile, albeit a fake one. He held you in his arms tightly, his hands gripping your cheeks and tilting your head back slightly to stare into your eyes. "I love you. I am with you." Your eyes fluttered shut when he neared your lips, gently kissing you. Relaxing into his arms, you both entered his home, settling down on the couch in front of the TV to watch a movie. It was an drama, and it was rather sad. The prince didn't end up with the princess he loved, and in the end, died of a broken heart.

You drifted off to sleep in his arms, but not before hearing Seunghyun murmur something.

"I love you. I'm with you."

Normally, his words would have been reassuring, but this time, it sounded as if he was reminding himself of what he was saying.


Memories of you I once tried to erase, are starting to grow on me.


/i can't rn, that gif is so hot and sad and y at the same time. T-T

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Chapter 4: omooooooo i love your story<3<3<3
though i really want to know why seunghyun said that to the other girl:) i think i can find that in the sequel=))))
tokiyoona #2
Daebak! Its sad but at the same time I love it! :)
seungriism #3
Loved it:)
this is a daebak story!
Sometimes it doesn't matter what you want.

Sometimes you sacrifice your own happiness for theirs.

Because that is what love is.

That part specially made me cry... I had to let go someone i love for him to be happy with someone else, so i can perfectly relate with this story... It was beautifully written!
@IRIS006 There very well might be~
Sequel please I really like the plot!
im crying right nao.
naw_yo #9
omgoodness, i love your writing sooo much..im a history major and writing is so important to me..i love to see well written things..its so beautifully done