Jongkey & Hanchul

Finishing it Up - Sequel to Untouchable and Unwanteds


Jonghyun scowled as he looked at his locker. Of course they would do that. He unlocked his locker anyway, trying his best not to look at the word: sprayed onto his locker. He didn’t mind that they wrote that (sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, right?) but the fact they sprayed it in rainbow colors ticked him off. Last time they wrote over his papers with a pink highlighter was enough, but rainbow? With a disgruntled grunt, Jonghyun closed his locker and stomped down the hall. 


“Hey, !” He stopped and looked to the side where three juniors were leaning on the wall.


“Going to see your boyfriend now?” One of the guys hit the speaker.


“Come on man. We all know for a fact Kibum cannot be a guy.” Jonghyun laughed along with them, startling them for a moment. 


“And you know what?” Jonghyun took a step closer to the boys. 


“I know for a fact that if you don’t get our of my line of vision in about…. I don’t know. Three seconds,” Jonghyun glanced at his phone, “your face is going to look so messed up, and people won’t even have a gender for you.”


The guys looked uneasily at each other and backed away, muttering apologies to Jonghyun. Jonghyun had to smile. Even though he lost some respect here at MS High, people were still scared of him. Jonghyun turned and continued walking out the doors and into the quad area where he saw a boy with purple highlights sitting at the bottom. He grinned and quietly snuck behind him and covered his eyes. Kim Kibum yelped and struggled to get out of Jonghyun’s grasps. 


“Kim Jonghyun if you don’t let go of me right now I swear-“ Jonghyun plopped down next to his friend and cocked his head. 


“You knew it was me?”

“Duh, Mr. Obvious.” Kibum smirked and Jonghyun shrugged.


“So, ready for another day of shopping?” Kibum asked. His friend groaned and rested his head on Kibum’s shoulder. 


“Do I have to?” Jonghyun asked, even though he knew the answer was useless. Kibum flicked Jonghyun’s hair from his face and nodded. 


“Of course.”




“They’re only friends? Ha!” Heechul snapped, watching the two friends sitting at the bottom of the quad, talking and laughing. 


“Yes, Heenim. Only friends.” Hangeng nodded, watching as Heechul smirked. 


“That’s what they always say Geng.” Heechul whispered. There was a silence. 


“Are we only friends Heechul?” Hangeng asked and the other looked up, surprised. That sounded like something Heechul would ask. Heechul thought for a moment before answering- even then he stuttered over his words. 


“I… I don’t know Geng. What do you think?” Hangeng put on a thoughtful expression.

“A lot of people say we’re going to end up together, like Jonghyun and Kibum.” Heechul sighed. 


“I asked you, not about what others thought.” Now it was Hangeng’s turn to be quiet. Over the past month Hangeng had been at MS High, he and the school’s diva had gotten incredibly close. But the thought of being in a relationship with him… sent not only a thrill of excitement but also a strange feeling or unease. Heechul was such a riot- he sometimes looked a lot like a woman, he would be mean to underclassmen and he could be insanely lazy- the opposite of Hangeng.


“I don’t know Heechul. We’re really different.” They sat there, watching Jonghyun and Kibum get up and leave. Hangeng cleared his throat. 


“I like science.” 


“That’s cool.” Heechul answered shortly. Apparently he was ticked off about something. 


“And the other week we learned about magnetism. About how opposites attract.” Heechul merely shrugged again and Hangeng continued. 


“And I believe in that.” Heechul looked up and smiled. 




Oh man, what a cheesy chapter. Not really what I favor, but it's cool. 

Time for shameless promotion now:
Okay, I know, weird title huh? I love Mulan and I was watching 'I'll Make a Man Out of You' part int he movie. You know the part when Shang sings: mysterious as the dark side of, THE MOOOOON.
Well, there you go. Dark Moon Review Shop. Please please please request so I can review ._. I get bored here on AFF. 
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Saranghae210 #1
Chapter 4: WooHoo~ Sequel~~ Can't wait for the new chapter~~ Hwaiting~ :3
ypanda #2
i'm waiting patiently for KyuMin
ypanda #3
yes!!!!!!!you've made a sequel.gosh i am so happy right know what?i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!for making a sequel for the unwanted and the untouchable.i'll be waiting for you to update a new chap.^^