It's Senior Year, Anyway

Finishing it Up - Sequel to Untouchable and Unwanteds




“Last day for baby photos! After today the yearbook staff will not be collecting and accepting anymore pictures!”


Sungmin walked past a group of students carrying expensive cameras. As he skipped away he wondered to himself: how do they manage to carry a heavy object around their neck? Anyways, he already turned in his baby photo the day after yearbook announced they were collecting childhood pictures. Sungmin stopped behind a pillar, breathless as he peeked around the side. A tall teenage boy with a head of newly dyed red hair was walking towards him, too preoccupied with his IPod to really notice Sungmin. He held his breath and suppressed a giggle. As the boy walked past, Sungmin leaped on him, knocking the breath out of him.


“Surprise Kyu!” Sungmin gushed as he felt strong arms wrap around his waist. 


“Min!” Cho Kyuhyun swept his boyfriend off his feet and hugged him tightly. Sungmin pressed his lips against his and laid his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulders.


“How were classes?” Kyuhyun asked. 


“Good. Even though Professor Choi can put people to sleep quickly.” Sungmin pressed his forehead against Kyuhyun’s and looked at him in the eyes. He could see people walking by and looked at the couple with unease but Sungmin could care less. He was a senior, he was receiving good grades and he had an amazing boyfriend. Besides, if Kim Jonghyun came out as gay, he and Kyuhyun should be fine. 


It’s senior year anyway, right? Time to relax.

Short update before I sleep! I have a class to teach tomorrow~
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Saranghae210 #1
Chapter 4: WooHoo~ Sequel~~ Can't wait for the new chapter~~ Hwaiting~ :3
ypanda #2
i'm waiting patiently for KyuMin
ypanda #3
yes!!!!!!!you've made a sequel.gosh i am so happy right know what?i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!for making a sequel for the unwanted and the untouchable.i'll be waiting for you to update a new chap.^^