

Hey, it's been five years already. Time flies so fast. Your achievements are pilling up one by one. Wow! You know, I always believed that you'll be number one in this whole wide world. I believe in your talent and the passion the burns inside of your hearts. I wanted to see you when you went here but sadly, I'm unable to attend due to personal reasons. I watched fancams, though. I even saved them. You know, while watching those fancams, I realized something and that is, I miss you guys. It's not because I'm not updated. I am sooo updated because you know, social media is just a click away. I just feel like, eventhough I'm always seeing you through social media, there's this something that's making me miss you.

When did I became a fan of you? I seriously don't know the exact date. But I'm sure it was somewhere between 'MAMA' era and 'WOLF' era. I was just wondering in YouTube. I went to SM's YouTube account because I want to watch the M/Vs of SHINee and SNSD. While wondering, I found the M/V of you song 'MAMA'. I already heard about you guys that time, but I'm not interested enough to know you but out of pure curiosity, I clicked your video. I was so shocked because there's a narration at the start. I thought to myself, 'Is this really a music video? Why is there a story telling?' I was also disurbed by your entrance and your costume. I really thought it involves something like starting a cult. Yes, you can laugh. But seriously though, it was disturbing! And the way you said the words 'Careless! Careless! Shoot anonymous!' Like what the heck is that? You know what was my reaction after that? I laughed. Seriously, what's with your hairstyle that time? It was so funny and so, my curiosity grew larger. I ended up watching not just the entire video, but all of SM's video about you. I was so amazed with the powers stuff, you know. I love fantasy things. That's what made me even more curious into your group. But there's a struggle I must face, and that is to memorize all of you. It was hard at first. Well, I had this too, with SNSD and SuJu but since I've done well with them, I know I'll do the same with your group. It was kind of heard since for me, you all looked the same. I bought a poster to know you well. I post your names according to the poster.

I was happy when you came back with Wolf becuase the 12 of you are together. I was so flustered when that came out. I ove watching the 12 of you together in one stage. You really shined at your brightest when 'Growl' was released. I'm so happy that the fandom is getting bigger. We're having more family members. We were even called 'exotics' before you released out official fandom name which is 'exo-l'. You even did shows like 'EXO Next Door' and 'EXO Showtime'. I really wished that I was the girl at EXO Next Door, you know. Who doesn't, right? I mean, we even wished we were the bottle you're drinking or the marker your biting or that noona coordinator that was fixing your appearances. When you performed at MAMA, that girl holding Luhan's hand. Gaaah! I don't know what to feel that time. I was jealous but at the same time so amused and excited with your performance. 

Seriously, I so love that era that until now I was hung up at it. I know I need to move on because you guys are continuing to do your best. When Kris, Luhan and Tao left, it seriously broke our hearts. But I know whose hearts were more broken than ours. It's yours. I know you stayed quiet about the issue but I can feel that you're suffering deep inside. You just don't want to worry the fans. Even releasing 'Overdose', I felt that the fandom went a little quiet because of the issue. There are some that left, but most of us stayed. We face hardships together but our happy memories were stronger. You were bashed, ignored and hated but that didn't stop you on shinning. 

Now that we're on our fifth year, I want to thank you guys, For coming to our lives. Some of us considered you our salvation. You are always doing your best for us. I know that everything you do is for us. You want to give us the best because that's what you think we deserve but you know, you deserve more than what you give to us. That's why everytime you are nominated, we make sure to do everything we can so you can win. Of course, we're doing it in a clean way because we know you don't want us to be in harm just because we want you to win. I want to thank you guys for staying. I know those times, you may be thinking that you can be disbanded because of the issues but you fought with all your might. I'm thanking you because you are always there for us. You may not know it but we also get our strength from you. It's not only you getting strength and support from us. Thank you for being so passionate and loving idols. Some of us may harmed you intentionally or unintentionally, thank you for understanding. Thank you for being together. 

I know that in the future, you are going to be hated, bashed and be treated worse but that's a solid sign that you are shinning. Don't worry. We will always be with you. Every up and down, we will face it together. We will be with you every step of the way. Just like how you love us, we will give back that love many times more. Because that's what you guys deserve. Whatever fame and awards ou are receiving now, you worked hard for it. You deserve every good thing you are having and us, exo-ls, are so blessed by having guys like you. We want to continue this for many more years but we know, deep in our hearts, someday, you'll be leaving us. Having a wife and building a happy family. It's an undeniable fact. That's why while you belong to us, we're doing everything we can to treasure this and let you know that we love you. In the future, the time you already left the industry, we'll be still supporting you in the shadows. We still want to know how are you doing. What are the updates about you. What are doing now. That's because we are one. We are one in our hearts and feelings. Everything is because we love you. We may not be your Wendy, but all of us are your Tinkerbells. And that is, also, an undeniable fact. 

Let us celebrate every year that you are with us, together. I know that you'll continue on shinning. That's why my wish for your 5th year is good health. I know you already have everything you wanted in this world because of your hardwork and that's why your health is our top most concern. We will always be waiting for you comebacks and songs, so take your time to rest. We don't want you to over work yourselves because of us. We want you to be happy and healthy at the same time so we can celebrate another 10 years with you. We are happy that you're with us. So make yourselves at ease and take a rest. Doing worldwide shows is so exhausting. Please take a rest and come back to us with full health and let's do our best together to make it to the top as we always did. 

We will always love you, guys. No matter what happened. No matter what time. We are always one. 


A/N It's a day late but better late than never!! This is what I want to say to our beloved boys who celebrated their fifth year yesterday. I'll love them till I die. 

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