My Forever Partner In Crime

I Will Love You

for my partner in crime, anjum <3

“Let’s go to the beach,” Jongdae said out of no where.

 “What? now?” I asked, 

He nodded as he replied. 

30 minutes later, Jongdae and I were dressed and ready to leave. I wore shorts and my black emo crop top. As I was about the open the door, he pulled my hands and stopped me from walking out. 

“What are you wearing? This is too revealing” he nagged. 

“Jongdae shut up, you’re wearing a muscle tank” I rolled my eyes. 

“Okay, but I don’t like other men looking at you. Never,” he whined. 

“No one will look at me Jongdae, relax.” I pinched his cute little nose and smiled. 

“Noooo, but I don’t like you wearing that.” He scrunched his nose and pouted. 

“Okay fine.” I groaned,

 I'm always weak for his pouts. I ended changing from my crop top to my t-shirt. 

“Let’s goo” He shouted excitedly. 


It took us 40 minutes by bus to get to the beach, during the bus ride, we were having a competition on who can make up the lamest joke. He insisted that his joke was way lamer than mine, but I just know mine were lamer.

 When we got off the bus, the beach was right across the road. He grabbed my hand and intertwined them. He leaned down to kiss the top of my head and muttered: “I love you.” 

Jongdae has a habit of saying ‘I love you’s’ at the most random times, whenever he feels like it, and its one of the best parts of dating him.

 When the stoplights finally turned green, we crossed the road together with our hands intertwined. It was around 5 pm, just the perfect time to watch the sunset. 

As we went down to the beach through the stairs, the waves were calmly hitting against the shore, the wind was blowing softly and the sky consisted of an assortment of shades, a blend of reds, oranges, and yellows. The waters below mirrored this effect.

 There were other couples on the beach, some were walking along the sea side, some were on the sand. But being the playful couple we were, Jongdae and I started throwing sand at each other. He grabbed a handful of sand, and before I noticed it, he threw it at me. 

"Jongdae!! What are you doing?" I screamed as I attempted to run away. Jongdae laughed at me and smiling his iconic kitty curls smile. Me, not wanting to lose, I grabbed some sand like him and without hesitant, I threw it at him, hard.

 "Oh my god. I can't believe you just did that." He laughed out as his eyes turned into crescent moons.

 "Of course I did" I stuck out my tongue.

 "This means war," he said as he ran against me. He gently tripped me and I landed on the sand with my back. He held both my hands above my head so I couldn't move them. I kept trying to pull my hands out of his grasp but it wasn't working. He showered me with little kisses on my face including my cheeks, my forehead, my lips, my eyes and my nose as he asked me over and over again 

"do you admit defeat?" 

"No! never" I would say and kept shaking my head from left to right to avoid the kisses, even though I love them. 

"Okay fine fine, I give up." I sighed.

 After 10 minutes of pure torture (kisses), I got tired. 

"Yes," Jongdae lifted his eyebrows and made a V with his hands, showing victory. 

I plopped down on the sand, exhausted. Jongdae bent down and said 

"come on up, I'll give you a piggyback ride along the sea side".

 I crawled up his back and circled my arms around his neck along with my legs around his waist. He stood up and started walking. 

"So did you have fun today?" He asked. 

I lie my head on his shoulder and nodded. 

"Are you tired?" He asked again, this time with more affection. 

I shook my head. 

"Ahh, look. The sunset is so beautiful" he paused, "just like you".

 I leaned in and kissed his cheeks. He let me down after we walked for a while because I insisted I wanted to walk on my own. 

"Anjum, you know I had something to tell you all along," he said. 

"Mhm?" "I love you a lot, a lot" 

"you cheese ba-" Before I could finish my sentence, Jongdae collapsed on the sand without a warning. 

My heart stopped, my mind went black. 

"Jongdae, Jongdae. Can you hear me?" I collapsed to the sand as well, I shook him violently, my tears flowing. 

"YOU GOT TROLLED" he laughed his heart out. 

"Stop doing that, oh my god, I hate you," I whispered while wiping my tears away. 

"And I love you too".

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