iv. reviews



hEH. might take me quite some time to review your applications.

no of applicants
plotline one - 2 
plotline two - 2 
plotline three - 1
plotline four - 1
plotline five - 2
plotline six - 2
plotline seven - 2

accepted applicants 
plotline 1: 1
plotline 2: 1
plotline 3: 1
plotline 4: 1
plotline 5: 2 
plotline 6: 2
plotline 7: 1


hello seol! here's jaejoon's review. 

first things first, i love how detailed your nicknames are. the only question i have is that since the nicknames jae/joon might seem very affectionate, how does jaejoon feel about it?

as for your faceclaim, i'm terribly sorry but i didn't realise jungkook has this permanent natural upturn to his mouth. it makes him look happy/mischievious- which doesn't really go with the sad look. so i think taehyung would be a much better choice. his eyes have a sadder tone to it. 

background: is jaejoon's father providing funds for him as he pursues his dreams in seoul? if not, how does he support himself?

personality: his plus traits seem a little contradictory. he is supposedly
loyal, but doesn't care for his father much. 

his savage/sassy nature also goes against one's personality. you might want to tone it down a little because one "rarely talks" maybe keep the savage nature when he's extremely pissed? 

i lOVE UR POWER SECTION. the rest of it is fine. just these few tweaks please! 

hello ky!! so the first thing i want to mention is her style. yeon will wear whatever that makes her look good- so wouldn't that be the most trendiest clothes? the links aren't exactly the trendiest fashion. 

i love boram as yeon's faceclaim though. reminds me of malia, which i based the plotline on. 

as for her background, you didn't include how yeon ventured into the industry? how did she end up wanting to be an idol? did she attend any singing/dance/rap lessons?

trivia: in the others section, does she have any particular reasons for doing any of those stated?

family: she honestly wouldn't be able to tell them after the incident, maybe only once, due to how dangerous it might be for both yeon and her family. so you might want to rethink this.

haHAHAH. can you censor the curse words a little, i can't read anything TT ^ TT. 

as for some of the answers, you might want to make it more tactical than emotional! she is
afterall, an expert at survival.



firstly, her style: what about shirts? does she prefer sleeves? short sleeves? tank tops? some examples would be nice. 

i love the fact that she was raised to survive with nothing. it really embodies how two should be. the only question for the background section would be how did she cultivate an interest in music/wrapping though? what was music club like- did she feel like she belonged there?

and, if she couldn't sign with
starship, why could she sign for wonderland when she's not talking to her father either way?

as for her personality, you might want to highlight a few of the traits, it's rather hard to read through it. are
heebo and her yulf side completely seperate beings or are they the same person?

if she's good at dance, how did she start her basics?

habits: what do you mean by passes when she's nervous?

power: 11th march is too close to the incident date, you might want to shift it a week earlier. september logs are too early.

december is more ideal because hee bo isn't the first inhuman.

other than that, the q & a was really done excellently! 

hello grazzy!!

bless ur aesthetic hAHHAH.anyways, the issues.

for background- he’s had acting lessons mostly but how did he learn how to sing and dance, were there some lessons where they focused on those two?  

holy shizz, other than that everything’s written so well?????? i think you should include cinnamon snake in his nicknames HAHAHH the only thing i doubt is how he is never insecure with how his father’s gone. trust issues usually come with insecurity. he embodies a lot of plotline three’s personality tbh. (other than the dumbness)  

for the q&a, about the injured part, they’re currently not at all accepted, so sending the teammate to a hospital might not be a good idea … 

but damn, other than that, this was a joy to read. everything's excellent.

hi ana! 

i really do get triggered by the name yg. hAHHA. anyways, first up:

background. hmm, his mother kicked him out due to pure dislike?

personality: the last sentence is a little confusing, so does he care? maybe you could also point out the traits before elaborating more on it. you could add how he came to be a protective person considering his power.

family: please include details of his family, even if he hates them.

power: as for his powers, you could also add
in a little more about his powers. like emma, does his skin also turn to diamonds?

wait watching coffee? i know he likes coffee but how do you watch it? like it being made or? 

anyways, in
general your application just needs more details and elaboration!

hi! ok so first question would be is her last name amundee or amudee?

if she’s half thai, does she not have an interest to learn more about this side of her?

as for her appearance, jannie doesn’t exactly have small eyes- her eyes are pretty huge, so you might want to change that detail. i’d also prefer it if you changed the faceclaim to someone with more pictures.

style:you could maybe include some examples! slouchy pants may be perceived differently between you and me. add in the colours if you could too! 

background: contradicting point on how she never believed the stories about her being a princess, yet she believed it as a child. so she stopped believing, not never believed, right? … mm, considering how wonderland is very small, they would only be holding auditions around korea. anything near germany seems like a stretch. you might want to rethink about it a little.

her personality and likes/dislikes can definitely be elaborated more.

as for family, does her mother and friends not have a faceclaim?

you should probably include her cousin too, considering his role in her moving to korea.

powers: i’m really sorry but i plotted the story for one to be the most powerful- so if you could, pick an element instead of having all four even though she doesn’t use any of them. 


hello cas!! here's yoake's review. 

firstly, i'm sorry but i don't really get the explanation for yoshi? is it people mistake his name for yo-sshi or?

i loved the detail about him losing weight and looking like a shinigami!! 

as for his fashion, does he not care about whether the sweatpants and shirt match? what colour does he usually wear? 

background: what did he compete for? a vocal competition? an acapella one? was it nationals? a school one? or perhaps a neighbourhood one? please be clear on this!

as for his scout, was is it a japanese scout working for high media who found him oooor

personality: if you could, please elaborate more on the personality part. maybe a few descriptive paragraphs- especially the "very shut down" trait. but the others are great- they're what one should be. 

more elaboration on his likes/dislikes please! like why/how he likes them. his fears should be detailed too. 

names of family members, at least! 

powers: make yoake more powerful!! he's the first turned- the key to creating more inhumans. expand more on the borrowing of other abilities and make it into a class A ability! 

btw, yoake isn't the first to be taken- he was the fifth, but the first to be turned. 

everything else looks good!!

hi lylia!!!

your first half of the application is fine- i think it really resonates with the damaged innocent plotline. as for the background, please include more details on how her interest in music actually started- the motivations behind it. why an idol- not just a singer/musician?

personality: don’t think you touched on the judgemental and messy part- so if you could. and her traits, after yeonji. the strong part isn’t exactly accurate, considering her mental state is nowhere near strong. try to clean up here by elaborating more. considering her q&a, she seems to have a split personality too?

other that that, i think it’s pretty cool! especially since i know daisy johnson HAHHA. just include more elaboration and details and you'll be alright!! 


hello mai! here's hyun's review.

style: the description’s alright- but maybe you could add in a little more details about some colours she prefers? other than those- what is she comfortable wearing? examples would be cool.

as for her background: it’s a little bit of a stretch for a second cousin who is a detective to be hiding a girl that has strict parents.i’m okay with this, since howon has the brains to hide her well, (how did u figure he is kind soul too :ooo) but what about her parents? how extensive were they in searching for hyun?  

personality: "hyun is the type to cry if you jokingly" … jokingly what? i think you might want to add a few other negative traits to her- most of the traits in your current one are pretty positive/neutral other than her sensitivity worsening. how was she around friends or howon? was she the quiet one? the one who laughs at everything? i think you could definitely elaborate more here!!

trivia: adding a surname honestly doesn’t really help ifjoohyun’s still her name. maybe altering her name to a common one might be better at hiding hyun.

powers: maybe you might want to elaborate on how she attains knowledge of one combat form to another. does it come to her randomly or does she have to see it to learn it? does she have a preference for a particular martial art? i’m guessing her kills would be mostly animals, right?

the rest is all good!

hi amber! 

firstly, i find kwak minjun a little too old to pass for a 19 year old tbh. most of recent pictures aren’t exactly blonde either. i don’t think woohyuk would suit the six plotline either. maybe try nct’s haechan.  

style: incude some examples! 

background: if he has a lot of fans/admirers- wouldn’t he have a lot of friends? what talent show? i think this came out of the blue. how did he start an interest in rap? did he just find a video of someone rapping fascinating or?

btw, how did he know who to trust when his family died when he showed no interest in the business?  

as for the part with yeonji, this can be included in the power background section instead! but the shock collar should render him useless considering how they’re on the run and yeonji has her hands on all they’re weaknesses- including the shock collar, especially since he needs to merge with someone to stay unshocked. so you might want to rethink this part. 

his personality section’s so well done omg!!!
i luv.

only pointers: the only stuff that might seem contradictory is him being a whiny rich boy, but has patience? another thing would be how he is sheltered but his parents were okay with him modelling and all that jazz.

does he own a small camera or just a phone camera? bcos he probably would not be able to keep it safe.

i'd say woojin and samuel as faceclaims for brothers would be too much. they look nothing alike!

everything else is alright!


hello rita! 

so firstly, 

the background: why minhee chose to be an idol when she could just be a singer, considering how she only took singing classes?

personality: her clumsy trait- i don’t think her being against things belong there. it should be separate! i think you should also add in a few more negative traits, considering how she has more of positive ones.

habits: how does drawing an x help her remember stuff?

friends: how did nahyun and her meet? elementary school, high school or? 

powers please expand more on this!!! i need details man. you can probably get some inspiration here. you may also want to add sub skills if you please. 

other than that, everything's cool!

update: since nahyun and her have been friends for quite some time, could you please include how nahyun felt about minhee's disappearance?

as for her powers,
i don't get how her animation ability can compel elements to move. maybe wood, but the rest is a little iffy.

everything's so good????

the only question i have is about the relationship between the chimera and sephy. does sephy really not know about the chimera in her considering how the chimera would leave a trail of bodies for her 
to find before sephy regains consciousness? and others would also tell her about the chimera.


hello alia!!

basketball mom, cool hAHAHH.

background: paragraph 2 is confusing ; ; how did he even come to like singing- was it a release considering he has a very painful routine. 

trivia: because he has little sleep, he's sluggish. but in trivia six, he's fast-reflexes?

bros: haha, he probably couldn't meet them, but you can keep that section, bcos that is good for humour. 

powers: can you elaborate on point three? i don't get it :-(

power bckgrnd: does he have no interaction with yeonji at all? like how he feels about her or something ...

you app was fine wys :") just fix this and you'll be a'ok!


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hi sorry, updates will be in bits. i have a test and i've been studying for it, so i couldn't really update. i'll try to update tomorrow morning afternoon!


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Chapter 14: *muffled sobs of happy tears*
Chapter 14: haha will read it now!
and the title isn't bad, i like it!
good luck with stuff and all that!!
it's all good with choosing too. haha
going now~
Chapter 12: Are you okay? I hope the delays haven't messed with you irl much. Don't let the stress get to you and good luck :) I'll wait as long as you need me to, I'm still excited.
Suau147 #4
Chapter 12: YAY!! Can't wait ^.^
Chapter 12: *incoherent scream*
Chapter 12: awesomeness!! can't wait. :D
and a few teasers?! cool!! haha can't wait~
and can't wait for the new thread too. lol
Chapter 5: I had meant to do this when I read it but ny dad took ny phone and laptop from me to get my grades up!!! I was wondering if it would be possible for me to alter my app now?? Its fine if it isn't, I'll still read the story!
Chapter 11: whoo yay!! can't wait for the story to start and the chaos to come out. haha
Chapter 10: I am legit so excited. This is gonna be such a good read
Suau147 #10
Chapter 10: Can't wait for the story to start ^.^
Oh God I'm so excited about this!!!!