i. an intro

evidence one

The Diary of Jane Doe

Found: March 12th, 2017, Wonderland Entertainment Dorm Rooms
Analysed by: Detective Kang, leading detective of the Inhuman Police Unit (IPU, a newly set up unit to find the inhumans unaccounted for- mainly the seven runaways and Park Yeonji.)

* Notes: 
- The diary's first few pages were smudged beyond legibility. Most likely, the first few pages were about Jane Doe's audition with the company and her first trainings.

- We believe that Park Yeonji possesses 
waterbending abilities and has tried to get rid of the evidence in her company with her powers.

- The owner of this diary is possibly one of the first four trainees, other than Kim Gayeol and Jung Yuhwa. All four were considered to be missing 
on January 2017. Their bodies were later found in a bar. Three were ruled as murder, while the last was ruled as suicide. It was theorised that Yuhwa killed the other three. Update: March 12th- The real bodies of the four were recovered in Wonderland's basement. Most of their deaths were recorded to be in the November - January period. 

- All my notes are marked with italics.

With that, here are Ms. Doe's legible entries: 

Entry #1 

Date: November 12th, 2016 (D-120 TO INCIDENT)

Dear Diary, 

It's been a week since I've settled down into the company's dorm. (Wonderland Entertainment officially opened on November 1st, thus "Jane" was accepted into the company on November 5th.) There's a total of 12 trainees now. It's rather difficult living with 11 other people. I preferred it when there was only 5 of us at the start of the week. 

Anyways, today passed by pretty normally. The usual routine- school, training at 7 p.m until late at night. Once again, Gayeol unnie's late. I don't get it? She's one of the first few trainees yet she isn't exactly the best role models. She got punished yet again today. I saw a bunch of scars running across her back when we were doing PT (physical training.) Besides that, nothing much happened. I'm really sleepy now, so I guess it's time to sign off!

Until then, 

* Gayeol and Jane are 2/5 of the dead bodies recovered in the Entertainment company. 

Entry #2

Date: November 13th, 2016 (D-119 TO INCIDENT)

Dear Diary, 

So today, before training started, Ms Park informed us about a special training opportunity. The best trainee would be able to interact with some of the best vocalists, dancers, actors and many more. For 3 days or so, they'd be travelling around. So, they won't have to attend school!!! TT^TT So lucky ... To my surprise, she actually selected Gayeol unnie to be the one to receive this special training. (So, Kim Gayeol was Park Yeonji's first experiment. She died a week after, which suggests that the experiment on Gayeol failed.)  In my opinion, unnie really doesn't put in enough effort to be selected. After that, it was back to the usual training routine ... So boring. 

Until later, 

* Park Yeonji experimented on Kim Gayeol for a week. Gayeol's cause of death was due to the injection of wolf blood.

Entry #3

Date: november 20th, 2016 (D-112 TO INCIDENT)

dear diary, 
i'm getting lazy to update you. i'm sorry! ms park has been loading us with so much trainings. (Theory: Yeonji was distracting the others from Gayeol's disappearance?) she's encouraging us to drop out of school so we have more time to practice. (to make sure her trainees can be easily watched- we found CCTVs around the entire building) many of the other trainees have quit. i'm thinking of quitting school too. i'm so tired. but the new trainees don't seem to have as much training as us? there's about fifteen of us now. not including gayeol unnie- she's been missing for a week! maybe she quit the special program because it was too hard or something ... i'll just ask the rest if they've heard from her. anyways, gotta sleep. my eyes are so heavy. 

Entry #4

Date: november 21st, 2016 (D-111 TO INCIDENT)

dear diary, 
we just got punished because yuhwa asked ms park about gayeol??? i think something strange's happening. ms park seems very off ... i don't know. she looks a little mad sometimes. or maybe i'm dreaming??? i'll get back to you tomorrow. 

* Jane's confused and curious. Ms Park also seems to display symptoms of her insanity to her trainees, which explains her next actions ...

Entry #5

Date: november 22nd, 2016 (D-110 TO INCIDENT)

oh god, yuhwa got selected for the special training project ... i hope she gets back fine? 

* At this point, Jane seems to be very afraid and I think she already figured out what was happening.

Entry #6

Date: november 30th, 2016 (D-102 TO INCIDENT)

she still hasn't come back ... she's probably dead.

* Yuhwa's date of death was estimated to be december 1st. This suggests that Yeonji was getting closer to creating an Inhuman. So she chose her next victims, our Jane Doe and the other one of the four. I think Yeonji was losing patience by then. Hence, why she chose to experiment on the both of them instead of one.

Entry #7

Date: december 2nd, 2016 (D-100 TO INCIDENT)

goodbye mom, dad. i love you. i'm sorry ... 

* This marks the end of Jane's entries. Jane knew she was dying. Both bodies were found dead. One was dead by the end of the month, while the other had lasted until early January. I think that Yeonji had created her first successful Inhuman the same month. I know this first Inhuman is part of the 7 runaways. This is supported by the Inhumans under our care. We still haven't found a cure but we're close to one thanks to the Inhuman with power nullifying abilities. His blood seems to cancel their abilities for a short amount of time ... we just need to figure out how to make it permanent.

- END -


hello! so you can call me riv, heh. anyways, this honestly isn't my first applyfic but it is my first au fic. so woohoo! i hope it goes well > u <

my layouts kinda , but i'm into simplicity so haha *shrugs* i hope you can read this easily on mobile (!!) and laptop! lemme know if it's an eyesore or wtv. i like constructive feedback!!!  

anyway, this is sort of an intro from jane doe's perspective (btw, jane doe's a placeholder name for a party whose true identity is unknown. in this case jane could either be the body dead in december or the one in january. we may never know.)

the plot basically revolves around the runaways (revealed to be a band of seven, hehe) and park yeonji, their mad ceo/scientist who has water powers who is chasing them for escaping (!!) and the IPU (i mean ... 7 TEENAGE inhumans are running around the city and they could wreck everything with da flick of da wrist, ofc they need to like lock these freaks down) so good luck to IPU, haha.

(you gotta say though, yeonji sure is smart for creating an entertainment company for the sole purpose of experimenting on her trainees. way to prey on dreams, aye?)

ANNND the plotlines will be coming out soon so look forward to that ;) 

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hi sorry, updates will be in bits. i have a test and i've been studying for it, so i couldn't really update. i'll try to update tomorrow morning afternoon!


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Chapter 14: *muffled sobs of happy tears*
Chapter 14: haha will read it now!
and the title isn't bad, i like it!
good luck with stuff and all that!!
it's all good with choosing too. haha
going now~
Chapter 12: Are you okay? I hope the delays haven't messed with you irl much. Don't let the stress get to you and good luck :) I'll wait as long as you need me to, I'm still excited.
Suau147 #4
Chapter 12: YAY!! Can't wait ^.^
Chapter 12: *incoherent scream*
Chapter 12: awesomeness!! can't wait. :D
and a few teasers?! cool!! haha can't wait~
and can't wait for the new thread too. lol
Chapter 5: I had meant to do this when I read it but ny dad took ny phone and laptop from me to get my grades up!!! I was wondering if it would be possible for me to alter my app now?? Its fine if it isn't, I'll still read the story!
Chapter 11: whoo yay!! can't wait for the story to start and the chaos to come out. haha
Chapter 10: I am legit so excited. This is gonna be such a good read
Suau147 #10
Chapter 10: Can't wait for the story to start ^.^
Oh God I'm so excited about this!!!!