After Countdown (Epilogue)


When Jinyoung woke up this morning, he was in a bliss. Yes, his body was still sluggish and his head still felt heavy from yesterday’s fever and sleep, but he was happy like he never had before. Smile decorated his face as soon as he opened his eyes to Jaebum’s sleeping face, one of his arms on his waist. It brought back the memories of the first time he saw it at the library, the first time he kissed the other out of curiosity. He felt the temperature of his own face rising, and he knew for sure it wasn’t from the fever since it had cooled down from last night.

He ended up spending the night at Jaebum’s place, under the excuse of being too weak to go home. He had also called his mother so she wouldn’t freak out again. In that short time, he was already so deep in love with Jaebum he wondered how he couldn’t realize that before. He would lose him and regret it for his whole life if he kept himself in his own foolishness, and he had to give Jiwoo the credit for that.

“I like you, Jinyoung.”

Another confession from another unexpected person that took him aback. He knew he wasn’t dislikeable, but he never thought of himself as popular. Of course someone had confessed to him before, but it was only one in two years or even more, never two in a matter of days like this. And confessions never gave him as much headache as these.

If it was four days ago, he would gladly jump and accept her confession. Even though the crush he had for her had long faded, it still could come back, right? But not after Jaebum brought storm to his life. He couldn’t accept Jiwoo when his heart and mind both filled with the boy.

“Sorry, Jiwoo, I… I think I already have someone I like.”

Jiwoo raised her eyebrow. “You think?”

Jinyoung felt her stare piercing a hole into him as he looked down. “I… I’m still not sure if I really love that person, but…” he let the rest of his words faded into air.

He heard Jiwoo sighed. “Can I at least ask for a hug, then?”

The question caught him by surprise that he looked up at Jiwoo. He hesitated, but he already felt guilty for rejecting her, so he complied. He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her. However, as soon as he got closer, Jiwoo held his face in place so he couldn’t face away and kiss him. It was the last thing he expected she would do because he never took her as someone so bold. He was so shocked it took a while for him to process what had happened before he pulled away.

“What was that?” Jinyoung asked, his tone got higher because he was too flustered. And he couldn’t believe Jiwoo could still put on an indifferent face. She even smiled at him.

“It pissed me off to be rejected by a vague answer like that. Take it as a small revenge.”

Jinyoung couldn’t quite accept it, but he didn’t say anything because he knew she was right. He was in the wrong.

“That person you’re talking about… does she like you too?” Jiwoo suddenly asked. Jinyoung blushed at the question. Why did she have to be so unpredictable today? But she deserved the truth, so he quietly nodded.

“Has she confessed to you?” Getting redder, Jinyoung nodded again. Jiwoo’s eyes widen in disbelief.

“And you’re still so hesitant like this? Do you hang her on?” Jinyoung nodded again, now getting more and more embarrassed with guilty as an addition.

“God, I guess I’m lucky. At least I was rejected right away. I really pity her.”

Silence filled the air. Jinyoung was filled with guilty. What he did to Jaebum was indeed unfair. He was too ashamed to look at Jiwoo, so he didn’t know what kind of expression she put on. But then he heard her letting out a frustrated sigh.

“Okay, I’ll do this because I really do pity her, and I want this to be clear so I can leave it all behind me, even though it annoys me. Listen, have you kissed her?”

Jinyoung remembered when he stole a kiss from Jaebum back in the library, and he nodded again. He seemed to have lost his voice to guilt and embarrassment.

“How does it feel?”

The memories of those feelings came back to him again. The fast beatings of his heart as if it was about to break away. The butterflies that filled his stomach with honey. He kept silent, getting overwhelmed by the reminiscence of those feelings, but she didn’t seem to mind. Maybe she could already read it on his face, as he was never one that could control his expression.

“And what about when I kiss you?”

The memories shifted. He remembered feeling taken aback, but nothing more. It was completely different from when he kissed Jaebum. Guess she could see it again on his face since she said, “See? Isn’t it already clear that you like her?”

Now that someone else had stated it for him, he felt more certain. Actually it was all already in his mind, but hesitations held him back. But the moment Jiwoo said it, every hesitations vanished to the air, like they were never even exist before. And he felt like a fool for even having them in the first place. And now he couldn’t even wait for the dinner. He wanted to tell him as soon as possible. He finally looked up with a smile.

“Thanks, Jiwoo. And I’m sorry.”

Jiwoo smiled back at him. “See you then.”

And she left.

Jaebum stirred, bringing Jinyoung back to the present. Jaebum leaned forward and their lips meet briefly before he murmured a good morning with a lazy smile. He pulled Jinyoung closer, settling his chin above his head. They were so close Jinyoung could hear the steady beat the other’s heart made. The heart that was now his.

His attention shifted to the necklace that rested on Jaebum’s neck since last night. It was a plain silver chain without any pendant, beaming with the reflection of the sunshine that seeped through the window. That was also his, precisely his birthday gift for him. He actually bought it before Jaebum confessed. He didn’t know why he bought the necklace back then. It wasn’t common for a boy to buy a necklace for another boy no matter how close they were, even though he thought it would look nice on Jaebum. Maybe even back then he wanted to tie Jaebum to him, without him realizing it.

He kissed the crook of Jaebum’s neck, feeling the contrast between the cold, hard, rough silver and the warm, soft, smooth skin with his lips. He heard the other humming low as he did, and he moved to kiss his throat, feeling the vibration through the layers of skin. The vibration got stronger as Jaebum chuckled before pulling away to plant his lips on his forehead.

“Stop it, will you? I’m trying hard not to attack a sick person here, you know.”

Jinyoung laughed, and snuggled closer to the other boy. He felt content, so happy his heart was about to burst. It seemed like the desperation he experienced the other night was only an illusion. The harsh tone, the cold eyes, the indifferent face, everything was just a nightmare. A nightmare he was grateful of having. Of course it was thanks to Jiwoo he finally certain he was in love with Jaebum, but the fear and anxiety he went through was what made him realize the depth of his feelings, how important the other was for him.  He was so scared of losing his love right after he found it. He already felt that much only one day after realizing his love, he couldn't imagine how much suffering Jaebum went through.

“You’ve wait for too long, right?”

Jaebum didn’t answer, he only held Jinyoung tighter. Jinyoung hugged him too in response.

“I’m so sorry. I was lost for such a long time.”

He leaned back to meet Jaebum’s gaze. He could see the memories of every pain the other felt flashed back, reflected in his eyes. He cupped Jaebum’s cheek with a hand, it gently with his thumb.

“Don’t worry now, I won’t ever leave again.”

Jinyoung kissed Jaebum again, a long, deep one, as if he wanted to away all the pain he had caused from the other boy.

“I love you.”

And now he would never ever let Jaebum go.

Finally, the last chapter. I just realized that GOT7's latest comeback, Never Ever, is a perfect fit for this story when I wrote the last dialogue. I was like, "Wait, I think I've heard this before somewhere," and the song just played by itself in my mind. I was just so amazed by the coincidence since I started this work even before their comeback was announced, so I put some of the lyrics on the dialogue. Sorry I spent too much on the flashback, I just felt that it was needed to explain how Jinyoung finally admit that he loves Jaebum. Thanks for reading! And also thanks for everyone upvoted, subscribed, and giving comments on this work. Sorry I wasn't able to respond to each one of the comments, since I can't reply them without spoiling the story T_T Again, thank you so much for reading :))

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Chapter 8: Awww my jjp feels! I like them being bestfriends like this, so believable and so sincere. Maybe because JB is turning a year older maybe that's why he thought it's best to get wiser and confess but I kinda wished there's a stronger motive for that. Though I appreciate the fact that it's been a long time since he felt that way towards JY, it's actually sweet. Ahhh young love! It's nice to read this. Tysm
yeoljamxing0727 #2
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for letting your angel side win! I really love this two being fluffy and all. I enjoyed reading this so much! :)
aldnoah38 #3
Chapter 7: It was an amazing story!!!! THEY'RE SO SWEET I'M HAVING DIABETES URGHHHHH
Good job author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 7: So beautiful!
aldnoah38 #5
I'm so happy jaebum believed him!!! Now kiss more!!! Lmaoo
aldnoah38 #6
Chapter 5: Author-nim, i will find you and i will kill you
But seriously tho i think that it's something like where the girl told jinyoung that she likes him but she will be moving in another country so she asked him for a kiss as a favor or something like that right???? RIGHT???!?!
istyanaJr #7
Chapter 5: It's like not Jaebum was counting but i'am
maedtuggi #8
Chapter 5: Ohmygod... why it has to b now... with all the kissing and girl..... poor jaebum :""