Countdown Ends (D-Day)


Jinyoung was woken up by a blaring noise. He groaned, getting annoyed before remembering that it was the alarm he had set on his phone before he slept. He rarely did that because it irritated him to be awoken by the loud ring of an alarm. However, he was afraid he couldn’t wake up on time this morning, that was why.

He reached out his hand, searching for his phone to turn it off. He rubbed his eyes in a futile attempt to chase the sleep away. Only when he found a notification for a chat message Jaebum sent him on his phone did he open his eyes wider. His heart started beating faster, wondering what he wrote. He opened it.

How about dinner with me tonight? Let me hear your answer then.

The answer, right. Today was the promised day. Not that he forgot it, he could never. He stayed up until dawn again, his mind being filled with one person who had caused him headache for these past three days. And he still hadn’t found it. There was still hesitation itching in the back of his mind. But he couldn’t escape it, so he replied his chat message with an okay.

He had two lectures today, one in the morning, and the other after lunch time. Jaebum actually took the same lecture as his last, so he wondered a bit why he asked him for dinner instead of lunch. He thought Jaebum would’ve prefer to get his answer as soon as possible, but seemed like it wasn’t the case.

He dragged himself out of bed, and fifteen minutes later he found himself sitting on the same seat position he sat on the night before on the bus that was taking him to campus. He held himself from looking at the seat beside him, which was occupied by a different person from the one he had in mind. He didn’t understand why he wanted to do that, he couldn’t even get why he wanted to sit on that seat in the first place. God, am I that much of a dumb, unable to understand my own self? Jinyoung sighed.

He reached his class right on time, and spent the hours drawn deep into his thought. No words from his lecturer could break into his mind. He snapped back into reality when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He looked around to find the class was almost empty already, and he saw Jiwoo standing beside him, looking at him with concern.

“Are you alright?”

He was already embarrassed enough for getting caught daydreaming, and having Jiwoo near him didn’t help. He used to have a crush for her, making him all the more embarrassed.

“Um, yeah, I’m just… worried over something. Nothing big.” Jinyoung said trying to pull a smile, hoping it wasn’t weird.

“Okay then.” Jinyoung started to gather his thing and he realized Jiwoo hadn’t make any move to leave. When he turned to look at her, he found her fidgeting on her feet.

“Do you need something?” Jinyoung asked. Jiwoo looked like she was hesitating, but then she seemed to make up her mind.

“I want to tell you something...”




Jaebum had a restless sleep, and found himself waking up earlier than his alarm feeling like he hadn’t sleep at all. Today was his birthday, but he didn’t know if it would become his best or worst one. It was all depended on Jinyoung, and the answer he would give him.

He went to his morning class feeling like a mess, all nervous and sleepy, again. Missing Jinyoung even though he just saw him the night before didn’t help. He couldn’t control his feelings it made him crazy. And he couldn’t see him before his afternoon class. He was about to go insane.

He knew he could end all of this sooner if he just asked for Jinyoung’s answer at lunch. But a part of his heart was afraid of hearing it. He already pulled out all his courage to hear whatever Jinyoung would give him when he confessed, and it was hard to gather the same amount of it again. What if he rejected him? It would not only be too awkward, but also hurt him to see him so soon on their afternoon class after that. And he wanted to delay the verdict as long as possible, starting to feel that maybe this uncertainty was better than a broken heart. Or maybe it wasn't, since both weren't healthy for his heart.

"Hey dude, what's up?" Jackson suddenly appeared, his loud voice jolted him on his seat. Jackson then sat beside him. "Why do you look so gloomy? It's only the beginning of the day! And hey, it's your birthday man!"

Jaebum just took a deep sigh. His friend's cheerfulness was usually contagious, but seemed like it didn't work this time. "I wish I can just skip this day and begin tomorrow already."

Jackson gave him an understanding look. "Is it about Jinyoung?"

Of course he would know. Jaebum had told him everything about Jinyoung. He would've been forced to meet a psychiatrist already if he were to contain it all inside him without sharing it to someone. Jaebum nodded.

"Don't worry, I think he likes you too, Jaebum."

"How can you tell?"

"My instinct told me so." There his famous high-pitched laugh filling the class, drawing others' attention. Jaebum didn't even have the energy to hush him. "Why don't you go see him after this?"

"I already asked him out for dinner later, it would be weird to asked him for lunch too." Jaebum really hated how he sound so foolishly helpless. Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Just go see him, dude. Stop overthinking things."

Jaebum took a very long, deep, heavy sigh that might make him passed as a saxophonist. "Yeah, maybe it's better for me to do that." Jackson agreed by nodding with all his power Jaebum afraid his neck might break.

And that was how he found himself standing in front of Jinyoung's class a few hours later. He was about to call out to him when he realized Jinyoung wasn't alone. There was a girl he knew Jinyoung used to have a crush for, standing in front of him. Something in the air held Jaebum back from interrupting.

Suddenly, he saw Jinyoung leaned forward to wrap his arms around her waist, the girl put her hands on his jaw, and their lips met in the middle. And it seemed like oxygen had disappeared from around him. That, or he had lost his ability to breath.

Whatever it was, he quickly tore his eyes off of the sight and ran. He didn't know where to, he just wanted to be anywhere but that place. He didn't know how many people he bumped into, he never stopped to hear them complained. He just kept running until his legs losing all their strength and he was on the ground, kneeling with tears streaming down his cheeks.




The afternoon class had already started, but Jaebum was nowhere in sight. Jinyoung tried to chat him many times, but the read sign never appeared. Jaebum always made sure to tell him if he couldn't attend a class. He began to worry. Many possibilities run through his head, and along with passing hours, he became more scared and panicked.

Jinyoung took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. As soon as the lecturer announced the end of his lecture, he ran off looking for one person he thought might know of Jaebum's whereabout. And he saw him walking between the crowd.

"Jackson!" Jinyoung called out. The said boy stopped on his track and turned around, and Jinyoung would've notice his change of expression if he didn't get too happy to see him after running around looking for him.

"Do you..." Jinyoung stopped, trying to catch his breath before continuing, "Do you know where Jaebum is? We're supposed to have a class together, but he didn't come. I sent him messages but he didn't read it."

"He didn't want to see you," Jackson said bluntly, and Jinyoung was frozen, too shaken up with the unexpected answer, "And don't even bother to come for your dinner. He wouldn't be there."

Jackson turned again to walk away while Jinyoung hadn't manage to heal from his shocked state. When he did, he ran to stop Jackson again.

"Wait, why? What have I done? I haven't even seen him today. Why does he not want to see me?" Jinyoung said, demanding explanation. And he was surprised to see anger in the other's eyes.

"Then you shouldn't have given him hopes when you already have a girlfriend! What, is it fun for you to crush someone's hopes after hanging it up so high? I didn't expect you to be such a cruel person. Turns out I was wrong."

It took Jinyoung aback to see the burst of anger from Jackson, but what shocked him more was the words coming out from his mouth. He was beyond speechless, and Jackson left him standing there like a statue.

Wait, a girlfriend? Since when do I... oh.

Jinyoung finally come to realization. He suddenly felt like all the bones inside him had disappeared as he slumped down to the ground, earning weird glances and stares he didn't notice from the people around him. He finally got it.

Jaebum had seen him with Jiwoo. And he might even saw them kissing.

Oh, God.

Jinyoung ran again, this time to Jaebum's apartment. He repeatedly knocked the door, on the verge of banging it. And when he was sure Jaebum wasn't there, which meant no one would be inside since he lived alone, he stopped knocking. He felt his clothes being dragged up by the friction against the door as he slid down, sitting on the floor, filled with regret.




His phone kept ringing. Jaebum knew who they were from. It made him all the more depressed, so he turned it off. He just wanted to drown his sorrowful feelings with drinks. He didn't want to think about him anymore.

However, no matter how much drinks he had, no matter how much his body had swayed when he walked, his mind was still sober. At least sober enough to remember how that person's eyes crinkled on the corner when he smiled, how his lips jutted out when he got annoyed, how they tasted like when he kissed him when he thought he was sleeping. And then he remembered when those lips were on that girl's. He wanted to bang his head to the wall. Maybe only then he wouldn't remember anymore.

He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall of the bar he sat in. A few minutes had passed from midnight.

The day had ended. And he had his answer in the way it hurt the most.

Sorry, I actually wrote this story determined for it to be a complete fluff, but I really can't help my angsty nature T.T There's still a epilogue chapter though, let's see which part of me would win, the angel or the devil hahaaa. Hope you enjoy this chapter :))

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Chapter 8: Awww my jjp feels! I like them being bestfriends like this, so believable and so sincere. Maybe because JB is turning a year older maybe that's why he thought it's best to get wiser and confess but I kinda wished there's a stronger motive for that. Though I appreciate the fact that it's been a long time since he felt that way towards JY, it's actually sweet. Ahhh young love! It's nice to read this. Tysm
yeoljamxing0727 #2
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for letting your angel side win! I really love this two being fluffy and all. I enjoyed reading this so much! :)
aldnoah38 #3
Chapter 7: It was an amazing story!!!! THEY'RE SO SWEET I'M HAVING DIABETES URGHHHHH
Good job author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 7: So beautiful!
aldnoah38 #5
I'm so happy jaebum believed him!!! Now kiss more!!! Lmaoo
aldnoah38 #6
Chapter 5: Author-nim, i will find you and i will kill you
But seriously tho i think that it's something like where the girl told jinyoung that she likes him but she will be moving in another country so she asked him for a kiss as a favor or something like that right???? RIGHT???!?!
istyanaJr #7
Chapter 5: It's like not Jaebum was counting but i'am
maedtuggi #8
Chapter 5: Ohmygod... why it has to b now... with all the kissing and girl..... poor jaebum :""