
Talk to Me

"Yes, Nayeon, you should do definitely get over that doctor. I believe in you. Okay." Nayeon took a deep breath. Muttering words of encouragement to herself before setting off to go to her work.


She walked. Since she left early today, she decided to stop over to a coffee shop first to eat some breakfast and have a sip of the very tasty coffee Nayeon needs at the moment.


"This'll do. It's still early so what should I get?"


She walked over to the counter and asks the lady.


"Hello." The lady said bowing and giving her a smile.


'I should really change my usual routine. Woo…'


"Hi." Nayeon replied. She looks up at the lists of things she should get and gets back at the lady.


"Yes, I should treat myself." She sighs as she starts to speak.




"Unnie? Mina unnie? Unniiieeeee. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!!!"


Mina groans at the kid who is slapping her and jumping on her bed.


"Unnie!!" Sana continues to jump around Mina's bed; some pillows are even toppling over.


"What is it? Why are you up so early? It's still 5:20…" she says continuously while trying to stop the overly energetic kid who she manages to grab anyways.


"Urgh. Unnie, let me go. I want to jump." Sana whines.


"Not on my bed, little kid." Mina said, tapping the head of Sana to comfort her.


"But yours is so fluffy. Look, it's so soft and comfortable!" Sana says as she feels the soft mattress on her hands.


Mina stands up and covers her with the blanket that she used.


"Hey!" She only giggles.


"I'll get ready now. Mom already went out?" She asks.


Sana nods while struggling to get the huge cover out of her little self.


"And fix my bed when you get out." Mina adds.


She went downstairs. Going to the kitchen to cook some breakfast but she notice something place on their dinner table. She walks closer to it and finds out their breakfast, already prepared.


"Sorry dear, I had to go early. Here I already cooked some. Just heat it when you wake up."


She folds the note again and smiles. She proceeds to reheat the food and calls Sana.


"Hey! Sana! Let's eat now."


"Okay! Just wait!" She runs downstairs and sits. Waiting for the food, she arranges their plates, spoons, and forks.




"Okay, the food is here…" Mina mumbles as she carries it to the table.


Sana quickly grabs a fork and tastes the fried rice. She sighed in relief as her stomach finally had something to eat, she was starving since earlier.


"Calm down. You might choke." Mina said, pulling a chair to sit down and puts some fried rice to her plate.


And Sana did choke, quickly heading to their fridge to gulp down water.


"I said calm down, didn't I?" Sana glares at her and returns to her seat.


"Sana, don't you think Mom is working too hard? She could resign already. I'm already a doctor; I can help now with the expenses, so why?" Mina mutters, slowly losing her appetite.


"Well, I don't know. Why don't you ask Mom? But I think you aren't that responsible enough…” She said while scooping again some rice. Mina glares at her.


"I'm being serious here. Anyways, I'll get ready now and I'll bring you to your school, so finish your meal."




"Wow, this was a nice pancake. Why didn't I know about you earlier?" Nayeon eyes the last piece of the pancake, savoring it.


She grabs her coffee and goes outside. The cold air immediately went to her as soon as she opened the door.


"Gosh. It's freezing." She shivers, warming her hands to the heat of the cup of coffee. She snuggles herself to the coat that she wears.


She walks outside, occasionally sipping on the hot coffee from time to time, when something caught her attention.


The clinic.


Not many people are there but she finds herself tempted again to enter it. Well, who wouldn't find it hard when she does it every day and feels automatic to enter there every morning and then suddenly one day, she won't go in?


"No, Nayeon. You must know self-restraint, if you go in there. I am going to slap you real hard. You're just keeping it hard to yourself." She tries to fight it off. Struggling, should she just walk past it? Should she avoid her? Why would she even avoid her? Well, it's not even a must for her to go there? It's her decision anyways, right?


So, she decides to walk past it. Although it's hard, she knows she could be grumpy all day about not seeing her but she thought it's for the best.


She checks the time on her watch while waiting for the light to be red. 6:20.


"Is this really me? I'm not late, for the first time." She says as she crosses the road, eyes fixed on the road, tightly gripping the cup because of the unbearable cold. She struggles as the wind blows to them.




Mina stares at the stoplight, blowing to her hand and rubbing them to warm them up. Her mind is too preoccupied that she didn’t notice that the light changed now, so she only followed when she noticed people bumping at her. She ran and unfortunately bumped to a woman; she turned around and said sorry but quickly went on her way. She’s already late anyways, what can she do?


“Urgh. Such an idiot. How rude.” Nayeon muttered, she stares at her coffee, holding on it as if her life depends on it.


“Woo. That was close. She just ran away like that. Hmph, she is very rude.” Nayeon continued to ramble, walking to her work; she finally reached it and entered.


“Good morning~” She says, putting her coat to the hanger and walking to her table.


“Good morni- NAYEON!?” Jeongyeon says, agape, looking shocked at her. Jeongyeon looks at her watch, then at the wall clock of their office, then back at Nayeon.


Nayeon, however, knew about this. “Idiot! I’m not that late, look I came early. Well, that’s a first.” She sat down.


“Quiet down, you two. Classes on other levels already started.” Jihyo interrupts.


“But couldn’t you believe it, you’re not late. Wow.” Jeongyeon started to clap slowly, Nayeon looks so ready to murder her.


“AARGH, YOU TWO. WILL YOU KEEP IT DOWN FOR A SECOND?” Jihyo shouts at them, standing up in her chair in anger.


Nayeon places a finger on her lips, “Shh, Jihyo ah. Classes already started, can you keep it down?” She grins at Jeongyeon, who places a finger on and acts as if she’s disappointed at Jihyo.


“I can’t believe you two.” She sat back and continued doing her work.


“What happened?” Jeongyeon whispered to Nayeon.


“Nothing…” Jeongyeon doesn’t believe her and gives her the ‘you-are-definitely-lying’ look.


“Okay, I didn’t go to the clinic.” She sighs, resting her head on the table.


“Oh. Are you serious?"


“I decided to forget about her and move on.” Jeongyeon cracks up a little. “Move on? What are you moving on to? You don’t have to move on if there’s nothing to move on about.”


“Aish…” Nayeon threatened to punch her.


“Well, you are right. There is nothing to move on…” She mutters and glares at Jeongyeon.


“You know for a kindergarten teacher, you are quite scary. Tsk, tsk. Your class is on the other building. Why are you still not going there?” Jeongyeon tried to change the topic.


“I’m about to.” She stands up and grabs her things. Walking to her class to surprise them again, she already giggles at the kids.


“Oh! Teacher Im is here!!!!” The kids shouted.


“Okay, little guys. Who wants to color?” And the children raised their hands.






‘Weird, she didn’t go here today.’


Mina mumbled, looking back at her watch. She sighs and accepts it.


“She’s not coming anymore. Why am I even expecting her to come here? Maybe I’m just not used to it. But why—“


“What? Don’t mind me. Just continue your mumbling.” Momo says as she bites a cookie while watching Mina.


She was about to playfully Momo and then stopped. “What? She didn’t come and you are concerned. Told you, you definitely like her.”


“No. I don’t like her. What are you talking about?” Mina avoids Momo and focuses on her laptop.


“Yes, you do.”


“No, I’m not. I’m just curious. It’s the first time she didn’t go here, but not that I mind it but it just feels so different… Do you even get what I mean?” Mina eyes Momo, still looking blankly at her.


“Definitely, you like her.”

“Aish, I give up. I give up on you.” Mina grasps her head and rests it on the table, clearly done with Momo’s teasing.




“Say unnie, How was your day?” Sana asks, again, accompanied by Nayeon just until her mother gets here. Nayeon looks at her, narrowing her eyes.


Sana could only giggle. Nayeon finds this cute so she pats Sana’s head.


“No. You little kid, I won’t be fooled anymore, I won’t.” Nayeon said definitely determined, but the look on Sana’s face makes her feel guilty.


“Oh, okay, I-I just grab a coffee that’s all.” Nayeon says. Sana gasps at this and immediately looks at Nayeon who is startled by Sana.


“What?! That’s all? Teacher Im, didn’t you visit that doctor?” Nayeon looks at her.


“Why do you want to know?”


‘Actually, because she is my sister and you’ve been whining it to me unknowingly these past few months and I may have accidentally say it all to her, so you can say that you’ve been noticed by senpa—I mean by her—“


“I just want to.” She laughs innocently.


“Sana! Sorry, I’m late.” Her mother came and again, Nayeon takes this as a cue to leave.




“I cannot believe, I did not see her today. I can’t believe it, I feel so drained, and I’m not used to this.” Nayeon rolls on her bed, hugging the pillow while doing so.


“But I decided and it’s final. I told you she is probably seeing someone… but no one said that it’s her girlfriend, right? No, stop having hope. Just stop, stop, stop.”



I'm so jealous to the people who can attend twice's concert tomorrow. They can watch them and afford their merchandise, while I'm here back at my house, studying, doing nothing and being a potato.

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eyoooow guys it's done :((( JK anyway thank you for the upvotes, comments, subscriptions and all it's been fun being with you :)


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HLLuobo #1
Chapter 8: the kids are so cuteeeee
Chapter 17: Omaygod!! Fluffy minayeon
Buddygooo #3
Chapter 6: Dahyun is so cute. "want some jelly beans, teacher?" AAJSJSSJSJSJJ
Chazara07 #4
Chapter 17: This is so goood ???
Gosh, I love this story so (damn) much
Chapter 17: Owwww,,, SANA, u cute little devil (cupid)... Hahhhhaha
Chapter 17: Owwww,,, SANA, u cute little devil (cupid)... Hahhhhaha
Chapter 17: sooo gooooodddd i love ittttt
please SEQUEL!!!!
dkdldb #10
Chapter 17: Nice