au revior

Kibum found himself infront of Adieu one rainy evening. Clichè as it seems but he has no umbrella with him that night.


He entered the cafè and decided to stay until the rain stops. He ordered one green tea latté and sat on a corner.


The rain continued to fall even stronger as the night goes by. Kibum opened his bag and get his horticulture books to review while waiting for the rain to stop.


He wonders when will he finally see the coffee shop's owner Nicole has been talking about.


He opened his book, and before he even started reading a whole paragraph... He fell asleep.


"Hey...?" Kibum heard a voice as soft as a marshmallow, and felt something touch his cheeks,


"Uhmmm. Hello??" Kibum heard the voice again, he likes it so much now, but something keeps on pointing his cheecks and it's starting to annoy him,


Kibum held the finger that keeps on annoying his cheeks, "Stop, don't interrupt." Kibum unconsciously said.


Kibum kept holding the finger but he cannot hear the voice again. He waited a minute... 2 minutes... 5 minutes... Kibum is getting impatient. He opened his eyes and faced the man who owns the finger he is holding,


"The voice is gone now!!! It's your fault." He said straight unto the face of the finger's owner.


The man is completely dumbfounded, looking straight at Kibum, unsure of what just happened. However, Kibum is more shocked when he finally get into his senses. 


He slapped himself with both his hands and covered his face from complete embarrassment.


"Sorry, sorry." Kibum said, covering his face, peeking only his right eye between two fingers.


The man was shyly smiling now because of Kibum. And Kibum just realized how good looking the man was.


When Kibum removed his hands on his face to get a full view of the man, the man changed his expression into a shocked one once again, which made Kibum remember him.


"Ohh, you are the one from the other day..." Kibum said to him while pointing the man's face,


The man looked left and right and to his back, "Me?" He asked Kibum,


"Yes, you looked so surprised when our eyes met. And I heard you say... I'm sorry?? To me??"


"I... Can't... Remember, sorry." The man said awkwardly, "but sorry, as we are already closed, it's already 11pm."


Kibum checked his phone and it is indeed 11pm. "I fell asleep??? For 4 hours?????"


"Hmm yes?" The man answered,


Kibum scanned the cafe and only him and the man was left.


"I will just pack my things." Kibum said, and the man went back to the counter,


Kibum stood up and wave to the man who he assumed to be the owner because he is exactly what Nicole describes him to be.


"Bye!" Kibum smiled,


However, when Kibum got out of the cafè, it was still raining. He looked at inside the cafè and the owner is looking at him, Kibum smiled at him, he smiled back.


Kibum felt his cheecks reddened, he put his both hands on his cheeks and he can feel the heat!!! "Kibum, stop!!" He said to himself.


He run to the other store and decided to wait until the rain weakens. After 30 minutes, he saw the owner go out of the store.


Their eyes met.


"Uhh. Hehe. I forgot to bring umbrella." Kibum said shyly to him, "you can go ahead. I'll just wait til it weakens." 


"Okay. Take care." The owner said as he walk passed Kibum,


Kibum doesn't know but he felt sad inside. His heart is in pain. "What are you expecting Kim Kibum!" He said angrily to himself. He squatted on the floor while he waits.


A few minutes later.


"Where do you live?" He heard someone say,


It was the owner. It was the owner. Kibum feels like his heart will explode.


"In the dorm on the second block." Kibum answered timidly,


"It's on my way, come on." The owner said,


"Thank you." Kibum is holding himself, he felt his cheeks get red again and on fire, "I'm Kibum by the way." Kibum introduced himself as they started to walk,


"I'm Jinki, Lee Jinki." The man said casually,


"You own Adieu?" Kibum asked,




"You look really young, the rumors were true." Kibum teased,


"Rumors?" Jinki asked confused,


"Adieu is really famous, and so you are." 


"I'm not, but tell me more about the rumors next time." Jinki said as he face Kibum and stopped walking.


Kibum cannot move, he avoided Jinki's gaze and realize that they already arrived infront of his dorm,


"Thank you for your umbrella, nice meeting you, Jinki-ssi?" Kibum hurriedly ran inside his dorm because he is so embarrased and he feels like his heart will explode anytime.



another short update, sorry is my updates are always short. if i let it sit on my drafts for days, i might change my mind and delete everything completely, which is I always end up doing, so I am posting this now so I cannot make changes anymore and tire myself. i am not good with conveying sweet interactions and emotions, but i hope you guys like it!!! :)

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Chapter 4: Omg what will happen next I'm so curious!! Now I already read this, I can't wait to read more of this.Please update this more often ;;; I like it!! Btw I have a question, why did jinki shocked when he first saw kibum? Did he saw jjong in kibum or what?? I love kibum's chrcter here and for jinki I will love him once he love kibum hehe
Cereal_Shipper #2
Chapter 4: Yey, update ! :D Thanks author-nim !
Jinki asking Kibum to go to the convention with him... Kinda looks like a date, hehe
Jealous Kibum ! :O
Aw :( I feel sad for him... He doesn't know anything about Jinki... Jinki, why are you so secretive ? Is it because of Jonghyun ? I hope he talks to Kibum more

Oh ! The onkey moment ! *w* airport onkey never disappoints
Chapter 3: OnKey are so cute^^..!
Cereal_Shipper #4
Chapter 3: Yeey ! :D More onkey interactions !
Poor Kibum-ah, he fell asleep... But Jinki woke him up, hehe ~
For a second I really thought Jinki would leave him there in the rain :')
Now that he knows Jinki is the owner... Will Kibum come more often ? :O
I know you think you're not good at conveying emotions and stuff but you'll get better with time ! The more you write the better you'll get ~
Can't wait for the next chapter :D will it be Jinki's POV next time ? Hmm... I wonder what will happen...
Chapter 2: Oh this is sad...Jonghyun died...woah,onew meet Key already:D
Chapter 1: Woah!!!This is nice^^cant wait for the next chapter..I love OnKey<3
Cereal_Shipper #7
Chapter 2: Oohh, so Kibum is Jonghyun's reincarnation ?
Poor Jinki, he misses him so much :(
I hope he'll start composing again ❤
"Not to see Jonghyun cry again" Well, good luck with that ! It's Jonghyun we're talking about !
If Kibum really was Jonghyun in a pastlife, then how do we explain the moment that he doesn't remember ? And is Jinki even a human being or is he something else like a Goblin ? Because he spotted Kibum !
I really need to upgrade my theory

Thank you for the quick update ! :D But now I want more though... (I'm greedy, I know) This story is intriguing... I want more, author-nim ! Please :'(
Cereal_Shipper #8
Chapter 1: This is such a good start ! :D I can't wait for the next chapter ~
You said this was inspired by Goblin ? Hmm... Then is it possible that Jinki and Kibum had met before ?! And Kibum had forgotten everything about him just like Eun Tak had forgotten about Kim Shin after she had removed the sword... I don't know if I'm right but it's my theory anyway ! :D
I'm craving more onkey interactions ♥ please, update soon, author-nim ! :D
Also, you should be more confident with your grammar skills ! You're not bad at all, it's quite good, actually ! I've seen way worse. Take it from me (although my grammar isn't perfect either since English isn't my first language), don't let things like that stop you !
Anyway, I'm really curious about what will happen next ! :D