Taeil [-:-] Block B [-:-]

[-:-] Popping Koreans [-:-]

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I don't know. Nothing."

Taeil let out a mental sigh but didn't protest when Suyin nudged him under the chin. He merely tipped his head back to allow her more room. Her nose pressed into his neck; every part of her body that was touching his was pushing against him as closely as possible, as if trying to fuse. Taeil was a Teddy Bear in the arms of a needy child -- a needy child that had grown into the woman he loved.

As a man, Taeil knew that there were certain sacrifices he had to make once he found that one special girl. Dealing with her during that infamous "time of the month" was one of them. Most men groaned and joked about the hassle of it, but Taeil tried to be more sensitive. Actually, he didn't really have to try. Taeil was genuinely empathetic towards Suyin's moods. He wanted to know what things upset her, why they upset her, and how he could help.

Unfortunately, Taeil's early attempts back fired. Suyin had explained it to him once, and he'd taken her confession to both heart and head.

"I don't know why I'm upset," she'd said, her eyes glossy as they avoided his. The counter was clean, but she still kept scrubbing at nonexistent germs. "I just am. That's how it works."

That wasn't enough of an explanation for Taeil, and he made it known with his expression. But he sensed that Suyin had more to say, and so he waited.

Suyin finally wrung the sponge out and put it away. She took her time drying off her hands and then prolonging the walk over, even though the counter still separated them.

"I'm sorry that I'm like this," she said, crossing her arms over her middle and stooping her stance. "There's honestly no real reason for it. Everything just ticks me off more than it should. And I know I'm being irrational, so that just makes it worse. I'm pissed with the world and pissed at myself for being pissed with the world." Suyin let the weight of her words sink in before she glanced up and tried to give Taeil a smile, but he would have preferred if she hadn't. It was just too fake, and they both knew it. It wasn't hers. "It's not a fun time. For anyone."

Taeil hadn't known what to say or what to do. But then, he realized, that was probably the point that Suyin had been trying to make. There really wasn't anything he could say or do. It was her hormones, and he had no effect on those. They could only ride it out.

But they could ride it out together, right?

Taeil, feeling shy, had poked at his eyebrow ring and ducked his head. He on his lips before relaying the first offer that came to mind.

"Do you want a hug?"

It really was the least he could do. It was the most he could do, too.

Suyin's face lost some of its tension. Her brows lifted, barely, but something about her was brighter, or maybe just not so dim. Bit by bit, her eyes softened, and the smallest trace of a true smile came into his lips. Taeil thought it was beautiful.

"Don't say that unless you mean it," Suyin told him. "I might not let you go."

But that was fine with Taeil.

He might not have had the words to say even in the best circumstance, when he was so happy or nervous or overwhelmed that the Korean language escaped him. He might not have had the brawn to scare all of Suyin's troubles away and physically sweep her off her feet. But he was earnest and understanding and there to be her pliable, breathing Teddy Bear whenever she needed it.

Taeil got that she didn't want to talk because she didn't have anything to say. He got that she wasn't being stubborn or difficult on purpose. He knew that he couldn't blame her, that she was already blaming herself, and that it was his job to be her man, her pillar of support.

So Taeil sacrificed a few hours to lay back on the couch with Suyin draped over and around him. Sometimes she cried, but she would never say why. He didn't ask. He just kissed the top of her head, let his fingers dance up and down her shoulders, and hummed her favorite love songs.

Most men complained about PMS time but, to be honest, the somewhat warped intimacy that came with it -- at least the way he and Suyin did it -- made it one of Taeil's most cherished routines.

(Besides, a few days afterwards, once the blood actually got flowing, Taeil knew the only legs he'd be between were those of his special pillow. He had to cherish the contact with Suyin while it lasted.)


Author's Note:

You know, I really didn't think Taeil fit this at first. I was going to do it with a B.A.P member. I just wanted to get the scenario out because it pretty much reflects the mood I've been in these past couple days. (It does seem rushed, right? I wrote it just now, in 42 minutes :P). So I got to thinking: Who do I want to be cuddling with right now?

The answer was ultimately Taeil. (Well, there's also a real life boy who sort of reminds me of Taeil that I wouldn't mind getting cozy with, but that's another story). Seriously, I want to squish him. (Both of them). Plus "Where Are You?/Where You At?" happened to start playing on my iTunes shuffle this morning and I literally laid on the floor and cried. -_-

Sorry for being MIA. I've been busy, lazy, moody, and working on an EXO story. Check out the lattermost excuse in the near future if you're willing and able, please. :)

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Chapter 5: i came to check out your stories after you commented on mine, and boy, am i glad i did. these cute and sweet one-shots make my heart all warm and fuzzy. they're so cute and written so intricately that i almost feel like a part of the story.
i especially love the taeil one because he's so cuddly and super adorbs.
can't wait to read some more. keep up the good work!
iamanonymous #2
I loved the soohyun fic!! So sweet. This is the kind of love I want to have someday. Where both of us have the other person as their priority. Thank you for posting it. :)
Omo this is actually really good. You're an amazing writer~ Please update soon :]