Log 004

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Log 004

“You carried me on your back when I sprained my ankle.”



{3 years ago}


“Come on Riri! Walk faster, the bus is gonna leave without you!” Taehyung sprinted ahead with Jungkook and Jimin, making the walk into a competitive race.


“If you don’t, you’re going to get punished!” Jungkook added on with a mischievous smile.


“Better hurry up Nana!” Jimin cheekily screamed from the distance. The three of them approached the blue bus, leaving the rest of us behind.


I looked over to Jin with a worried face. “Do I actually have to do it? Will they punish me?” I knew the answer, but I needed confirmation. Insecurities ー anxiety and lack of confidence about oneself. Yes, I never completely overcame them, but little steps have taken me places. We all had long history with each other at this point, everyone knew I needed words of comfort.


The tall boy wrapped his arm around my shoulder, crouching his back a bit to match my short height. “You know I would never let them do that to you princess. But if anything they’ll do a little prank. It’s fine.” He said, his eyes looking back at me before facing forward.


My finger poked at his dangling hand, feeling his arm weight disappear off my shoulder. I nodded and continued walking with the lazy four boys who refused to join in on the random race. Besides Hoseok who kept chattering nonstop to persuade us to run with him, but walked at the same pace as us. He kept shaking Yoongi’s arm as the boy tried to push him away. Namjoon and I snickered under our breath at their interaction.


We finally made it to the vehicle with the three youngest forming a circle, arguing about who touched the bus first. These boys. I smiled inwardly and followed the older guys into the bus; Jin gesturing me earlier with his index finger to follow him.


Eventually the three caught on to our plan to ignore them as we heard their groans and complaints that we allegedly ditched them. My head cowered and looked at Jin’s shoes as he walked to the back right seat. He gestured me to walk ahead and take the window seat; his sole presence on my left.


Those boys attracted attention from the other students when they talked boisterously in the bus. The three conversed to the other male students from the soccer team in the middle row of seats. The team captain, Minho, slapped Taehyung’s back as he chuckled. Taehyung pouted at his action. Not a couple seconds further, did Minho wrap his arm around Taehyung’s neck, pretending to choke him. The two laughed together; the surrounding members adding to the noise.


I wish I had girl friends to joke like that. The seven guys were like my second family I wouldn’t replace, however, it was extremely hard for me to make other friends. It was hard enough for me to casually talk and make one, but the difficulty arises when I’m only with the guys. After that incidence in the past, the event had spread through Jimin’s declaration that no one should mess with me. Now it was burdensome and hard to find friends that weren’t fake and riding up my hind end to get to the guys.


Being a teenager has its ups and downs. I guess that’s how Jimin must feel not hitting puberty yet. I learned the cruel reality with public relations. It’s hard to decipher out who’s true or not, unless one gets to know the other real well. But we don’t have enough time to choose if the chosen person is who they seem to be. Luck of the draw. I guess I need fate to decide for me like it did when I was a toddler.


The sun was still on the brink of fully rising to the skies; hidden behind the tall, scrawny trees. I was a heavy sleeper; slumber always found its way in my brain. My muscles relaxed and I pressed the side of my head on the glass surface. My eyes made its way up, watching the landscape motion pictures pass by, eyes drooping every once in awhile.


My eyelids never opened back, I saw swirling colors on a black background. I knew I was drifting off on the vehicle, but didn’t combat it. I was in good hands ー the boys wouldn’t let a fly hurt me. There was a warm embrace on my shoulder, feeling the sudden shift I stiffened a bit. My head landed on something soft like a coat, while my arm and hand was repositioned to my lap. Most likely one of the boys repositioned my sleepy body, I just wondered who?


My eyes shot open from the sudden grasp on both arms, shaking me from my slumber. I stared at the perpetrator with a confused and annoyed look, especially knowing who it was. With my hand over my chest, I let out a large breath of air.


Jimin smiled at me cheekily, one corner of his lips lifting upwards knowing his action was too uncalled for. A tap on the shoulder would have sufficed, or speaking into my ears that it was time to wake up. Nevermind, scratch the second option, but still he made it seem like an earthquake happened. The bus was just parked waiting for the students to unboard and not that the tire had burst in the middle of the road.


His personality in a nutshell hasn’t changed like his height. Mischievous and playful; teasing people all the time. I complained, as he rubbed it off his shoulder like dust because he knew I wasn’t that annoyed. I never was to any of the seven. They did so much for me.


I look over to my left, only to see Jin replaced with him.


Taehyung’s eyelids were closed, his long lashes almost touching his fair skin. He looked peaceful, and I wasn’t surprised that he didn’t wake up even though the commotion around him was a ruckus after Jimin woke me up.


My index finger lightly poked his shoulder, receiving no response did I poke his cheeks. I left my finger there until his fingers swiped his cheek, my finger flying off. He scratched his cheek, mumbling incoherent words and shifted his body closer to mine. His shoulder pressed onto my arm, head dozing off the side. Cute.


My mouth was about to spout words to wake up, but someone loud beat me to it.




I glared at Jimin, noting the smirk plastered on his face. The body next to me jumped up, almost tripping on his own feet near his shoulder bag. He regained his balance and glared at the boy.


“Yah, why can’t you wake me up without being loud!”


“Cuz you didn’t wake up when Nana poked you.” He said and smiled triumphantly.


Taehyung’s face whipped to look at me with a puzzled look. “Wait you did?”


I nodded as he pouted in a puppy-like way that Jimin was right. Jimin saw his face and chuckled for some strange reason.


“Fine, let’s just grab our stuff before we get kicked out by the bus driver.” We nodded and I avoided the stare the bus driver was giving from his rear view mirror.


Everyone was smiling and eagerly talking amongst each other about the activities that were listed for the day. I walked behind the two boys, the two occasionally looking back at me, but held a conversation that I couldn’t tune into. It was as if they were speaking softly on purpose. My eyes decided to investigate the environment.


They were dropped off in the middle of a campsite, aware of the open space and big stoned fire pit in the center surrounded by log cabins. The trees were sparse, until you looked beyond the cabins to see a giant cluster of vegetation. There were wide and narrow barren grounds leading into the woods, most likely the walking trails of Mookaite Trails. I was amazed by the number of trails just lining up like a track race, but I know it’s not that simple. After all, this place was famous for its winding trails.


Tweeeeeee. A whistle hollered from the teacher. “All of you gather up!”


The student body of at least 200 surrounded the four teachers in charge of this trip. Mr. Lee, the physical education teacher asserted his voice over the whispers. “Okay, I know you are all excited, but we are going to split you guys into groups of four.” There was a glint in his eyes, gulping at the sense of bad news. “However, we are going to pick out of a hat a number.”


All the students groaned at the chance of not being in a group with their friends. My face was drained of color, becoming paler at that sentence. My fingers subconsciously crossed each other, praying I get one of the seven.


The four teachers created four separate lines, making the cut off of the giant, deformed circle for each line. I managed to stick to Taehyung, but we were separated from the others. Maybe I’ll get one of them.


Taehyung held me by the arm, making sure I stick close to him. The rush of people trying to get in line did offer collision into other people. My eyes looked ahead as I listened to Taehyung talk about how unwarranted this was. His lips formed a frown, but I looked away as I saw from the side of my eyes three girls scoffing in my direction. It may have been directed to someone else, but my gut told me it wasn’t.


I grabbed a piece of crumpled paper in the metal tin and walked off to the side so other people can choose their number. Deciding that I was far enough from the line, I unraveled the pink paper. 8.


Taehyung rushed over to me and quickly asked, “What number did you get Riri?!”


I showed him my number. “I got 8, how about you?”


“I got 27!” He showed me his paper, but he looked frantic after getting my number. It didn’t make sense to ask my number for the urgency, like he was more worried than I was.


He grabbed my arm, pulling me with him in the direction of the other groups. “Who has number 8 and 27?!” Taehyung shouted, blaring my ears of how carefree and loud he can be. As if he was not self-conscious.


He repeated his questions several time until a male voice perked up in the crowd. “I got 8!”


The voice of the male in question made his way to the two of us, and I felt like I’ve seen him around before. His hands were placed on his lower thigh, back crouched over, and he took a breath of air before looking up. “So which one of you has number 8?”


The way his eyes crinkled up into a crescent-shaped reminded me of Jimin. And it was cute along with his sheepish smile. I looked at him, raising my hand as his eyes made its way to mine. We focused on each other before he broke off the line of connection with his extended hand.


“Wonderful! My name is Myungsoo, but you can call me L.” His voice had a subtle crack in his introduction. I accepted his handshake and responded back.

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