
BACK 2 U (1:27 AM)

Ten and Yuta had kicked and wrestled most of the bedsheets onto Ten’s wooden floor. After nearly two hours of kissing, , ing and other creative from the two experimental boys, they were worn out. Breathing hard, chests all red and damp. In the center of Ten’s bed, they laid shirtless in just their underwear. Their fingertips danced around each other’s body, making loose, curious patterns that tickled.

Ten laid on his side, his leg plopped over Yuta’s. Yuta was on his back with one hand gently playing in Ten’s hair. They didn’t look right at the other, instead just smiling and nodding at whatever little comments they made back and forth. Yuta wasn’t much of a talker. Typically, he just made expressions or small sounds that implicated something in the general area of what he was trying to say. Ten accepted it, even though he was the opposite. In no time at all, Ten could bounce around from his mom’s lack of cooking skills, his comic collection, the new poodle he wanted to adopt and how he was trying to get better and . With every change in topic, Yuta paid less attention, starting to only focus on his cellphone’s home screen. The time, more specifically. Ten noticed it, but again, he didn’t bring it up. He figured one of them needed to keep track of the time. His parent’s weren’t going to be out forever, and honestly, it was extremely scary being in this position with Yuta.

Ten hadn’t come out to his parent’s, nor had he ever really talked about uality with them. They were gentle and kind people who unconciously seemed to steer themselves away from anything too tricky or touchy. Nothing too uncomfortable was ever really addressed in that house.

For the longest time, Ten had been alright with that. But lately, with him starting to question his feelings and everything else his future could hold....he was itching to get closer to his parents, or anyone really. Possibly that was the reason he and Yuta seemed so glued to each other at times, Ten knew he was infatuated with the closeness of it all and didn’t want to lose that connection. But what about Yuta? The Japanese hunk didn’t open up about himself nearly enough for Ten to get even a pinch of as to what kept him coming back for more hickeys.

“Is one of your s bigger than the other?” Ten made a circle around Yuta’s right , squeezing it a bit. “Not tyring to poke fun, just wondering.” He clarified.

“No.” Yuta’s lips barely parted. His eyes were nearly closed, looking more bothered than tired. Ten pulled away slightly, thinking of something else they could talk about. As little time as they had left, he wanted to use every drop. Even if it meant Yuta had to leap from the second story to avoid Ten’s parents in the nick of time.

“Nothing to be ashamed of, lots of supermodels have a weird body cork. Like lazy eyes or a limp.” Ten lied.

“No they don’t, and my s are the same size anyway.” Yuta double tapped his phone, shutting the screen off. “Look, I’ve got to get going.” He yawned, sitting up to his elbows.

“Oh. I thought you wanted to see my Anatomy notes.” Ten couldn’t help the blatant sheepishness in his voice.

“I’ve seen more than enough of your anatomy tonight.”

“Well fine.” He pouted.

“It’s a cute, tight anatomy, but still, I can’t stay here all night.” Yuta got to his feet, moving faster with each second. Ten blinked maybe once, and the other boy was already back into his jeans and shoes. Another blink and Yuta was fully dressed with a some gum he snatched from Ten’s work desk.

“That’s my last piece.” Ten groaned. “Break it in half.”

“I did most of the work this time, I think I earned the whole thing.” Yuta tossed the stick in his mouth.

“Are all Japanese people so stingy?”

“Stingy?” Yuta paused, one brow hitched up sharply.

“Last time you took one of my dad’s beers and the time before that it was my box of fun-size Twix.”

“Are all Thai people such crybabies?” Yuta walked back over to the bed, getting at eye level with the dancer.

“I dunno, maybe. I hear we all know each other too.” Ten shurgged. “By the way, how are you getting home?”

“Walking.” Yuta remarked casually, almost surprised at what seemed like a stupid question.

“Well, be careful. You’ve heard about...” Ten forgot the name of the gang.

“LUCIFER? That street gang that jumps kids and steals their pokemon cards?” Yuta decided to make a big joke out of Ten’s concern.

“I’m serious.” Ten narrowed his eyes.

“Don’t be.” Yuta pecked Ten on the lips. A blunt, hard kiss that totally felt like Yuta. Lacking a lot of emotion, but getting the message across. “It doesn’t suit you.” He spun, heading out the door without a look back.

“What’s the rush, anyway?” Ten scrambled to his feet.

“Johnny and I have an Overwatch tournament to demolish.” Yuta told him. He reached for the front door, but Ten stopped him. “Ten, stop, I really have to go.”

“Well at least go out the back. And cover up some of those hickeys.” Ten told him.

“Good thinking.” Yuta nodded. “See ya.” He left through the backdoor within the kitchen, again, not bothering to give a proper goodbye or even one last glance back. Ten sighed, shirtless, still a bit sore from places Yuta had bitten too hard. He was never sure when he and Yuta would do it again, and he was always way too nervous to ask. But he was always ready.

Jaehyun was hesitant to get out of the car. Parked in the garage with the keys out of ignition, he still toyed with the idea of running away. Driving away.

It was dumb idea the more he thought it over. Actually, it went from an idea to a fantasy. And he wasn’t the type to get starry-eyed thinking about fantasies. He wasn’t four or seven or even eleven years old.

Jaehyun let himself back into the home, immediately alarmed by the sound of the house phone ringing off the hook. No one really called him or his mother on that phone. Sometimes distant relatives on his mother’s side would call, but even then, it was only after they hadn’t been able to reach Jaehyun or Chae-won. Crossing the kitchen, he watched the green light of the called ID flash rapidly.

He reached the sliding back door, where the phone hung on the side wall. The caller was blocked and Jaehyun lost all interest in the call right away. Not because of the blocked call, but because of something entirely different.

From where he stood, he noticed something off about the shed tucked in the corner of the backyard. The shed’s front door was open just a crack...which was more than it had been opened within the last several weeks. Jaehyun and his mother didn’t go inside the thing ever. He headed out the sliding back door.

The marble floored patio was a bit damp from their sprinkler system. There was a glisten to the stainless still grill and the crystal like furniture around him. He noticed his mother had been leaving wine glasses out again. It would have been nice of him to bring them inside and clean them for her, but no, he wanted her to find them herself and learn her lesson. He stepped onto the lawn, sighing at the sound of his shoes meeting wet grass for the second time that night. Oh well, his clothes were already dirty from his encounter with Taeyong anyway.

It wasn’t until he got close enough to actually take a peek inside the shed that he got nervous. Then again, it was a really safe neighborhhod and he had no reason to believe someone had snuck in or was in the process of doing so. Jaehyun opened the shed door all the way, relying on the pale but bold light of the moon to light up what was in front of him. “Huh.” He took a short look around, not really wanting to see much.

Jaehyun was halfway out the shed when he spotted something colorful in the corner of his eye. Even when he turned back to look at the small gift box on the ground, he was still unsure how much he cared.

“What the heck.” He picked the yellow-ish gift box up with one hand, losing his mind a bit when the shed door slammed behind him, taking all the moonlight with it.

Jaehyun clenched the box to his chest, running up to where he recalled the door being. Shaking, Jaehyun forgot there was a knob, banging away at the door with one closed fist. Finally, he felt around for the shed’s knob. His palm was slippery by the time it wrapped aorund the way out.

Stumbling out of the shed, Jaehyun gulped. He wasn’t so sure why he’d held onto the gift box for dear life, but he kept close while he did a lightning fast inspection around the perimeter of the shed. He wanted to be brave enough to call out anyone hiding or watching from the shadows, but his voice was low, too shaken to even come out correctly. Jaehyun ran back for the sliding door then. He couldn’t help thinking how Taeyong would have called him a wimp...if they were still friends. If was a dumb thought that only made Jaehyun that much more peeved.

The faster he ran, the more he convinced himself he was stupid for being afraid. Nothing bad had happened. The shed door was blown open by the wind or knocked open by some small animal. That wasn’t anything to be in a cold sweat for.

Jaehyun locked the sliding door, then spun, remembering all of a sudden that he hadn’t locked the garage door either. As soon as he spun on his shoe heel, he and the intruder shouted out in surprise!

“AH!” Doyoung clutched his chest, falling back into the kitchen wall. A small smirk started to form on his pinkish lips when he registered there was no threat after all.

“Doyoung, what the hell!” Jaehyun’s face loosened for a second, before going just as rigid again.

“I caled you sixteen times, you had to know I was going to come over eventually.” Doyoung reached for the very back of the firdge, his entire upper body inside the applicance.

“So you just said the doorbell?” Jaehyun exclaimed.

“The door wasn’t even locked, Jaehyun. You really need to break that bad habit.”

“It was locked for sure. I know for a fact.”

“Obviously not. It wasn’t locked.” Doyoung had a couple hearty tv dinners in his arms.

“Put those back, actually, you can go.” Jaehyun declared.

“Hey, what’s that?” Doyoung pointed at the gift box Jaehyun still had so close to his body.

“It’s...nothing, just a thing.”

“Seriously, you’re usually a better liar.”

“Doyoung, you can’t just waltz into my house like that in the middle of the night.”

“I was worried about you or your mother, otherwise I would have stayed outside ringing the doorbell like an idiot. It was unlocked and that freaked me out.”

“That would have been the right thing to do actually.” Jaehyun didn’t feel like playing talking games with Doyoung. He wasn’t about to answer one hundred questions about his red eyes, his dirty clothes or the mystery box in his hands. But Doyoung had a tendency to pry like there was no tomorrow. The more walls a person put up, the more wrecking balls Doyoung flew in on.

“A gift for Chae-won from the esteemed Surgeon?” Doyoung read the instructions of his chosen dinner. Something with a lot of vegetables and imitation steak. It was ridiculous how unhealthy Jaehyun and his mother ate.

“Bracelet? Diamond earrings?” Doyoung reached for the box, his face going sour when Jaehyn yanked it closer to himeself.

“Look, I know you came here to check on me and all, but I’m good. Really.” Jaehyun lied.

“Actually I’m here to tell you those two girls from Sweden cancelled on the Tennis Tournamet this year.”

“And you couldn’t do that over the phone?”

“Uhm hello?! You have sixteen missed calls from me! What did yoou think I was calling so much for?”

“I dunno, I guess, maybe my fight with Taeyong.” Jaehyun thought it was ovious.

“Well, no. That’s gonna blow over in a week when everyone forgets Taeyong. Or he flunks out to be an Ebay guru.”

“Oh. Well, thanks for stopping by, but like I said, I’m okay.”

“You’re dressed up...but like, really dirty? Where’d you go?” He wasn’t even subtle about his nosiness. He stepped around the kitchen island to look Jaehyun up and down.

“Doyoung. How about I tell you about my wild adventure tomorrow at school? Right now, I need sleep.”

“We can watch Criminal minds on netflix. It usually puts me right to sleep. Ya know, since I’m so much smarter than the detectives and the criminals.” Doyoung’s meal finished in the microwave. Delicately, he started to nibble at the fake meat and vegetables. A slew of perplexed expressions flew across his face. As nasty as the food was, Doyoung was content to just be there with Jaehyun. They were away from school, the city and any other ditraction that usually plopped itself right between the two of them.

Doyoung felt childish to admit that being alone with Jaehyun made him feel important and cool. The school’s hero and hearthrob. All to himself.

“Can’t. I have to study for History class.” Jaehyun was just cranking out bad lies left and right. “And shave my legs.”

“Hm, this is actually pretty offensive.”

“Me shaving my legs offends you?” Jaehyun crossed to the other side of the kitchen, throwing the tv dinner in the trash wile Doyoung was still taking rabbit sized bites of it.

“No, you thinking that I believe that is what offends me? Do you think I’m Mark and Haechan? Sharing one brain?”

“I think you came over to my house unnanounced at a bad time and won’t leave. That’s what I think.”

“Fine, Jaehyun. I’ll leave you and your bad attitude to yourself.” Doyoung couldn’t look his friend in the face, it just felt wrong to even be upset with Jaehyun in the first place. A crime of some sort. “I’m so stupid.” Doyoung muttered, grabbing his bag from the floor by the living room sofa.

“You’re not stupid, Doyoung.” Jaehyun sighed. He wanted Doyoung to leave but he also didn’t want his friend pissed off. He couldn’t take another person going to sleep mad at him.

“Actually I am. I came here thinking you might be wanting some company or actually be hurt, but I guess next time I should be like you and disregard other people’s feelings.” Doyoung said, a bold lump in his throat.

“So you did come over because of my fight?”

“No! I came over to be your friend, that’s it.” Doyoung left, resisting the burning urge to slam the front door right off the hinges.

BE CAREFUL GETTING HOME Jaehyun sent the text as soon as he was alone. Doyoung replied with “K” and Jaehyun felt a bit less guilty. Doyoung wouldn’t stay mad at him. By the time the sun came up, they’d be back to normal.

Jaehyun sat in the center of his bed, ignoring the light from his phone. It was a repetitive green light telling him he had a few missed calls from his mom this time. Still, he didn’t feel any urgency to answer. He was positive she just wanted to make sure he’d eaten and showered. Kid stuff. Almost completely asleep where he sat, Jaehyun remembered something.

The gift box. He’d left in on the kitchen counter just before Doyoung left in a huff. For whatever reason, he didn’t want to leave it out in the open. Maybe it really was a surprise gift from Chae-won. With his oversized black t shirt and tight, batman briefs on, he headed back down the stairs.

The giftbox was right where he’d left it, still standing out in all it’s mystery. It was like even the darkness of the house was afraid to totally touch the box, instead just letting it shine in it’s own corner. “Oh what the hell?” He was too curious.

With a heavy hand, he undid the ribbon on the top of the box. He halted once the top was off, suddenly positive that he was dreaming. Frozen in place, he waited for the moment he’d roll over in his bed and wake up.

But there was no rolling over, there was no counting sheep. The contents of the box were real. Jaehyun used two fingers to pick up the first of the two items inside the box. A key. He assumed it was for a home...maybe a storage unit or mail box? He lost interest in the key as soon as his fingers touched the other item inside the box.

A polorid. Jongin, Taeyong and Jaehyun. A trio of shirtless, smiling boys by the pool. Jaehyun instantly remembered the day the photo was taken. It was his own dad who’d captured the moment. Days later, Jongin was gone forever and Taeyong was a stranger forever. Not expecting anything, Jaehyun flipped the poloroid over. There was a message on the back in crisp, black print.

Friendship never ends.

Taeyong could feel the atmosphere shift as soon as he entered Heechul’s neighborhood. The hustle and overall spirit of Exodus City just poofed away, replaced with a calm, almost fragile mood that made him feel more on edge than any other places he’d been recently. It was strange. During the day, the neighborhood had seemed perky, populated with smiling residents who all stopped to talk to one another while watering their manicured lawns or washing those bright sports cars. Now that the sun had clocked out, the neighborhood just seemed like one giant glass house, keeping Taeyong on his toes for some reason. He turned down the volume of the BAP song he’d been listening to without his headphones. The right earbud had been acting crappy and he didn’t enjoy the songs the same way because of it.

With the playlist over, Taeyong slowed his pace, trying to get a good look around. Something was telling him to be extra alert. But then he realized he’d literally stopped walking for a few moments. He walked not even two feet before that feeling wrapped itself over his shoulders again. Taeyong had been through more than enough to make him a bit paranoid, especially at night in new areas, all by himself.

But this particular feeling wasn’t fear. More like a seventh sense. He knew something needed his attention, he knew he was just seconds from either missing something big or having a real a-ha moment. Again, it was the same sort of sensation that had led him back to Dream Park, Jongin’s likely grave and the annoying Jaehyun. Taeyong wasn’t thrilled to be listening to this sensation again. Before he could force himself to fight agaisnt it...he had the a-ha moment.

A house.

Just to his left, a big, ugly house with one single light on. A frail, flickering light that came from one of the top right windows for only a few blinks before cutting out completely.

As soon as Taeyong saw it, he felt like he could go about his life. The shakles were shattered off his feet and he was good to go home to Heechul and some homemade salad. Well, until he realized what house it was.

“The hell?” He mumbled, finally recognizing the house as the hideous vacant home Heechul had told him about when they first got to the city. Nobody lived there...for a long time...yet, there was a light on? A light that had gone out maybe by itself or by someone else’s hand. Taeyong jumped when his phone vibrated loudly. Without even checking the notification, he power walked further down the block for Heechul’s place.

Heechul had been reading the same line of his cookbook over and over, trying his best to tune out Minho’s shallow, sickening girlfriend issues. Not only was it bad timing since Taeyong was still unaccounted for, but it was inconsiderate....Minho knew how Heechul felt about that woman.

“How about it? A poodle or a Lab?” Minho scrolled through the website, zooming in on the two dogs he was most excited about. “I think a poodle fits Yoona’s personality more. She’s frisky.”

“Yoona isn’t a dog person.” Heechul remarked, sick of the conversation.

“Yes but she’s also allergic to cats so I’m trying to compromise.” Minho sat the phone down, undoing the first two buttons of his uniform top. He’d spent nearly the entire work day in his squad car, it felt more than time to get comfortable. After the buttons, he even yanked his belt off. Heechul looked up in time to see the man purposely messing up his styled hair.

“How is getting the dog a compromise?” Heechul scoffed.

“We’re at the point in our romance where we need a pet!”

“Then get a bird or a rabbit.”

“I don’t consider those pets.”

“Then what do you consider them?”

“Pests.” Minho said flatly. He made his way back over to the state of the art fridge, debating if he wanted to risk his life eating any of Heechul’s health food. It all smelled like plastic and tasted worse.

“Well, her birthday is in less than a month, so maybe just ask her what she wants.” Heechul shut the cook book, there was no way Minho was going to let him read in silence. Plus, he kept worying about Taeyong. What as he supposed to tell Dong-Wook if he called wanting to talk to his son?

“If I’m a good boyfriend, I shouldn’t have to ask.”

“Well then I guess you’re a crappy boyfriend. Who would’ve thought.” Heechul sat back.

“You’ve known Yoona just as long as me! You should have some ideas of what to get her!” Minho snapped.

“I’ve already got her gift.” Heechul said, half lying.

“What did you get her!” Minho rushed Heechul’s barstool. There was a panic on his face, mixed with a bit of relief. He really thought he was going to be able to piggyback off whatever Heechul had gotten. It made Heechul smirk.

“Not telling!” Heechul declared.

“I’ll beat it out of you.” Minho gipped his friend by the collar.

“You’re a cop!”

“Off duty!”

“Let me go.” Heechul shook himself free sloppily. “None of this even matters right now. We need to worrying about where my nephew is.”

“The nephew that’s only been gone for about five hours? You know kids go to school longer than that, right?”

“Can we just fill out the missing person’s report?” Heechul demanded.

“Absolutely not.” Minho sat in the same stool, twisting about like a child. “Realx.”

“Do you have any idea what that boy has ben through?” Heechul was speaking out loud, actually hoping Minho wouldn’t latch on to it.

“Tell me.” Minho stopped.

The doorbell cut off Minho before he could ask again.

Heechul, almost tripping over his own thin dress socks, reached the door first. “Oh thank God, thank every single God way up in the sky.” Heechul pulled Taeyong inside by the shoulder. Minho shut the door while Heechul embraced his uncomfortable nephew.

“Has it been five hours or five years?” Minho asked.

“Four and a half hours to be exact.” Taeyong wiggled free of Heechul’s tentacle arms.

“Too long.” Heechul pointed in both their faces. “Where the hell did you even go? Did anyone follow you? Are you hurt or...

“What? No! You’re dramatic, Uncle.” Taeyong took a heavy plop on the sofa, reaching for the remote.

“Your Uncle does have a good reason to worry.” Minho started to gather some of his own things, slipping his belt back on. “Not to scare either of you, but there’s been some gang activity lately.”

“Cool, are they accepting applications?” Taeyong closed his eyes, ready for sleep. Lots and lots of it.

“No, but they are jumping kids. Breaking into houses and getting booked for vandalism.” Minho said seriously.

“See? I’m not dramatic, I’m looking out for you, just like your father told me to.” Heechul practically screamed. “And...about this gang..”

“We don’t know a lot about them. They call themselves Lucifer and it seems like it’s mostly boys in their early twenties looking for trouble and money. At this point, they’re not too organized and don’t seem to answer to anyone higher than themselves, but still, they’re presenting a problem.” Minho was back in shoes, one hand on the door. Taeyong thought it was a biy weird he’d leave right after dropping information like that. Was it not worth talking about? If not, then why bring it up?

“Heechul, I’m gonna text you more dog pictures. Please respond fast.” Minho pleaded.

“I’ll be turning my phone off.” Heechul said.

“Goodnight, young man, don’t give your Uncle a hard time. His heart can’t take it.” Minho said, letting Heechul shut the door behind him.

Heechul folded his arms, foot tapping in time with Taeyong’s long, heavy breathing from the sofa. “If you’re gonna apologize, at least do it before you fall asleep on my couch!” Heechul tossed a throw pillow at Taeyong’s face. It was comfortable so the boy kept it, tucking it under his arms.

“I thought you’d at least have a prime rib salad made or something...”

“And I thought you would be sorry for making me worry so much, Taeyong!”

“Uncle, I literally left school and hung out with my best friend. Not a big deal. I was probably less than 4 miles away this whole time.”

“And you couldn’t tell me that why?”

“It just didn’t seem important.” Taeyong snuggled into the couch, letting himself sink deeper in the dark green cushions.

“That’s a ridiculous excuse, Taeyong! Moving forward, you have to keep me in the loop about where you are at all times.” Heechul yelled finally.

“I’m not a kid, Uncle, let’s be serious here.”

“Yeah but..”

“And I’m not a victim who needs constant supervision or a SWAT team, don’t even bring up my stalker.”

“So I’m not allowed to worry about you and want to protect you?” Heechul nearly laughed at Taeyong’s attempt at demands.

“You’re an adult, you can do whatever you want.” Taeyong shut his eyes again. “But don’t make me feel like a victim.”

“Go shower.” Heechul gave up. If any progress was going to be made, it wasn’t going to start right then in that moment where both of them were desperate to prove some kind of point. “Get off my couch and go shower. I was going to make dinner, but I wouldn’t want you to feel like a kid, or worse, a victim.”

“Drama queen.” Taeyong muttered, pulling himself off the couch. “Sorry.” He peeped barely above a whisper once he was several feet away from his Uncle.

Taeyong was moving slower than most icebergs the next morning. It was almost shocking that he’d managed to get to school on time. Most of that was due to the fact that anything was better than listening to Heechul go on and on about how to avoid confrontation and walk away from bullies. However, he had given Taeyong a hefty wad of cash to get him through the week. Nearly three hundred bucks. Apparently he was going to be working more than usual this week with some foreign clients NCT had reached out too.

Heechul and Dong-Wook both working for NCT was funny to Taeyong. Two brothers with virtually nothing in common, living in two different cities, working for two different branches of the same company...and Taeyong still knowing pretty much nothing about how it all worked or what they even made. NCT could have been manufacturing toys for all Taeyong knew.

As soon as he reached the school’s parking lot, he sank further into the backseat of the hired car.


There really was no avoiding that...thing. What else what he supposed to call the mess between them? It was a thing. A big, ugly, sticky, heavy thing that barely moved, but mamanged to poke Taeyong all night and day. “Have a good day, sir.” Taeyong told the driver, letting himself out. He didn’t care to stand around and take in his surroundings, he just took off right away, hoping he’d wind up in a cafeteria or lunch line on instinct rather than stopping to ask anyone or check the intricate map of the school he’d snatched from the office on his way out yesterday. He was new and everyone knew it, but he didn’t want to make it too obvious.

Part of his plan worked. He made it to the entrance of the cafeteria...getting inside was a different story. There was a plethora of students and even some staff outside the building. Taeyong’s appearance seemed to take the batteries out their backs, stopping their chatter, impatient swaying, even their frantic text fingers froze in place. Everyone seemed to be waiting for him to do something first.

Was he supposed to introduce himself as the new boy who socked Jaehyun in the face or was that too forward? As far as he was concerned, mentioning the fight or entatining anyone who did was only going to drop himself and Jaehyun right back into each other’s paths. That was on the very, very bottom of his wish list. Rolling his eyes, Taeyong pressed forward, letting himself inside the cafeteria just as two skinny, nerdy looking girls walked out before him. As soon as the doors shut behind him, the chatter exploded again, this time, filled with key words that stabbed at Taeyong’s ears.









It wasn’t until Taeyong was in the center of the cafeteria that he realized it was more of a food court. He pulled some of the money from his Star Trek wallet and tried to settle between donuts or a burrito.

“The donuts are usually a day old.” Minho’s voice was already recognizable that Taeyong didn’t have to turn around to know it was the cop behind him. “Morning.” Minho said, looking like an actual professional in his dark blue.

“Hey, Mr...uh..officer.” Taeyong was immediately annoyed to be standing in the very center of the building on his second day talking to a cop. If anything was going to make him that much more of a hot topic, it was this.

“You can call me Minho.” Minho smiled, just as friendly as the last two times Taeyong had met him. Still, he seemed more like an actual adult now that he wasn’t poking fu and giggling with Heechul.

“Hi, good morning.” Taeyong said. “Are you the security here or...”

“No haha, that was years ago.” Minho’s laugh seemed on the verge of fake. “I’m here to give a lecture about drugs and alcohol.”

“Will there be drugs and alcohol?” Taeyong joked with a straight face. Far behind Minho, he could see the same chattering student body trying to peer and squint through the glass windows. Probably reading lips, then passing it along with as many fallacies as they could think of.

“Wow you’re a jokester.” Minho slapped his own knee, still with that manufactured sounding laugh. “Anyway, for some reason I didn’t realize this was the school you’d be attending. I went here when I was your age. Got bullied nonstop.” Minho snickered at himself.

“Sorry to hear that.” Taeyong’s stomach grumbling sort of cut the rest of that topic short.

“Well, I’ll let you get some food. Honestly, the best stuff is during lunch. They got this pizza with pineapples on it, I used to eat it everyday. Maybe that’s why I was bullied.”

“Pineapples on pizza is the devil, but thanks.” Taeyong gave a small wave, turning away from Minho at the same moment another cop came to scold the man for taking so long. Whatever goodbye Minho gave wasn’t really received once Taeyong started towards the donut stand.

“You close with the pigs?”

Taeyong didn’t know this voice so well.

“Well?” Johnny closed the distance between himself and Taeyong. With a messy breakfast burrito in his hand, Johnny loomed over Taeyong, sizing him up once again. This time, it didn’t feel as confrontational or aggressive, it was like he actually wanted to get a good look at Taeyong, to understand or remember him better. “Dude, it’s not rocket science, answer the question.” Johnny was clearly not the patient type.

“Is that burrito good or...” Taeyong pointed weakly.

“Never mind that.” Johnny rolled his eyes. He half a step closer to Taeyong. Taeyong didn’t step back so there chests almost touched. That’s when they both took a step back.

“That cop, he’s here all the time. All over the freaing city actually. How do you know him?” Johnny was glaring, maybe without even noticing it. “Isn’t this only your second day living here?”

“How’d you know that?”

“You punched the school prince in the face yesterday, people have a way of snooping.”

“Can you just tell me if the burrito is good or not!” Taeyong was getting agitated. Some people couldn’t go long without coffee or sleep, he just needed food above all else.

“Here, crybaby.” Johnny took Taeyong’s hand, forcing him to take the burrito himself. “You can have it.”

“Oh.” Taeyong was taken aback. There’d only been one small bite taken out of it so far.

“What? Are you that squemish? Never eaten after someone before?”

“No, it’s just...there’s tomato in this, I can tell.”

“Yeah, so?”

“I hate tomatoes.” Taeyong gave it back. “Anyway, no, I don’t know that cop. He’s a friend to my Uncle and I barely know his name. If you ask me, he’s cosplaying.” Taeyong his heel, finally sure he wanted some donuts.

“Wait.” Johnny moved fast, cutting Taeyong off from taking another step. For such a tall person, he didn’t make much commotion when he moved around all nimble. “For the record, I don’t want any beef with you.”

“Huh? Dude, I just said I don’t know that cop, I’m not some snitch.”

“Like I said, you stay away from me and I’ll stay away from you.” Johnny didn’t sound mad or even mean. It was almost regret that Taeyong was picking up on. Did he even want to be having this conversation.

“Okay.” Taeyong said, face vacant of all understanding. Really, this was too much too early in the morning. If things kept up this way he was sure the next person he’d see would be Jaehyun.

“Alright then, glad we understand each other.” Johnny nodded once, a somewhat plesant expression on his face all of a sudden. Watching the beanstalk walk away, Taeyong convinced himself the root of it all probably had nothing to do with him in the bigger picture. In fact, the bigger picture was probably very small. his lips, he finally approached the donut stand. “2 Suagr twists please...” He was trying to detach the fresh one dollar bills from each other. “Fresh out!” The cashier said through a wide, cat like smile.

Jaehyun was in no better mood than he had been the night before. His mother had come home at around 5am, stumbling around and playing the morning news way too loud. What did she care about the weather forecast when she was hungover and sure to spend the day indoors anyway. Jaehyun had gotten himself dressed and fed nearly two hours before his usual start time. For the extra time, he sat in the center of his room, staring at the gift box. He’d almost thrown it in the trash the night before, but deciding agaisnt it in the long run.

With the key and poloroid back inside the box, it all seemed innocent enough. Maybe even sweet. But that wasn’t the case, it couldn’t be.

Who would ever have such a poloroid besides the person who snapped the photo or the people in it? Jaehyun thought possibly his mother had kept it just because. Maybe she’d meant to give it to Jongin’s family or even Taeyong’s. But still, why would it still be in such perfect condition in their shed as if it still had any relavence to their lives? With her being hungover and agitated, he didn’t think it was a good time to ask her.

Jaehyun headed out in the family car again. Chae-won had a headache and didn’t feel up to arguing him down when he breezed past her with the keys. She had her pajama bottoms on, with a light pink V-neck. With her hair lazily falling all around her face, she only looked at Jaehyun once to make sure he was wearing enough layers. “It’s chilly.” She said, swallowing the last sip of her latte.

“Little chill never killed anyone.” Jaehyun took a pear from the fruit bowl, totally content with that being their only interaction for the rest of the day. His messenger bag stayed close to his chest, concealing the yellow gift box. Taking it to school felt dangerous, like he was inviting something potentially lethal to follow him around for the day.

Somehow, Jaehyun still ended up running behind for school. He’d stopped at the gas station where he had to wait five minutes for an available pump. Then he decided to be a genius and put money on the wrong pump.

By the time he finally got to school, he was frazzled and unprepared. But he was sure that just a few moments alone in the club room would mellow him out. They’d recently gotten a coffee maker in there and he was ready to try it out. Jaehyun never made it to the new, expensive coffee maker.

“Ah, Jaehyun, ready for your close-up?” The girl linked arms with Jaehyun on the second set of stairs leading up to the school’s third floor. She was excited, swaying from side to side so much that other students had to complain and sigh to get past her on the steps. Jaehyun looked down at her, unable to put the pieces together.

“I’ll take your silence as a yes...” Irene’s laugh was airy and nervous, as if she really didn’t like Jaehyun as much as she’d just been pretending. Jaehyun could understand that. It wasn’t strange for students to up to him for favors, then totally write him off the moment they both got their benefit. “Say something!” Irene dropped his arm, cussing under her breath.

“Irene, I’m sorry, what are you talking about?” Jaehyun pulled her to the side of the steps so more students could get by without a fight breaking out.

“I’m talking about school’s podcast! It’s the first week that I’m running it and you promised to be the guest, we have like fifty emails about this. How the hell could you forget.” She was pink in the face, seconds from bright red.

Yeah, she was not a fan of his, Jaehyun could almost laugh at how fake she’d been just moments before.

“Uh, I didn’t forget, not at all. I just need a little more time to get my notes together.”

“I gave you three weeks. We have tons of stuff to cover, Jaehyun.”

“I know, and I have notes for all of it, I just...left them at home.” Jaehyun wasn’t lying. True, he’d absolutely forgotten about the podcast with Irene, but he did have the notes. He’d finished them weeks ago with Haechan and Mark’s help. Haechan was part of Irene’s media club and Mark was one of the best writers Jaehyun knew, it was common sense to ask them for assitance.

“Left them at home? Wow, I officialy don’t know what people see in you.” She held her hands out, took four deep, dramatic breaths and then checked her hello kitty wrist watch. For such a childish watch, it was blinged out. “The podcast recording isn’t until lunch hour so, just be on time and be prepared by then, or I’ll roast you on air for everyon to here.” She flipped all her hair to one side and click-clacked back down the stairs.

Right away, Jaehyun went to his phone’s inbox. If his mom was still at home, he coud just ask her to bring the notes. Well, technically his entire tablet where the notes were stored and backed up. However, Chae-won had already sent Jaehyun a text saying she was headed to her sister’s house to help set up for a dinner party. “Figures.” Jaehyun facepalmed.

Doyoung was power waking at first, trying to play it cool. Also, he didn’t wanna get to Jaehyun too fast since he still had no clue what he was going to say. How do you explain something like that without both you and the other person freaking out. Without meaning to, he started to jog, then sprint down the main hall. He was on the school’s fourth floor, the highest and least populated. However, it was where he and Jaehyun had class. Class would be starting a bit late given the circumstances.

Finally, Doyoung got Jaehyun to answer his frantic, back to back phone calls. “Hey, where are you right now?” Doyoung panted into the phone, darting down the staircase.

“In the club room drinking a nasty iced coffee, why?” Jaehyun poured his drink into the trash.

“Stay there, I’m on my way, there’s need to see.” Dyoung ended the call, busting through the club room not even a minute later.

“Did you get a new iphone update or..” Jaehyun fidgeted with the coffee machine again. Doyoung only came a few steps into the room. Taking Jaehyun by the wrist, he sprung right back out.

“Hey, I was gonna make us both a cup!” Jaehyun complained.

“That can wait, Jaehyun! There’s something pretty bad you need to see in homeroom. Before you ask, I have no idea where it came from.” Doyoung’s skin was red hot like his blood had been left to boil on the stove for way too long. Jaehyun thought the other boy was going to start bubbling up next. “Okay that’s vague.” Jaehyun said, trying to keep up with Doyoung’s long, ladder legs.

“Out of the way!” Doyoung yelled at a few students hanging out in the middle of the hallway. They were whispering things, eyes bulged or just squinted in wonder. One of them, Mingyu, threw his head back, cackling out at the sight of Jaehyun.

“Whoa there, Jaehyun, promise we don’t want any trouble! I got a wife and two kids, I swear!” Mingyu clasped his hands together as if to pray..or surrender.

“Move it!” Doyoung shoulder checked Mingyu, taking Jaehyun towards the sataircase.

“What the heck is Mingyu talking about?” Jaehyun asked, finally getting his wrist back on the climb up to the fourth floor.

“Just hurry up! Before more people get there...” Doyoung was already moving faster than Jaehyun had ever seen, but somehow, he kicked it into an even higher gear, leaving Jaehyun way behind. Jaehyun slowed to a comfortable pace when he made it to the third floor’s main hall. Maybe not so comfortable...there was a blend of confusion, caution and amusement on the faces of his peers that lined each side of the hall.

Jaehyun could brely get himself through the door to his homeroom. The students in the way were like cinderblocks, cemented to the spot where they stood, snapping pictures on their phones and trading gossip. Jaehyun had to physically move some really tall boy out of the way to get himself inside. Oh, it was Johnny. “Even the mighty fall.” Johnny’s voice was background noise. Jaehyun’s ears flooded with one line..Taeyong telling him that he was Jongin’s killer.

“Jaehyun, who would do this to you?” Mark asked, standing on a desk so he could get a better look at the hundreds of photos hanging from strings along the room. From the ceiling, from wall to wall, crosscrossed over the window and even between the desks, there was an intricate, ugly system of red strings.

Hanging from the strings were countless copies of Jaehyun’s most recent yearbook photo. The eyes were out to resemble some kind of demon. Across the middle was a fake bloody X along with the word KILLER in the same mock red liquid font across the bottom and sides of the photo.



















All. Over. The. Room.

Jaehyun couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t get the one word out...the one name.

“Someone trying to ruin your reputation.” Haechan was still mixed within the crowd of students towards the door.

“With lies and bull.” Doyoung sounded awkawrd cussing. He over pronounced the word.

“Maybe they aren’t lying.” Yuta said, leaning comfortably agaisnt a wall, he toyed with one of the strings, flicking it after running his fingers along it.

“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” Doyoung shouted. He and Mark started to snatch some of the pictures down after hearing about their teacher on the way. “Let’s just get this cleaned up.”

“On it.” Haechan came all the way in to help.

“Well, Jaehyun?” Mark said just between the two of them, standing close in a way Jaehyun knew was supposed to be friendly, but just felt invasive. “Who would do this?”

Jaehyun’s lips finally moved enough to where real sound could come out. Luckily, he didn’t have much to say. “Taeyong...”


HI !!! I’m finally back with this update and I’ve gotta say, I really liked it!

Maybe it’s because of the ideas it spawned in my head or just the pacing itself but I really enjoyed the mood and scenes in this update!

I’m excited to explore more with Yuta/Ten as well as show you more of Johnny’s character.

I wonder who left that giftbox in Jaehyun’s shed! Who was in the vacant house! And who hung up those KILLER posters!

Taeyong and Jaehyun aren’t going to be able to avoid each other as much as they’d like. As a matter of fact, they’re gonna have to work together to get some answers very soon!

In the meantime while I work on the next update, thank you for subscribing and commenting! I’ll try to work fast but yikes, I’m still packed with projects and work every week! BYE FOR NOW!

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77mi77 #1
Chapter 9: can't wait
Chapter 9: omfg i just found this fic yesterday and is so friking good
like, i have so much to say about this but i dont know how to even start
jaeyong relationship is so ed up, they both are being kind of petty but i suppose after jongin disappearance it was meant for the relationship to break , but still... to let their friendship end like that
taeyong is the biggest idiot, because he blamed jaehyun and even called him a murdered, how does he think jae would feel?
but omg, i was wondering when jae was going to start getting harassed and it finally happened and in such a dramatic way omfg
this will certainly stain his reputation
and he thinks the culprit is TY gosh, poor tae he barely started his new life and is wrapped in another mess, even if it does not involve him directly, it will still trigger him
i feel like he'll end up going to ask jimin like ten mentioned, to help jaehyun
but i wonder how long it'll take, because they are both being rather stubborn
also, the other characters are really interesting, it makes me wanna know more about them
i wonder how jaeyong relationship will progress and how they'll come together asdfghjkl
this is such a good fic, i suppose you are busy and i don't really care waiting for this as long as you keep updating ;w;
thanks so much for writing, really, is hard to find such a good thriller fic that make you question things and make up theories <3
momijiii #3
Chapter 9: This is litttttttt
Maiyong #4
Chapter 9: this is getting more interesting omggg who left the mystery box and who hung up the posters omg it wasnt taeyong im sure sbxjdj cant wait for next chap!
Camikim #5
Chapter 9: Wow! I wanna know!!!!! Thank you for the update♡♡♡
CoffeAndChill #6
Chapter 9: WHO. THE. . is messing with my baby Jaehyun? FIGHT ME WHOEVER YOU ARE!! Jfc. He needs protection! (And Taeyong too) anyways, Yuta freaks me out, idk why but I don't trust him. Anyways, amazing chapter as always! All the suspense is killing me. Please update asap ♡ bye bye
Chapter 8: I got bad feeling about Taehyung and Yuta, Idk, lol
Jaehyun must've been in pain too, just like Taeyong, he's just facing it in a different way. :(
I'll be waiting for the "interesting things" you've said for the boys! hahaha
CoffeAndChill #8
Chapter 8: Intense chapter. And as always, I loved it. I'm looking forward for more! Jaeyong always hurts me in this fic. It's sad. Really. And the Yuten surprise?¡! I'm ing glad to see them together.