
Impossible Standards

The next morning, the two are found by a drowsy Changkyun. He wakes them up, telling them to get ready for the day. Hoseok merely cuddles closer to Hyungwon in response, who still is snoring softly beside them.

“Don’t make me go get Kihyun-hyung,” Changkyun threatens. Hoseok groans in aggravation, grabbing a pillow and aiming it at the maknae’s head, who dodges easily as he leaves the room. Hyungwon murmurs something in his sleep, moving away from Hoseok and rubbing his eyes. Hoseok stares at the younger, made breathless by how beautiful a thing it is to wake up beside him. He turns on his other side, facing Hyungwon, and rests his head on his chest as he watches the taller wake up.

Hyungwon feels around for his glasses without opening his eyes, and pushes them onto his face upon finding them. Hoseok can’t hold back the grin he has as he watches Hyungwon open his eyes for the first time that day. Hyungwon stares at Hoseok, as if trying to figure out why the older is so close to him so early, but then a smile breaks out over his face. He remembers the conversation they had the night before, his heart warming at the memory.

“Good morning,” Hoseok greets first, leaning forward to plant a kiss on the younger’s plump lips. Hyungwon smiles against the kiss, deciding that waking up isn’t as bad as it has been in the past if this is the way he’s to do it from now on.

“Chae Hyungwon!” Kihyun’s yell breaks through their comfortable silence. The short man storms into the room, a mixing spoon in his hand seemingly ready to swat at whoever’s nearest. “Chae Hyungwon! Wake up! We have a full day of cleaning ahead.” Hyungwon groans in protest, covering his face with a long hand. Kihyun smirks upon realizing Hyungwon isn’t in his own bed. “If you two think I’m washing whatever stains you two made in those sheets last night, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Hyung!” Hyungwon whines, grabbing another pillow and pressing it against his burning cheeks. Kihyun chuckles to himself, leaving the room to return to the kitchen to finish up breakfast.


Two weeks later, the boys are walking along the sidewalk on a free day. As usual, the parents lead them, followed by Hoseok and Hyungwon, and Jooheon and Minhyuk bring up the rear. Changkyun moves between the couples, messing with whoever is willing to play along with his antics.

He comes up to Hoseok, stopping him midsentence with a “bluhbluhbluhbluh”. Hoseok chuckles, swatting playfully at the youngest.

“Noisy brat,” he comments as the maknae bounces away, giggling maniacally.

“Mom,” Minhyuk calls in a whining tone, causing Kihyun to whip his head around with an annoyed glare, “can’t we go get a kitten today? Ooh, ooh, what about a puppy?!” Kihyun rolls his eyes, easily dashing the older’s hopes of getting a pet.

“I wouldn’t mind having a kitten,” Hyungwon murmurs to no one in particular. Hoseok tightens his hold on the younger’s hand.

“Maybe one day,” he says, “we’ll be able to get you one.” Hyungwon smiles over at him, delighted by the mere notion of being with Hoseok so far into the future that they’d be able to get a pet together.

“What’re we going to do today?” Changkyun asks as he returns to Kihyun’s side. Kihyun hums in thought, glancing over at Hyunwoo for suggestions.

“Ice cream!” Jooheon suggests, noticing the small ice cream shop they’re coming to. Hyunwoo nods almost immediately, earning a knowing chuckle from the group. They all go into the ice cream shop, getting the flavors they desire before continuing on their way.

Hyungwon and Hoseok’s fingers curl around each other as they walk in-step with one another, each letting the other taste what flavors they had gotten. They share a smile, their grips on each other tightening as they know they won’t be letting go for a long, long time.

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Chapter 8: This was really cute :) So glad that Hoseok had Hyungwon watching out for him~
Chapter 1: one chapter in and i'm already hooked... thanks @rhian for killin me with cuteness
Chapter 2: ooh the tension...
hyungwon, better get ur man quickly