As If Breaking In Wasn't Enough



“He’s taken by the police? Crap.” Jonghyun muttered, glancing at the police station. If they already confirmed he broke into An’s mansion, they would be shipping him to the government where he would be tortured and he would tell them the whereabouts of him and Kyuhyun. Then they would kill him for such a serious crime. And finally, they would be looking for them.

“How are we going to get in?” He said to himself, frowning. Kyuhyun smirked.

“Easy. You impersonate.”


A bell rang and he could hear the door slide open. Kim Kibum didn’t even bother to look up as someone entered his cell area to bring in food. After the police had taken him in, they took blood tests, fingerprints all those things Kibum would see in CSI or some investigation show. And after deciding he was one of the people who had broken in, killed and stolen Mr. An’s valuables, they threw him into the most guarded cell.

“I’ve brought food for him.” A gruff voice announced.

“What you bring him?” In comparison to the hard voice, a soft silky voice asked him a question.

“Meatloaf. I swear, these prisoners get better food than we do. We should speak up for better food one day. What do you think Soomin?” Soomin, so the guard at this cell was a girl.

“One day.” Kibum turned his head a bit to see what was going on. Soomin walked over to check the food and he saw her slip her hand into her pocket.

“Soomin what’s going-“ She held a gun to his head.

“You see it’s a gun? Yeah you see it. Get down.” She muttered and the man got down on his knees. With the end of the gun, Soomin knocked him hard on the head and he fell like a bag of potatoes. She hurried to her station and pressed a button, opening Kibum’s cell door.
“Come on Kibum.” Soomin’s soft voice disappeared and was replaced by a strong one.

“Come on!” He yanked Kibum out and threw some clothes at him.

“Just pull them on top of your clothes. We have to leave now.”


They hurried through corridors, Jonghyun using his falsetto voice when a guard passed by. Soon they reached the parking lot where Kyuhyun was waiting in the car. He was tapping his fingers impatiently as Kibum was shoved painfully underneath the seats in the back and Jonghyun climbed to the passenger seat.

“Stay quiet Kibum.” Jonghyun warned as they drove up to the gate. Kibum wriggled deeper into the car as Kyuhyun rolled his window down.

“Off to look for those criminals Junhyun?” Kyuhyun nodded silently and the guard glanced at him.

“Well, don’t answer. Good luck!” He opened the gate and drove down the street. Kibum sighed as they turned their fifth block away from the station. Kyuhyun stopped the car and turned to companions.

“Okay, this is enough. We’ve got to get away from Seoul.” Jonghyun nodded.

“We’ll go to the country side and fix up our looks. And if things are okay then, we can split up.” Kyuhyun nodded. Kibum sat on the seats and buckled the belts together. Kyuhyun threw the car into reverse and stomped on the pedal. There was a horrible crunching noise in the back and Kyuhyun cringed. Jonghyun turned and saw the man they had encountered earlier get out of the car and furiously shook his head.

“Watch it! And what, you’re in the police force too? Can’t you drive correctly?” Jonghyun sighed.

“I’ve got this guy.” He stepped out of the car walked to the man.

“Sir, it was you who didn’t watch us back out. You’re going to have to come with us.” By this time, many people stopped to look at the commotion.

“No, it was you! And my car! All the money I’m going to have to spend!” He scowled and Jonghyun had to swallow back a laugh. This guy had a bunny face and failed amazingly at the angry expression.

“If you’ll come with us.” He said, with a glint of hardness in the tone. The man reluctantly followed him and went into the backseat. He noticed Kibum.

“Hey. You caught by them for some unfair crime too?” Kibum didn’t say anything.

“Nope. This guy robbed a house with us. He’s just quiet.” Kibum kicked Kyuhyun’s chair.

“What? It’s just the truth Kibum. Embrace it.” The man’s breathing rapidly quickened.

“Let me go right now! Do you know who I am? I am Lee Sungmin, CEO of MI Entertainment and I demand that you release me right now or I swear I will- “Jonghyun handed a rag to Kibum.

“Gag him so I don’t have to hear his whiny voice.” Kibum did so and Sungmin reached back to untie his gag when Jonghyun reached back and gave Sungmin a punch on the jaw, knocking him out.

“Thank goodness. Kibum, tie him up.” Kibum took his police uniform off and tied the guy’s arms together. Jonghyun picked up a wallet and looked through it.

“Lee Sungmin. Hm.  MI Entertainment. I’ve heard about them. They’re pretty successful.” Kyuhyun shrugged.

“I was always more for SM Entertainment, you know?” With that he flipped on the radio and turned up the volume to a deafening sound. Kibum groaned, not even able to think with the loud music on.


Sungmin looked up and saw the car’s ceiling. He groaned, trying to rub the throbbing pain in his head but his hands were tied to a tree.

“Sorry, but we had to restrain you.” The driver who the men called Kyuhyun was sitting across from him.

“Let me go!”  Sungmin shouted furiously.

“We can’t.” Kyuhyun answered, popping a bottle of soda.

“Why? I have a family to attend to!”

“Because Jonghyun us afraid you’ll run off and tell everyone where we are. And he’s 100% positive you will.”

“It’s just common sense.” Sungmin snapped.

“Well, some of us are trying to make a living. We barely have any money to live on, unlike you.” Jonghyun replied, sitting next to Kyuhyun and observed Sungmin with an amused look. Sungmin speared him with a scathing glare and stopped trying to escape.

“How about I pay you and you let me go?” Jonghyun actually looked like he was going to accept that offer but instead he laughed loudly in Sungmin’s face.

“Nah. We have more than enough money now.”

“Oh, I forgot you three went into Mr. An’s mansion, killed most of the household and robbed all of his valuables. I totally forgot.” Jonghyun laughed at his sarcasm as he took out a knife. He began to sharpen a piece of wood.

“Sir, please let me go. Now. And I will never speak of your name.” Sungmin began to say, calmly but Jonghyun shook his head.

“No. Here’s the deal. You can shut up and we’ll keep you here without killing you; I’ll let you go and let you run down the pathway for about 100 feet, then shoot you down or I kill you right now.” Sungmin growled.

“Might as well kill me now Kim.” Jonghyun stared at him and walked to the struggling man, running his finger along the edge of the knife. Sungmin silently cursed himself; why hadn’t he shut up? Jonghyun now stood above him, pointing the tip of the knife at his chest as if he was deciding which angle would hurt the most. He pulled his arm back and Sungmin flinched, knowing death was a mere moment away.

“Jonghyun- wait.” Jonghyun paused.

“Is this the part when you save his life, Cho?” Kyuhyun nodded from behind Jonghyun and he sighed.

“Fine.” He shot Sungmin a look and took his shirt off, gagging him with it.

“Come on. Let’s go make sure Kim is with us before he runs off again.” Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin for a moment before following Jonghyun to the car. Sungmin closed his eyes. How did his life get so messed up in 24 hours?

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Saranghae210 #1
Chapter 4: Sungmin is there now :3 I'm sure everyone knows what that means...... KYUMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!~~ <3 Can't wait for the next chapter~~~ :D
Saranghae210 #2
Chapter 1: Whoa. Everything main into one Chapter... But I can take it. Those parts where they had to kill the other people were... GROSS. In my opinion of course. I can't believe one of my slightly biases (Jonghyun)killed one of my millions of biases (Kwangmin). NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Kwangmin DDD: Anyways~~~ I liked it so far! Onto Chapter 2~ ^_^