Home is Where the Heart Is



The men entered a broken down house. Kibum wrinkled his nose.

“It smells disgusting in here.” Kyuhyun held up his hands.

“I swear it was not me.”

“Shut up you two!” Jonghyun snapped, trying to listen if there were any living creatures in here. If there was, he had no problem making sure they would no longer be living.

“Hey, what are we going to do after this?” Kibum asked, throwing a bag of food onto a moldy table.

“Go party. Duh.” Kyuhyun answered. Kibum sighed.

“Oh yes. I forgot you like to party Mr. I Like Getting Stoned.”

“Ha, Mr. Feminine. My gaydar was one hundred percent when I first saw you.”

“Gaydar?” Kibum asked, aghast. Even Jonghyun had to laugh. Kyuhyun bounded over to the table and took out a piece of bread.

“We’ll get our fair portion and split. I travel alone.” Jonghyun sat down against the wall and frowned.

“You do know we’re going to be Korea’s Most Wanted now right?” Kibum looked up.

“What? So… so… the police force will be after us.” Jonghyun nodded. Kibum shook his head.

“No no no… I have to go back home.” He whispered. Kyuhyun stopped chewing for a moment and looked at Kibum like he was crazy.

“What? Now? Kibum we’re going to be living on the run now. You have the life of a criminal. Get used to it! Learn to love it!” Kibum still shook his head and Jonghyun quietly surveyed the two men. Cho Kyuhyun has been robbing and stealing, even when he was in diapers. He was bit too enthusiastic, too. Kibum was still new. Sure, he’d take a pencil… if it was on the ground. Or take a book… in the recycling bin. All in all, Kibum was inexperienced. And Jonghyun was shocked to see him survive this far. Kwangmin didn’t survive and he had considerably enough experience. Kyuhyun passed Kibum a bottle of water.

“Here, have a drink. Drown yourself in your miseries.” He tossed another bottle at Jonghyun and he nodded thankfully. Kibum was quiet for the rest of the evening, lost in his thoughts. Kyuhyun fell asleep with head dangerously near the salsa. Jonghyun was quiet for a bit before he shut his eyes. But Kibum was still awake, waiting until the others were sound asleep.


Kibum sat against the wall until Jonghyun stopped snoring, indicating that he was now in the state when people are fully asleep. Kibum got up and went to the table, picking up some food and went into the bus to take some of the loot they stole. He did this quietly and left. The amount he took would last them for about a year… hopefully. Kibum took down the pathway they left and looked around. Being one of Korea’s Most Wanted really changed people’s point of view. A bird taking off with a flutter of wings alarmed the boy. Any little thing did. He hurried down the pathway and into the bright city of Seoul. He didn’t have to travel far, because his house was at the edge of town. Then again… we really couldn’t call his home a house. It was more like boxes covered with pieces of metal and scraps. Kibum heard sirens and ducked into an alleyway; a shortcut to his house. As he neared his neighborhood, a voice cried out.

“Kibum!” A boy a few years younger than him staggered up.  His eyes were wide and the bags underneath them were evident.

“Taemin!” He didn’t drop his bag down but gave the boy a kiss on the forehead.

“Where were you?” Taemin whined, leading him to their home.

“I was… getting food.” He said haltingly. If Taemin found out what he had done… Kibum shook his head. He didn’t need to know about it. Taemin was quiet until they reached the house.

“I’m scared she might be sick hyung.” The younger whispered. Kibum was instantly worried. If she was sick, how was he going to take care of her, with the police searching for him? Taemin opened the door by pulling open a large piece of cardboard and Kibum entered the hovel, quite apprehensive. Even in the hovel he could see his breath turning into fog as he took a breath in after another.

“Oppa?” A girl sat up and Kibum felt his heart fall apart. Sunny was sitting on a thick piece of cardboard covered with a blanket they managed to salvage.

“Oh Sunny.” He placed the bags by the makeshift bed and wrapped the poor girl into a hug. She coughed and hugged him back.

“I missed you.”

“Sunny-ah, I’ve been gone only for two days.” She looked up woefully at him.

“Two days is a lot without you around.” Kibum smiled at her and turned to Taemin.

“I brought back some food and loot I found.” Taemin opened the bag and pulled out a necklace.

“You found these?” Taemin raised an eyebrow. Kibum swallowed back the guilt and nodded.

“Yeah. You won’t believe what tourists leave lying around.” Taemin narrowed his eyes but then placed the jewelry back into the bag. Sunny looked up hopefully.

“Do you have food oppa?” Kibum nodded and gave her a piece of bread. Taemin was given a piece too and they gnawed on the crust in silence. Kibum placed a hand on Sunny’s head.

“Sunny, your head is warm.”

“I know. Did you bring back some medicine?”

“I’ll get some tomorrow. Have some water and get some sleep, alright?” Sunny nodded and turned to her older brother.

“I’m glad your back.” He kissed her forehead. “So am I.” Taemin waited for a while before turning to his friend.

“Hyung, I’m glad that you brought supplies back but I don’t want you to go through a lot of trouble to get us things. What if you’re caught? Who will take care of us? I mean I can but what if?” Kibum closed his eyes.

“Don’t worry Taemin. You go sleep too.” Taemin frowned but lay next to Sunny. They were soon fast asleep and only then did Kibum relax, letting sleep take over his body.


I know I have Kyumin down as a pairing but be patient! I won't forget my favorite OTP!

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Saranghae210 #1
Chapter 4: Sungmin is there now :3 I'm sure everyone knows what that means...... KYUMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!~~ <3 Can't wait for the next chapter~~~ :D
Saranghae210 #2
Chapter 1: Whoa. Everything main into one Chapter... But I can take it. Those parts where they had to kill the other people were... GROSS. In my opinion of course. I can't believe one of my slightly biases (Jonghyun)killed one of my millions of biases (Kwangmin). NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Kwangmin DDD: Anyways~~~ I liked it so far! Onto Chapter 2~ ^_^