Break In



“Kibum, I swear! Get your hand off my stomach!” Yoomin hissed, pushing his partner off him.

“I would if there were room!” Kibum snapped back, trying to get back up.

“Next time, I’m choosing the hiding space.” Yoomin grumbled, giving up. There was a shrill whistle and Kibum jumped.

“Come on, that’s our cue!” Yoomin grabbed his knapsack and shoved Kibum onto the cold concrete floor outside their box. He put on his mask; a thin, white piece of plastic that covered his face except for his eyes, nose and mouth.

“Ugh, Yoomin, help me up!” Kibum stood up shakily and hurried after his partner. He took his mask and tied it on. The night was coming and they had little time. Kibum and Yoomin stopped besides a lamp post and while Kibum caught his breath, Yoomin took out a screw driver and a wire cutter. He opened the base of the pole, stuck his hand in and cut every wire he could see. Kibum looked at his friend pitifully and took out a gun. Yoomin screwed the base back on and grabbed Kibum.

“Let’s go diva; we need to meet up with everyone else by the gate.” Kibum sighed.

“I don’t think I can Yoomie. You see…” He took out the gun and Yoomin’s eyes widened.

“Boss told me to shoot you when the task is done. More money and loot for me.” Yoomin shoved his hand into his own pocket and took out his weapon.

“He told me the same thing.” Kibum snickered.

“Good thing I was the faster and quicker one of us, right?” He pulled the trigger and Yoomin staggered back, falling into the concrete. Kibum laughed and hurried away before anyone could see him.


Kyuhyun leaned stiffly against the wall. He slipped on the face mask and so did his companion. But the string got stuck on a wire above his head and the man thrashed around quietly.

“Kyu!”  The man whispered frantically.

“Shut up!” Kyuhyun snapped at his partner, Han. The door opened and the head maid walked out, pulling a bag of trash after her. Kyuhyun signaled for Han to go after her and quieter than an alley cat, Han pushed her to the ground and took his gun out. He held it to her head and she opened to scream but Kyuhyun stuffed his scarf in.

“Where is the vault?” Han asked, pulling the scarf out a bit. She shook her head but Kyuhyun thumped the side of her head.

“By the master’s room.” She gasped out.

“Where’s that?”
“The top floor.” Kyuhyun looked at her.

“Should we trust you?”

“Yes!” She whispered her eyes full of fear.

“Tells us one thing- is the master home?”

“Yes. The guards are there, they’re in the house.” Han released the woman and turned to Kyuhyun.

“Shoot her?” Kyuhyun paused then nodded. He turned and entered the house, not seeing the bullet fly and hitting the maid in the neck. Han entered after him and let out a croaky laugh.

“That was close.” Kyuhyun smiled grimly, letting his hand fall into his coat pocket. Han noticed it and quicker than Kyuhyun, he held his gun out at Kyuhyun’s head.

“Boss told you to kill me, didn’t he?” Kyuhyun sighed, feeling the gun move slightly up and down as Han nodded. Kyuhyun elbowed Han in the stomach and he doubled over, out of breath. Kyuhyun grabbed Han’s gun and with the end, hit him in the head. Han let out a groan of pain and looked up at Kyuhyun, pleading.

“Too bad boss told me that too.” Kyuhyun laughed.


Kyuhyun held up a walkie talkie. “Maid said that vault is by main room, top floor.” The person on the other end said something and Kyuhyun disappeared into the dark halls of the mansion.


Kwangmin heard Kyuhyun’s voice drift from the walkie talkie and looked at his partner, someone named Kim Jonghyun. They were hiding in a coat closet, waiting for Kyuhyun to tell them if the coast was clear. So Kwangmin decided to start a conversation with his rather quiet partner.

“So, you hear about the boss a lot?” Jonghyun merely shrugged.
“I heard he calls himself Blinger. And that he paints a rose over his left eye. Weird huh? It’s supposed to charm people or something, and then he kills them.” Kwangmin snickered.

Jonghyun glanced at the boy under his mask. The kid was barely twenty years old. Too bad he won’t be alive to hit twenty-one… Kyuhyun’s voice crackled at the other end and Jonghyun got up. Kwangmin followed him out and saw Kyuhyun slip into the master bedroom, where the owner was sleeping. Jonghyun took out a small box and attached it to the vault. The vault looked like a regular door.

“Jonghyun, why won’t we just open the door? Knock it over?” Jonghyun stepped aside.

“Be my guest.” Kwangmin stood a distance away and ran into the door. It toppled over after a few tries and Kwangmin turned, victorious. But he let out a small cry when he felt the tip of a gun lodged in his chest.

“J… Jonghyun, what are you doing?” He hissed, trying to break free.

“Doing what boss told me to do. Kill off your partner when the deed is done.” He let out a laugh, similar to Kyuhyun’s and soon, the nineteen years old was dead. Kyuhyun hurried out to help Jonghyun and informed him about the owner’s status.

“He’s dead. Good thing this rich guy has no kids.” Kyuhyun went in the room and his jaws dropped open. This was where Mr. An, the millionaire kept all his goods in. Jonghyun picked up a few necklaces and stuffed them into a bag.

“Hurry. You took out the guards but more will be coming.” Kyuhyun helped him stuff whatever they could find into the bags. When they were filled to the top, the men dragged them over to the window where a bus was waiting. Kibum was standing outside, waiting.

“Drop it!” Jonghyun muttered and Kyuhyun threw a bag onto the roof of the bus. Kibum opened the emergency latch on the top and pushed them in. Jonghyun turned and took out a match, lit it and dropped it in the room. When they finished, the men dropped quietly into the bus. A few moments after they pulled out of the mansion’s area, legions of police cars, fire trucks and ambulances drove in. Kibum took them far to a deserted area, where the houses were broken down. Jonghyun let out a laugh.

“That was close.” Kyuhyun joined in, laughing crazily when he stopped, took out two guns and pointed at the two men. Kibum’s eyes narrowed and he imitated Kyuhyun, taking out two guns. Jonghyun sat down lazily.

“The boss said for you to kill each other, huh?” They were quiet but Jonghyun knew.

“Do you really think he’s going to let you have some of the loot? He’s going to kill you both anyway.” Kibum stared bravely at the man.

“I’d like to see him try. We can kill him. If we survived up to this far, we can.” Kyuhyun nodded. Jonghyun nodded, impressed.

“Well, I won’t kill you two then.” He took his mask off and the men stopped midway, staring at him.

“You’re Blinger?” Jonghyuh smiled dryly.

“Still want to kill me now?” 


hehe, not bad huh? I got my inspiration while watching 'Batman, the Dark Knight' (HEATH LEDGER AS JOKER <3) I might make Jonghyun a bit crazy for the more serious effect. 


*NOTE* The masks they wear are literally like the Jabberwockeez for all you America's Best Dance Crew fans~

-And if you notice extra name (ex. Leeteuk, Heechul, Rella, Jiyong or GD) please tell me! I was writing this and changed the boss's name many, many times!

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Saranghae210 #1
Chapter 4: Sungmin is there now :3 I'm sure everyone knows what that means...... KYUMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!~~ <3 Can't wait for the next chapter~~~ :D
Saranghae210 #2
Chapter 1: Whoa. Everything main into one Chapter... But I can take it. Those parts where they had to kill the other people were... GROSS. In my opinion of course. I can't believe one of my slightly biases (Jonghyun)killed one of my millions of biases (Kwangmin). NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Kwangmin DDD: Anyways~~~ I liked it so far! Onto Chapter 2~ ^_^