In Dream.

Her Name Is Haeun.

As always, Haeun and Namjoon were talking in the assigned waiting room for Bangtan Sonyeondan before their broadcast, this time about the complexity of animal anatomy. 

Namjoon was patiently waiting for either Jimin, Jeongguk or Yoongi to have their makeup done so he could get his done too. Taehyung joined in Haeun and Namjoon's conversation upon overhearing them talk about animals' tongues.

"Noona, have you ever felt a cat's tongue?" Taehyung enquired with a cup of lychee pudding in one hand. "It feels like a comb- or like stubble when a cat kisses you." Taehyung added. Haeun and Namjoon looked at their dongsaeng who was happily eating away at his dessert.

Haeun looked at Taehyung with glee, happy that her dongsaeng was present because recently he had been busy due to Hwarang filming, making the sunshine line incomplete. Namjoon, on the other hand, was staring at Taehyung with a ', what the ?' face.

"They have to have a tongue with a rough texture, Tae. That's how they groom themselves." Haeun explained. "Did you know that snails have fourteen thousand small teeth on their tongues?" Haeun quizzed. "Cool right?"

Namjoon smirked; Haeun always had some random fact on the tip of her tongue for any topic or subject.

Taehyung giggled, "I have thirty thousand teeth on my tongue." He confessed. Namjoon mentally facepalmed himself.

From talking about the intricate biological system of animals to his boy group member confessing the existence of thirty thousand teeth on his tongue; Namjoon knew that his and Haeun's conversation that was full of exchanging facts and braking developing information was now over.

"Ok then, show noona." Challenged Haeun.

Taehyung slurped the remains of his pudding and stuck his tongue out. The parts of the pudding were on his tongue, the other parts were sliding around in .

The parts of the pudding were on his tongue, the other parts were sliding around in

"Merong, merong!" Taehyung teased.

The second youngest of the band that had just lost his grandmother and their band manager laughed without a care in the world however the band's leader was sitting there, appreciating the happiness that Haeun brought to the band.

It was hard for Namjoon. Being a leader was pressuring but Haeun was always there for him; whether it be a personal matter or a matter of business.

On a personal level she was there to give him advice, a shoulder to lean on and an ear to hear out his problems.

On a business level, Haeun would sort out issues that Namjoon couldn't talk about to the company such as abusive managers or staff members that were not doing their jobs which resulted into Bangtan having to work overtime because of the slow work ethic.

The biggest help she's been was when Namjoon had accidently said something racist unintentionally and was bombarded with death threats, leading the band to go on complete lockdown and fortunately for Namjoon, Haeun had gone above and beyond to make sure that Namjoon was not kicked out of the band for bad publicity and to made sure that Namjoon and the rest of the boys were not harmed during the time of the incident.

Long story short, without Haeun, Namjoon would be less happy and stressed. Rubbing his two hands together, Namjoon leaned forward with a clear look of happiness on his face.

Rubbing his two hands together, Namjoon leaned forward with a clear look of happiness on his face

"Joon-ah." Haeun chortled. "What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that? Yah, I'm not the one who has thirty thousand teeth on my tongue." Haeun jokingly exclaimed.

"It's because I like you." Namjoon answered in his mind.


On the other side of the waiting room, Jeongguk was sat in the makeup chair, gawping.

He had seen through the reflections in the mirror of his hyung and his noona and Taehyung however Taehyung didn't matter in this case. He wasn't competition in the race to Haeun's heart.

Yes, Jeongguk and she do talk but it was never like Namjoon and Haeun's conversations.

They would talk about conspiracy theories, politics, economic, the real meanings of songs and weird combinations of food that would taste of heaven, if it did have a flavor. Meanwhile she and Jeongguk's conversations would be about schedules, asking him what his health condition is, asking if he needs anything that she could provide for him and her ordering him to do things, a requirement of her job as his manager.

"Yah, Jeongguk-ah." Jimin called out. "If you leave your mouth open like that for any longer, your face is going to be longer than Hoseok hyung's."

Just like that, Jeongguk was brought back to reality.

He quickly shut his jaws and glared at Jimin, leaving Jimin to chuff out a breath. "Are you angry? Did I upset you?" Jimin questioned with sincerity. He sat there pouting to himself. 

After a minutes silence, the peacemaker of the band opened  to patch back his small tiff with his younger,

After a minutes silence, the peacemaker of the band opened to patch back his small tiff with his younger, "I was joking about your face. It's not like that can physically happen, Jeongguk-ah. You know that-"

"I know." Jeongguk cut in.

Puzzled, Jimin crossed his arms, "So why did you look at me like tha-"

"I was sleepy and I wanted to sleep."

"So just sleep then."

"Hyung, I'm not sleepy anymore."

Jimin stayed quiet in his chair. "Did I say something wrong?" Jimin thought. He uncrossed his arms and rubbed his neck. "Jeongguk-ah, hyung is sorry."

Just like Jimin and Namjoon, sometimes we humans can't tell our loved ones how we feel.


After their broadcast, the boys went to do a live reaction which left Haeun to clean up the waiting room while the makeup artists went out to eat or to have a smoke (which Haeun often frowned upon due to second hand smoking). Sejin and Hobeom were with the boys doing the reaction but were standing somewhere off camera. In situations like this, Haeun really felt like she was the bottom of the hierarchy of the managers.

They soon returned, causing a ruckus in the corridors of the broadcasting station. "Haeun-ah!" Jin called out, her only same age friend. "Did you see me at the end? God, I'm so handsome."

"I saw you," Giggled Haeun. "But I saw Suga before it was your part." Haeun laughed. 

He let out a gummy smile thanks to his noona

She quickly found Yoongi and entered his line of sight just like how he does at the bridge of Blood Sweat and Tears. "Neomu jal saeng-gyeoss-eo, Yoongi-ah."

He let out a gummy smile thanks to his noona. "Ah, noona," whined the rapper. Even with his complaining, he couldn't complete stop his smile from growing. It was the charm that Haeun and Hoseok had. 

Haeun didn't care; she continued taunting him, whispering 'gipi' whenever he walked past her and appearing in front of him with a poker face in just like how he did during the performances of Blood, Sweat and Tears

Haeun didn't care; she continued taunting him, whispering 'gipi' whenever he walked past her and appearing in front of him with a poker face in just like how he did during the performances of Blood, Sweat and Tears.


After the boys swiftly changed from their stage clothes to their regular off duty clothes, they were rushed to the car by Hobeom-manager-hyung while Sejin and Haeun were already in the driver's seat of two of the transport cars, ready to drive the boys back to the dorm.

As one would expect, Jeongguk and Namjoon rushed to Haeun's vehicle. Two other boys, Jin and Hoseok also tagged along.

"Gipi-ssi isn't coming in my car?" Haeun asked as she greeted the boys and making Hoseok, Namjoon and Jeongguk chuckle.

"Hoseok, get out of the front seat. Hyung was born before you so move." Jin complained, ignoring Haeun completely. Hoseok gingerly unbuckled his seatbelt and moved to the back where Jeongguk and Namjoon were.

With a smug smile, Jin buckled his seatbelt and turned to Haeun and answered, "Gipi-ssi said that he wanted to stay with Jimin." He pulled down the mirror in front of him and asked out loud, "Don't I look handsome?" 

Jeongguk had begged Haeun to allow him to stay over at her apartment that very night with the promise of waking up early so he could follow her along to do her manager duties before picking up the other boys for their broadcast show whom had the privilege of sleeping in an hour or so longer than their managers.

Haeun had made Jeongguk shower to freshen up and gave him an hours' worth of rest before continuing on to his English learning program but it had surpassed an hour and Jeongguk was already passed out on her sofa.


"Ah, Jeon Jeongguk. What am I to do with you?"

Jeongguk mumbled, his noona's audible speech had penetrated into his dreams. Sleepily and sub-consciously he replied, "Love me, noona. That's all you have to do"

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