
Her Name Is Haeun.

“Haeun-ah,“ Jin called out to his manager.  Haeun looked up to Jin from the laptop that she and Suga were reading up articles on. “Yes, princess?” Haeun calmly answered.

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“Rapmon told me that he wants his phone from you.” Jin replied his same age friend who still was not moving. Jin gave a look to Haeun and kicked her shin softly. “Go, now. He wants it now.”

Out of all of the members, Namjoon and Jimin both often asked Haeun to keep their phones for them whenever they were busy getting dressed, makeup done or when they went away for a quick interview. This time, Namjoon was busy getting his makeup touched up before their stage on the KBS end of year concert.

Haeun delicately groaned. Suga had fell in the dorm in his sleepy state and managed to hurt his ear so he was ordered to be put on a break therefore Haeun was more hesitant than ever to get up and leave his side.

But Jin wasn't giving up with his small kicks so she reluctantly got up and took out Namjoon’s phone from her backpack. "Why does Jin have to do everything Namjoon tells him to do?" Haeun thought. Passing his phone, Namjoon grabbed her hand. “Noona, stay here for a minute.”

Haeun pulled her hand roughly, “Why are you so touchy now? God, hold on. Let me grab a seat.” 

Noona, what you told me is true.” Namjoon spoke in English, quick thinking to avoid the stylists from knowing more than they should.  “Your inkling about Jeongguk.” Namjoon added. 

Haeun scooted closer to Namjoon; she knew whenever Namjoon was speaking to her in English, was going to go down or that tea was going to be spilt, “How do you know, Joon-ah?” 

“He told me- he told me on the day when he texted you to pick him up on the first day our break.”

Haeun let out a smile daintily in disbelief. “Oh for God’s sake.” 

Namjoon froze. “Is this how she’ll react if I confess to her?” He thought. The younger out of the two ran his tongue against his teeth. “Are you not ok with him having feelings for you- Because you’re our manager?” He questioned. 

“No, I’m fine with it. We’re all human, I guess but it’s just- it’s a bit inappropriate since I work in this position.” Haeun admitted with a melancholy smile.

“So what are you going to do?” Namjoon asked. Haeun in the air between her teeth.



“I’ll just pretend that I don’t know, Joon-ah.”

Silence fell between the two. Namjoon was too busy thinking about his feelings for his manager whilst Haeun was busy thinking about what to do in her position as the older and as Jeongguk’s manager. The two sat there with their thoughts speeding around at a million miles per hour.

Suddenly, Yoongi hollered out for his manager from behind the laptop. “Noona, come here! Read this!”

“Syubbie-ah.”  Haeun called out, plastering on a happy smile. She went back to Suga who had opened several tabs full of political news articles.  

Yoongi groaned in embarrassment in front of the other bandmates who were now chuckling at Haeun’s nickname for him. “Stop it with all these nicknames, noona. It’s embarrassing.” 

Haeun hugged him by his shoulder, carefully not touching his sore ear, “Uri Syubbie! Syubbie- Syubs!”. Yoongi who had a pokerface suddenly had a grin on his face. 

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“Hyung, doesn’t it hurt your pride?” Jimin joked.

Hoseok laughed and clapped his hands like a seal. “No, no. Look at his face, he enjoys it.”

“Not at all. I’m not enjoying.” Yoongi claimed with a smile. “I’m acting. It’s called acting. I just know how to survive with Haeun noona’s nonsense.” He clasped Haeun’s hands that were around his shoulders more tightly and laughed. “I’m acting- I’m acting.” He repeated. 

Namjoon paused for a second; his hyung’s words flew around in his head. “Maybe I should act too to survive noona’s charms.”


“Can you teach me how to pretend love is nothing?” Namjoon asked Haeun out of the blue, still panting after coming off stage from their exhausting performance of Blood, Sweat and Tears from the Nonsan Year-End Concert.

Haeun pulled off the tape on his neck for his in-ear and laughed. “Weren’t you and Suga the ones who asked Bang PD to allowing girlfriends?”

 “Yeah, exactly.” Namjoon cringed; he was far over his first girlfriend. In this case, he was referring to Haeun and how he wanted to pretend his feelings for her were nothing too, just as how she was pretending to be oblivious to Jeongguk’s feelings. “Help me get over the idea of love.”

“Listen, you don’t have a dating ban now so why are asking me to help you get over love?”

Namjoon fidgeted, pretending to fix his in-ear wires. “Yeah, I know but, the girl who I like now… she… doesn’t like me back.” Namjoon explained, passing his in-ear monitor kit to Haeun.

“God, you’re so sweaty after you do a performa- Joon, you can flirt and woo her over.” Haeun consulted, giving hand signals to the makeup stylists to come pat down their sweat and touch up on their makeup.

“It’s complicated, noona. I- I- just know that- that we- I mean me and her can’t be together.”

“English.” Haeun quickly whispered as the stylists were coming over with tissues in hand. “Namjoon, there is nothing to teach you if you want to pretend love is nothing.”

“Noona. I’m serious here.”

“Well, the first rule of fight club is to not talk about it. Same goes to pretending that love is nothing. We don’t talk about it.”

Namjoon smiled, the same smile that Jimin often makes fun of but also the same smile that his fans love. “So, noona, are you going to teach me?”

“Anything for my Joonji.”







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