Dogs and Pigs.

Her Name Is Haeun.

Haeun was reading through the daily news; this time, it was about a politician referring to the people of Korea as dogs and pigs and how the dogs and pigs, aka citizens of Korea, were only required to be fed and kept alive.

Haeun bookmarked it and sent it to Yoongi who often is kept up to date with most political events.

Noona, I noticed that Jeongguk hasn’t been going round to your house lately, nor is he learning at the dorm-“

Haeun replied as quickly as lightning as soon as she recognized Namjoon’s voice. “Are you worried that you’re going to have to teach him again, Nammie?”

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Namjoon paused, maybe it was true. “Not so but, don’t you think that you should be pushing him to study?” The former Runcha Randa scratched his neck and sqinted in anticipation for her answer. He felt slightly nervous for some strange reason.

“He’s been practicing for your new album and doing promotion for Blood, Sweat and Tears.  I’ll force him when it’s the last week of the promotions; just not when he’s tired in all aspects. You can’t expect anyone to learn in that state.” Haeun replied, still sending article links to Yoongi and not looking at the younger man. After a moment of silence, Haeun lifted her head up and pointed to Jeongguk’s direction with her lips.

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Namjoon turned his head around to see the youngest furiously tapping away on his phone, most likely playing the rhythm game at an alarming fast rate.  “He’s doing fine. Trust me, Joonji.” Haeun assured.

In all honesty, Haeun had been ignoring Jeongguk after his subconscious confession, which he himself had no control over and had no clue about. Because of that confession, Haeun had been aware of Jeongguk’s compliments and proposals of studying and staying over at her house for the past week or so.

But with Haeun calling Namjoon by his secret nickname of Joonji, he let go of the whole ordeal and didn’t bother to ask any more questions. Instead, he nodded softly and sighed.

“Actually, Nammie..” Haeun said with the end of her sentence drifting off as she lowered her mobile phone away from her face. “Did- did- did Jeongguk ever mention himself liking me?” She asked with a twinge of courage.

Haeun and Namjoon were open to a lot of things so talking about love or relationships was nothing big particularly after Namjoon’s bi-curious debacle but the thought of Jeongguk liking Haeun made her feel wary.

Now Namjoon was feeling wary. “Crap, does Haeun noona like Jeongguk?” he self-questioned. 

“No?” Namjoon answered with uncertainty. “I mean, no. Not that I know.” He spluttered out quickly. “Why? Do you like him, noona?”

His manager and unofficial, not to mention unpaid, life coach scoffed. “I do but obviously not in that way.  It’s just when he was over at my house, he-” 

Haeun’s phone buzzed in her hands, she had received a simple text from Yoongi with three English letters, “THX”.

“He what?” Namjoon questioned softly seeing as Jin, J-Hope, Jeongguk and Taehyung were in the dance room with them. “Did he touch you?”

Haeun chortled and stared at Namjoon with one eyebrow raised. “God, it isn’t an adult video scenario where I’m the tutuor and he’s my student, Joonji. He just confessed to me. That’s all.”

That’s all?!” Namjoon mentally screamed.

The word ‘confessed’ was bright and bold in his head; flashing like a beacon and brighter than a lighthouse.  Of course, the youngest managed to always be in first place in any competition even when it comes to love. 

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Mwo?” Namjoon said automatically, his brain suddenly stopped functioning. “Did I hear that correctly? He confessed?”

“In his sleep, like sleep talking.” The 25 year old continued, dimming the bright bold word in Namjoon’s mind.  

A wave of relief flushed over Namjoon’s body. “Oh.”  Said the leader emptily.  “So, you think he likes you?”

“Well, you know how our sub-conscious speaks what our mind really wants to speak… I just figured that maybe-“

“That our Jeongguk likes you?” Namjoon butted in, completing her sentence for her.



Before they knew it, the promotions for Blood, Sweat and Tears was over and as always the boys were given their well-deserved break of two days.  Although for Jeongguk, the first thing he thought was his noona, also to ask Yugyeom out for a quick game of bowling, but that could wait for another day.

He had woken up early on the top bunk of his and Namjoon’s bunk bed and was now configuring a text to send to Haeun to ask for her to teach him English over their two day break.  

“Can you pick me up so I can learn English, noona? Breakfast is on me.”

Ah, that sounds too needy.” Jeongguk thought as he reread his text.  “No, no, this won’t do.”  He sighed and turned over to his side, trying to find a more comfy position but coincidently pressed the send button while doing so.

In despair, Jeongguk let out a groan and disabled his Wi-Fi setting in the hopes of the message not sending while repeatedly said the word ‘no’ under his breath. 

Yah! Jeon Jeongguk.  If you’re going to get off, do it in bathroom or when I’m not in the room.” Namjoon sleepily reprimanded from below. “It’s not even 8 am yet, can you not wait?”

Jeongguk stifled a laugh, “Hyung, I’m not touching myself.” He leaned over the railings of the bunk bed to see his hyung face to face. “I sent a text to Haeun noona which I wasn’t meant to send.”

 It didn’t take Namjoon long to fully wake up after hearing that. He unraveled himself from his duvet, “Jeongguk-ah.”

“Yes, hyung?”  Jeongguk smiled from his upside down position.

“Do you like Haeun noona?” 

Jeongguk hesitated before admitting in a slightly audible voice, “I do, hyung. I do.”

Namjoon exhaled out a breath and rubbed his small growing stubble. The first day of his break and he’s woken up to a rude awakening.  Jeongguk’s head grew lighter so he headed down from his top bunk and climbed into his hyung’s bed.

“Can you promise me you won’t tell noona?” the younger man requested, his hair still a mess and face completely puffy.

“Of course, Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk gave Namjoon a massive eye smile and hugged his arm. “Hyung, I want to ask Haeun noona to teach me English again but I don’t know how to ask her.” 

Jeongguk took out his phone, his Wi-Fi setting and handed his elder his phone. “Can you help me write a text to ask her, hyung?”

“Oh, Guk-ah.” Namjoon chuckled lightly. “I don’t think I have to write a text for you.”

Namjoon lifted up the phone to Jeongguk’s face, letting his read a text from HAE NOONA.


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