
Fast But Not Furious

"So, honey," my mom continuously pokes my shoulder. "How was it?" I don't bother to reply and just look straight at the road. "You should work out, honey. To get rid of your flabby arms," she pinches my triceps playfully for a few times. "So squishy," Really, I'm serious. She's like this. God, who's the mom here? Who's the daughter here?

"Ughh, mom," I groan. "Stop pinching my fats!"

"Then work out, honey. Later people would think that I'm your sister instead of your mother. Would you want that?" Still pinching my fats.

"Fine, I'll work out," I groan, again.

"Enough with your 'flabby arms and probably other body parts too', how was Taeyeon? She's nice, right?" Finally she stops pinching my fats. Hallelujah!

"Yeah," I state.

"That's it? Only 'yeah'? Give me more comments, honey,"

"She's ok. I think she'd be the good friend type that you would want to keep," I nod my head trying to assure her and of course, myself. All I know is that she's kind enough to not report me to the police or maybe stupid enough. Really, I can't tell.

"I dont mind if you keep her as-"

"Don't say girlfriend,"

"Your GIRLFRIEND!" Yes, she did shout the 'girlfriend' word. I just sighed at her statement. Will she receive money or some prize if Taeyeon and I get together? Why is she so eager to- OH. MY. GOD. All this time, she wants me to be with a woman. Taeyeon is a woman. She wants me with Taeyeon! God, I'm so slow. My brain is so slow. ing slow.


I have to call her. Man- Woman up, Jessica! You're a Jung. Gahh!! So what if I'm a Jung. Why do I need to call her again? Right, I ing fractured her leg. B-but I'm not a responsible person?

Pfttt, I know I'm a responsible person. Fine, I'll call her. But what should I say? Should I just-

"Hello?" What the hell. When did I press her number?


"Who is this?" Her voice sound groggy.

"Did I wake you up?" 

"Who is this?" Her voice sound softer than it was.

"Jessica," I say and all I can hear was her breathing. Did she fall asleep? Did she forget about.. me? "Hello?"

"I've been expecting your call, Sica," her voice sound.. husky now? God, it sounds so goo- No, I did not want to say good. "Where have you been?" She says softly. God, she sounds so possessive.

"Nowhere? I was just- I don't know when's the right time to call you," I mumble. Why am I feeling so shy? "How's your leg?"

"You can call me anytime, you know," she pauses. "And about my leg, the bones won't be fine in one day, right?" She chuckles, I curse myself for my stupid question. Silence crept for a while before she continues. "You're not going to visit me, again?" What the hell. Why should I visit you everyday? I'm not your friend or girlfriend.

"Uhh, no?" I question and I hear a disappointed sigh. "My mom will visit you, though. So if you're worried about not having anyone to talk to, rest assured. She'll be there and your manager too?"

"I don't want your mom or my manager, Sica," she groans. Calm down, Tae. "I want you," She wants me. She said she wants me. As a frie- "I didn't believe in love at the first sight but I know it's real when I saw you. You're different, Sica,"

"Because I kept on insisting you're a mugger?" My question earns a chuckle from her.

"A part of it, yes," she pauses. "But I like it that you don't see me as the idol Kim Taeyeon but rather the normal Kim Taeyeon,"

"Well because I'm not really a huge fan- Oh my god, I'm sorry I-"

"And I like it that you are a blunt person" she chuckles "I'm used to have people worshipping me but nobody keeps me humble. I think you're the one, Sica,"

"W-well, I uhh.. Thanks, I guess? But listen, I've never been attracted to a woman in my whole life. It's always been man. So, I think you get the wrong-"

"I'll make you obsessed with me in the future. I told you already, right?" I reply her with a hum. "I meant what I said. Just don't get shocked if one day, I stand on your doorstep asking you to date me,"

"Sur- I mean, what? You're going to just be outside my house as a surprise? What if I'm outside or-"

"I know your parents, remember? Your mom will let me know. She loves me, Sica. You know it. I have to go, I'll call you later," she ends the call. What the . Can't you wait for me to at least say 'bye'? Where can she go anyway, I broke her leg. God, I didn't know she's like this. Why do I feel like if I date her means goodbye to flirting with anyone? Not that I flirt, it's just that I can be friendly once in a while, right? She sounds like the jealous and possessive type. But to be honest, I love that kind of type as long as it's not too much. I grin as I stare at my phone.

Maybe I should give you a chance, Kim Taeyeon. 


I'm standing outside Starbucks and I sigh before I push the door open. I see Dongwook smile charmingly at me, the smile I used to love most. I walk to him and returning his broad smile with a very tiny one. How can he smile even after what he did? He's definitely a .

"Hi, Sica," he opens his arm to hug me but I ignore it and just sit down on the chair. Why does he think I would still want to be in his arms? I thought Taeyeon is the dumbest, I guess he's much more dumb. Wait- why am I even thinking about her? "Sica?" He waves his hands in front of my face.

"O-oh. Why?"

"You weren't listening," he frowns; something which used to make him so adorable. God, he's beautiful. He still is even after he cheated on me. "So, as I was saying. I didn't cheat on you, Jessica," What? Is he ing serious? I saw him- "I'm cheating on the girl you saw, with you," What? ing what? Is this a word game, again? The game I hate most, nowadays. Am I supposed to be happy that I can make him love me even though he's already in a relationship? "Sica, I broke up with her. It was a goodbye kiss," he takes my hand and caresses it. "I'm done with her, Sica. You're the one I love. She was living overseas and I met you," he smiles. "I started to distance myself from her, hoping she'd be the one who broke up with me but instead of that, she moved back to Korea. So, I told her the truth," he pauses for a while and I just look into his eyes, trying to find some sort of lies but all I can see is his sincere look. He still loves me. "Baby? Say something?" He presses his lips on my hand gently.

"She asked for a goodbye kiss?"

"Yes," he smiles softly.

"But I saw you making out," I frown. Is he lying? "You were enjoying it too," I state.

"I was thinking about you the whole time, just to let you know," he chuckles. "Like what are you doing on that time, have you eaten yet and all. Trust me, Sica. I do love you, I-"

"But still, when you're dating me, you're dating her. It doesn't matter who you love most, you're still cheating on me. I guess this is-"

"I'LL COURT YOU AGAIN!" he shouts as he stands up before he kneels down beside my chair. ing shouts. Now everyone's attention is on us. Great! "I'll make you love me again, Sica. And trust me, this time I won't cheat on you. Please, at least let me court you. Don't end it like this, Sica. I need you," he says softly, hands on his thighs as if he's begging for forgiveness. Should I just accept his apology? Can I still love him the same in the future? He's not my first but he's the closest to perfection. I would be lying if I say he's not on my mind sometimes, because he is. I look into his eyes, trying to know how serious he is. Now, I regret this. Why? Because he looks so ing serious. Doesn't his legs hurt from knelling down? Ughh, I should really decide. I can feel people still staring at me. Did he forget that I don't like this kind of attention? "Baby, please?" God, I love it when he calls me 'baby'. 


I'm lying on my bed with my tank top and short shorts on, playing with my phone when my mom knocks on the door. "Honey, I thought you broke up with him already? But why is he here?" She whispers as she opens my door.

"What?" I put down my phone and stare blankly at her. "Why is he- I let him court me again, mom. I forgot," I sigh. I just can't dispose someone who calls me 'baby' in such manner. "I'm going out," I stand up and walks to our living room. "Hi," I give him a small smile.

"Sica, flowers?" He hands me a bouquet of red roses. "Do you want to have a dinner with me?"

"I-" Come on, Jessica, think of a reason to decline his offer! "My mom and I planned to visit a family friend in hospital in like 10 minutes, so I can't go with you today, Wookie,"

"Ahh, really?" Disappointment is so evident on his face but I just pretend I can't see it. Let's see how far will you try to get me back again, Wookie. "How about next week?"

"I'll text you?"

"Alright, I'll see you next week, maybe," he stands up and walks towards the exit. "Bye, Sica," he kisses my forehead before driving off.

"So, Jessica honey. Let's visit Taeyeon!" My mom hollers from the living room.

"I don't feel like-'

"You told your ex that you're going in like 10 minutes so-"

"You eavesdropped at our conversation?"

"I did but anyway, let's go," she tugs at my elbow.

"At least let me change my clothes?"


I sigh before I open the door to Taeyeon's hospital room. She looks up from her phone and grin. God, she looks so cute. "Sica!" Her eyes twinkle like a kid receiving a box of her favorite chocolate.

"Taeyeon," I smile back and give her a quick hug. I'm not someone who gives people free hugs but for her, I'll make an exception. Who can resist this cute blonde kid?

"I'm happy you're here, Sica. I thought you won't visit me ever again,"

"Well, I uhh.. I-"

"Oh, your mom forced you," she releases me from the hug and she pouts. Her hands playing with the hem of her shirt. "You can go now, if you want. Just tell your mom I want to rest," she gazes at me with those sad eyes. God, how I wish I could just lean in and peck that pouty lip- what the . I blink rapidly, shaking my head. What is she doing to me? "Are you ok? Why are you shaking your head?"

"She didn't force me actually. I mentioned to my ex that I needed to visit a family friend in the hospital which is you. I was in my comfy clothes and I get very lazy to change, you see," I tuck in strands of my hair behind my ear.

"You're still in touch with your ex?"

"Umm yeah? He wants to court me again, so-"

"You do realise that I'm courting you too, right?" She takes my hand.

"Y-es?" I raise my eyebrows, where is she going with this talk? Why is she looking at me like that? Why is she frowning again? "Why?"

"I just don't like it when I have a competitor. That would means it'd take you longer to like me. I was planning to have your heart by myself as soon as the fractures are healed," she sighs. "I guess I'll need to wait longer to do stuffs with you," she mumbles.

"What? What stuffs?" Oh my god, don't tell me she wants to do rated stuffs. I can feel blood rushing to my face.

"Stuffs," she grins again and caresses my hand softly.

"Y-yah.. You're thinking of rated stuffs, aren't you?" My question receives a blank look from her.

"I was only thinking of taking you with me everytime I go overseas for my tour or holidays and our endless getting-to-know-each-other-deeper time but if you want to do rated-"

"No!" I cover my ears and I can clearly tell my face is red. I can see her holding her laughter. "I-I'm going home," I kiss her cheek before I exit her room. Wait what? I kissed her cheek? Why did I do that? Why does it feel so comfortable to be with her? Why did I think about rated stuffs just now? Was it because her lopsided grin? What will her lips taste like, I wonder. I touch my own lips as I smile. Ahhh!!! I'm going crazy.

"Honey, are you ok?" My mom rests her hand on my shoulder. "Did she kiss you?" She whispers. "Why are you touching your lips and smiling like a fool?" Still whispering. God, why does she have to see me in this crazy state?

A/N chap 2 is up!! I know some of you may not like it that Dongwook is still inside the story but chill guys, it'll be Taengsic. It's a promise!

Anyway, thank you for all the subscribers and the comments and of course, the vote! Thanks a lot :)


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Chapter 3: I hope Jessica can realize who she likes more because it's not fair of her to lead them both on like that and I hope she realizes it is Taeyeon and not Dongwook.
Chapter 3: nooooo! jessica you can't do that!! you can't have them both at the same time! you srsly need to choose now!! jajsbsjl
Chapter 3: If Jessica cant choose one of both them then send a girl for Taeyeon to for make Jessica realize her feeling towards Taeyeon if she got jealous that mean she love Taeyeon if not then she still love that her ex. I dont want Jessica be a selfish and make Taeyeon sad more.
Chapter 3: please update soon
aiiyth #5
Chapter 3: please sica....taeyeon or dongwook?!!!
Movie91 #6
Chapter 3: You can't have both of them, Jessi. Stop playing with their feelings.
Laboli #7
Chapter 3: Oh my god author your story is so goo I wish you could update a chapter everyday like seriously please please update soon oh my god what if taeyeon gets discharged and sees Wookiee and jess together eating aaagh thinking about it breaks my taengsic heart update soon please
choco-munchkin #8
Chapter 3: Eyyy jessica's character feels like a two timer already.
han_inft #9
Chapter 2: Hahaha i love jessica and her mother, they are unique
misakikobayashi #10
Chapter 2: oh god I love siva mom!!