In the Right Eyes

In the Right Eyes - Yongguk

A few years passed as the same speech was heard across hundreds of ears, sitting in well arranged rows of white chairs. Melodic songs of birds chirped as the sun basked down on the beautiful ceremony that was taking place. With you standing in a beautiful and awe inspiring wedding dress, as the same man who spoke those words before in a small English class in high school, now stood across from you willing to marry you and be your husband.

“I’m in love with you ______, with everything you were, are and will become. I love you unconditionally with my whole heart. I want to show everyone, especially you, how beautiful you look through my eyes right now…. If only they could look through my eyes and see the angel standing before me as I think to myself that I am the luckiest man to walk the earth because now I can walk it with you by my side.” Tears filled Yongguk’s eyes as his vows began to move you, feeling his pure love that spilled from each and every word he spoke, “That when forever fades into a memory, nothing will ever take you away from me. This is the promise of mine is a promise in time. And as we are looking back, on who we used to be. With everything I have, I swear you’ll always see, this promise of mine.”

Expressing your vows and infinite and undying love for him as well, you kept your tear-filled eyes on him as your heart beat with pure joy as the words of gratitude and love spilled from your lips.

Once the two of you expressed your vows, you both took one another’s ring from the small ring bearer, Yongguk’s nephew, as he carefully took your hand and slowly slid the ring on your finger repeating the words of the priest. Doing the same, you slid the beautiful ring onto his finger before your hand gently closed around his.

“Will you Mr. Yongguk Bang, take this immaculate woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or worse, in sickness and in health?” The priest questioned as Yongguk just smiled.

“I do, forever and always”

“Will you, Miss ______ ______ take this gentleman to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or worse, in sickness and in health?” The priest then questioned you.

“I do, forever and always”

Smiling at Yongguk, you didn’t think that his smile could get any larger as he stepped closer to you.

“You may kiss your bride” The priest backed away as Yongguk carefully lifted your veil then gently placed his hands on your hips, slowly wrapping them around you as you lifted your arms, one hand resting on his neck and the other on his arm as pressed his warm, comforting lips on yours.

Cheers were happily strung throughout the audience as they stood to their feet clapping, while tears filled every single one of their eyes as the two of you slowly broke the kiss.

“I love you” Yongguk whispered, resting his forehead on yours

“I love you too” You whispered back before the two of you turned to face the future together as one standing unit, as man and wife, ready to take the challenges of the world on together, for better or worse.

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Chapter 5: Omo, this is so cute. He is so sweet.
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 6: YAY!!! I love happy ending and the way you describe is just- WOW!!
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 5: That is so touching!!
Banghimlo #4
Chapter 4: But she need to rest~
Banghimlo #5
Chapter 3: What a good friend he is :)
Banghimlo #6
Chapter 2: No she didn't!!
Banghimlo #7
Chapter 1: They are friends?? :D I wonder what it says..I mean the note