Raising the Stakes

In the Right Eyes - Yongguk

That night, Yongguk settled on his bed to work on his homework, pulling out all of the notebooks and textbooks from the confines of his backpack, your book jumbled in the mix. Subject after subject, he slowly began to check off the homework that was due the next day. Working under the soft yellow glow of his lamp, he ran his fingers through his hair, covering his face with his hands, he sighed before opening his eyes.

His gaze falling on your book that sat atop of his homework pile to complete. Sitting up a little taller, he reached out and thumbed through the book, finding his place once again, he allowed his eyes to follow the words on the page. Moving himself from his desk to his bed, he leaned against his wall as he began to read the pages that you have turned a hundred times over.

Reading to the next chapter, he marked his place before he thumbed through the future pages to see if he could read another chapter before going back to homework. While trying to find the next chapter he stumbled upon a small sticky note stuck to the margin of one of the pages. Opening the book a little more to that page, he turned the book to read the note. Recognizing your handwriting, his eyes slowly read the note, slowing down as he came to the end of the note. Flipping through a few more pages, the notes began to increase in number as he carefully read each one with care.

Tears began to fill his eyes as the insults that you had stuck to the pages of your book began to have a lasting affect on him. Turning to the last page, he noticed that there was an envelope stuck to the back cover. Investigating what was inside, he slowly lifted the flap from the inside of the envelope as paper filled the inside. Pulling out the wad of papers, he slowly thumbed through the recognizing the words as the ones that you had stuck to the pages of your book.

Giving him a glimpse into one aspect of your life, he read each and every note with tears streaming down his face, knowing that you were far different from the words inked on the page. His mind turned to the latest note that you had been gifted but never read. Slipping from his bed, he walked over to his dresser and pulled a folded note down from the even top. Unfolding the note, he reread the note before adding it to the collection. Slipping the notes back into the envelope, he placed it back where he had found it before he went back to work at his desk.

A nagging feeling wouldn’t leave as he worked on one or two problems before he felt inclined to read a little more in the book. With determination growing with every flip of the page, he continued to read and move along with the plot and storyline of the book getting more invested with every chapter.

The morning sun peeked over the horizon, soon the yellow school busses were making their rounds in gathering up all of the students and depositing them off at school.

Heavy footsteps walked into your classroom as your eyes lifted up to see Yongguk enter the room, flipping the page in your book, you were close to the end as he pulled the seat out beside you. A sorrowful feeling hovered over him as you looked over at him and wondered what could be wrong. Watching him lean down, he ped his backpack and pulled a small book from the fabric pouches.

“I finished the book” He replied, sliding the book across the table to you.

“What did you think?” You questioned, not seeing the same emotions that you had after reading the book the first time around.

“It was… enlightening… really eye opening” His eyes turned to yours, seeing the deep emotions slowly arise in his brown orbs you nodded gently.

“It was very relatable for me” You told him quietly as you took the book back.

The teacher started the class as Yongguk sat quietly beside you that day, not wanting to engage in any conversation. However he kept glancing at you, the words of your notes tumbling around his mind. Not being able to focus that day in lecture, he kept his eyes forward, watching the popular girls in their chairs linking their names to just a few of the notes that were between the pages of your book.

Gathering your books at the end of class, you lifted your backpack onto your shoulders once more before pushing your chair out and rising to your feet. Yongguk snapped out of his thoughts as he did the same.

“Are you okay? You seem a little distracted today” You noticed as he looked over at you, his eyes intently listening to you, more than before, if that was possible.

“I-I’m fine. Just thinking about a few things is all” Yongguk smiled slightly stepping slightly closer to you while he pushed in his chair.

“Don’t think too hard, I would hate for you to use up all of your brain power” You teased, lightly nudging his shoulder with a loose fist. Earning a soft chuckle coupled with a gentle grin, he nodded his head in response, watching his smile slowly fade, his eyes softened as they peered into your eyes.

“Are you going to be okay the rest of the day?” Yongguk sincerely inquired, the thoughts of what he read last night still present as the forethought of his mind.

“I should be” You nodded your head not knowing what he was talking about.

“Okay, if it isn’t let me know and I will fix it” Yongguk reached out and gently wrapped his hand around your wrist lightly, “I have connections…”

“I know, you have the whole school wired” You nodded stating the obvious, feeling his thumb brush against your skin, you could feel his concern for you though his touch. “I’ll be okay”

“Okay” Lowering his hold from your wrist, he let your hand fall back to your side trying to convince himself that you could do this.

The bell sounded through the building, signaling the end of class, everyone quickly filed out of the classrooms and filled the empty halls within seconds. Heading out of the classroom, you disappeared into the crowd as Yongguk tried to follow you with his eyes, but after you slipped into the crowds, wishing you a safe and good rest of your day, he headed off to his off period.

Making your way down to the girl’s locker room, you slipped your backpack off of your shoulders before your fingers worked on the combination lock hanging from your locker. Spinning it one way four times then landing on the first combination number, spinning it once the other direction and landing on the second number, then finally rounding off the triple combination with the final number, pulling the lock down as the satisfying click of the lock snapped open allowing you to open the wire locker.

“I can’t believe she did that!” Girls voices echoed through the empty locker room as you slowly peeled off the coat from your shoulders. Placing it in your locker, you grabbed your Physical Education shirt and bunched it up before you quickly exchanged your shirt for the generic shirt for PE.

“I know, ______ is reeling him in and I don’t like that he sits next to her…” One of the popular girls remarked, hearing your name within their sentence caused you to freeze as one of them quickly ran over to your area and held up her phone.

Standing there in slight shock, you quickly tried to cover yourself yet she snapped a picture with you in transition of changing your shirt.

“Got it!” She sang in victory, her perfect body mocking yours as she stood before you in her cute pink and black laced bra. Resting her hand on her hip, you quickly pulled your shirt over your head and turned around.

“Leave Yongguk alone, he’s mine” She sneered as you glanced over your shoulder.

“I’m not stealing him from you” You told her quietly

“Oh you are, slowly reeling him in for the kill” She placed her hand on her hip as she slipped her phone in the back pocket of her jeans that hugged her hips perfectly.

“You should tell him to stay away from me if you are really concerned about it” You slightly turned around, holding the short shorts between your hands, your fingers gripping the athletic fabric tightly in his grasp.

“I will, but first I’m going to have a little fun with you” She slowly walked away, her hands pulling the phone from her back pocket and her thumbs tapping against her phone like pistons in a high performance engine.

Quickly slipping off your jeans, you slipped the shorts on and re-tied your shoes slightly tighter before placing your hair in a ponytail before leaving the locker room trying to ignore the giggling girls a few lockers over.

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Chapter 5: Omo, this is so cute. He is so sweet.
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 6: YAY!!! I love happy ending and the way you describe is just- WOW!!
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 5: That is so touching!!
Banghimlo #4
Chapter 4: But she need to rest~
Banghimlo #5
Chapter 3: What a good friend he is :)
Banghimlo #6
Chapter 2: No she didn't!!
Banghimlo #7
Chapter 1: They are friends?? :D I wonder what it says..I mean the note