The Grass is Always Greener in the Closet (Or Not)

Family is Not Just Blood (A Chanbaek Family Drabble Book)

A/N: Time for a Kris-centric chapter!




Chanyeol: 41

Baekhyun: 42

Yifan: 17

Yixing: 16

Jongdae: 15

Minsoon: 12




“Will you shut up,” Yifan grumbled as he stared intently at the clock. It had been approximately three hours since he had trapped in this compartment. To be exact, the janitor’s closet. He had been stuck in this position for what felt like a lifetime and the small size of the room was not helping his situation. Yifan shifted from his left side to his right in an attempt to get more comfortable. Maybe someone will let me out in the morning, he thought hopefully. After groaning once more, he muttered, “How did I end up here again?”




Yifan’s day had started out like a normal Thursday. He awoke to the screaming of his younger siblings, especially Jongdae, and the loud voices of his parents attempting to calm this dysfunctional family. Yup, he sighed, just another normal day. Don’t get him wrong, Yifan loves his family. Yet there are some days in which he valued his sleep. Such as today, basketball practice.


With great effort, Yifan pulled himself out of bed and slapped on the nearest pile of clothes. After brushing his teeth and washing his delicate (“Delicate my !”) face, Yifan finally arrived downstairs to where his family was currently having breakfast.


Once he entered the room, a sudden shout yelled out, “WATCH OUT!!” Before he could react, Yifan felt something soft and sticky slap against his left cheek. A tense moment of silence filled the air as the unknown object slid down his cheek. Turns out, it was a pancake soaked in maple syrup.


Yifan slowly turned his head to the general direction the pancake came from, settling his eyes on his fourteen year old brother. “Really, Jongdae?”




To say that his morning was pleasant, would be a complete, utter lie. After the whole pancake fiasco, Yifan had to change again and had to speedily eat his breakfast. (You can’t blame him though, Dad’s pancakes are the best). Despite his speed, he managed to be 7 minutes late to school. Yup. The world just hates him.


Currently, it was Yifan’s lunch period, the only period he shared with his younger brothers. Yet after much debate, Yifan considered skipping lunch in favor of shooting a few hoops. Don't get him wrong, Yifan loves his siblings. Yet after Jongdae threw a soggy pancake to his cheek, made him reconsider. Also, he was not in the mood to witness his younger brother and his boyfriend (He was still trying to get over that tiny fact) engage in public displays of affection. Ew. I feel bad for Yixing, he mulled.


As he entered the gym, Yifan was hit with the strong stench of sweat. He whipped his head in an attempt to find the cause, his eyes landing on a very familiar man shooting a few hoops. That man was none other than his best friend, Kim Yoongi. The two had been friends since freshman year. They had met at the school basketball tryouts and, unsurprisingly, made the team. Due to the large amount of time they spend together, it was no surprise that they quickly became close.


As if he could sense the presence of him, Yoongi paused his actions and turned to Yifan. With a lazy smile, he said, “Hey.”




After a few moments of silence, he stared at Yifan with a knowing look. “Jongdae again?”




Yoongi shrugged and resumed to shoot some hoops. Wordlessly, Yifan joined him.




After the seemingly endless school day came to a close, Yifan hurried to the gym. This was one of the disadvantages of having practice right after school. Yet before he set foot into the gym, Yifan heard someone yell his name.




He quickly spun around to find some freshman, Kim something. As he came to a stop in front of Yifan, he gestured his arms towards a room down the hall. “Coach wants you to get something.”


Hesitantly, he replied, “Okay….”


Together, they walk down the hall until they stop in front of a random door. Yifan slowly opened the door to reveal an army of mops, buckets, and brooms. He looked around the room before asking, “Are you sure this is the ri-”


Before he could continue, Yifan felt a pair of hands roughly push him into the enclosed space. He landed on one of the buckets, causing the neighboring brooms and mops to fall onto him. As Yifan regains awareness of the situation, he noticed that the room slowly became darker and darker until it became pitch black. For a few moments, Yifan just sat there in the bucket. What just happened? He questioned himself.


Once reality set in, Yifan clambered over to the door and attempted to turn the knob. Locked. Damn it, he cursed. He then repeatedly banged on the door’s wooden surface. “HELP!! CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!!”


It went on for hours until Yifan’s throat felt raw from overuse. He huddled back into the bucket. Maybe someone had noticed his absence and went to search for him. Maybe his family noticed the lack of text messages coming from him. Wait a minute. His phone. Yifan had his phone.


He silently praised himself for this marvelous idea as he searched his pockets for his beloved phone. Once he located it, he eagerly pressed the home button to turn it on. Yet after minutes, the phone refused to wake up. Yifan then rapidly tapped the home button while muttering a series of ‘no no no no.’


“Dead,” He hissed.


Welp. He's in trouble.




Yifan sighed. Four hours had passed and Yifan was losing hope. The air in the janitor’s closet suddenly became more suffocating. To the morning it is, he surrendered.


He shifted his position again to his right side and curled up against himself, as much as he could in the limited space he had.


Before he closed his eyes, the door burst open. “There you are!”


Let’s just say that Yifan forgave Jongdae for throwing a piece of soggy pancake to his cheek.


[“I deserve a reward for finding you, hyung.”


“As if.”


“Oh come on!”






“How did you even find me?”


“... You don't want to know.”]




Thanks for reading this week's update!! I hope you liked it!! Now, will you excuse me as I suffer from muscle aches. (I made the softball team miraculously!!)



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174 streak #1
Chapter 3: Hahaha cute 🥰
174 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hahahaha, hey control yourselves shoppaholics 😅
Chapter 5: Seriously this is too much fun
Chapter 2: I can imagine Kris saying Christmas is not my style and I am laughiby so hard just by imagining that haha
Chapter 1: God this is soo so cute ahh why am I so late
Johnson94 #6
Chapter 1: Too cute
Chapter 12: Love these drabbles :) Looking forward to more!
Chapter 11: You dont want to write more drabblee?? :( its cute and i rlly enjoy as all the park-byun family growing older and older
FikakhanGD #9
Chapter 6: Cutee
Chapter 2: Adorable!!