
Drabble Collection

Her lithe fingers sliding across her torso, her soft whisper filled with language of amour, her tender touches and her playful tug at the lips, her sweet flowery scent lingers much longer than intended.

She kisses the nape of her neck, be it closure or libido, her arms encircle the brunette and tighten, seizing the opportunity to kiss the latter's bare shoulder. 

'Must you leave?' She speaks softly against the belle's ear, hoping it'll hypnotise her.

'I'll come back to you,' The brunette turns around to give her a timid smile and another comforting, addictive peck on her pouted lips. 'I'll always come back to you.'


And her lover was gone.


Her lover, as mysterious as a figment of her imagination, only exists when the sky is engulfed by darkness. Her lover, a mischievous thief unabashed by the crime she had committed - stealing her heart.




I'll continue with this later and edit it here.

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Chapter 3: Omg I need moooorre of boy Taeyeon hahahaha sequeeeeeel pleaaaaaase
taeny2403 #2
Chapter 3: Haha more abt fucboi