
The Little Things (Oneshots)


The subway moves shakily down the track, packed with people. You cross your legs as you find an empty seat towards the back and sink down into it, huddling close to the wall and avoiding the yes of those around you. You let your hair fall in your face and tuck your nose deep in your scarf as the subway lurches again, making several people lose their balance as they cling to the poles in the car.

You hate places like this, packed with people; it’s the thing that bothers you the most about traveling to the city. Every ride seems to make it feel a little more claustrophobic than the last time. It drives you absolutely insane.

The subway shudders to a stop as the doors slide open, letting in a new stream of passengers. You continue to face the window as suddenly the seat depresses beside you, letting you know someone else has joined you.

You look up in surprise and scoot away a little further to the right. From behind the curtain of your hair, you can see the outline of a guy around your age slouched in the seat beside you, his hair styled a pale blonde and a pair of red headphones slung around his neck.

You brush away your hair to get a better look and he suddenly turns around, meeting your gaze. You look away quickly and blush as you catch the hint of a crooked smile on his face.

What was it about that boy that had your heart pounding so hard? Maybe it was just the fact that you were in such a big crowd. Yes, that had to be it. You just needed to calm down.

You take a deep breath and let your eyes flutter shut, fixing your scarf and brushing your hair out of your eyes once again. Your hands tremble slightly as you sneak a peek at your seat partner again, averting your eyes to the left. He lifts the headphones over his head and settles them over his ears, letting out a little breath as he leans back in the seat and shuts his eyes. He’s really quite handsome, a flawless profile and smooth skin. His blonde hair fit him well and made him stand out; not many could pull off such a look.

You find yourself blushing again and you scold yourself for the action. He suddenly shifts in his seat, his hand brushing against yours and sending little sparks up electricity trembling up your arm. You let out an inaudible gasp and he opens his eyes again, meeting your gaze with a tiny smirk. You pray he doesn’t notice the crimson blush spreading across your cheeks and you turn back to the clouded window, trying to ignore the fact that your knees and wrists are brushing with every jolt of the subway train.  

You mentally slap yourself as you gaze out at the world rushing by. How could you be so worked up over a guy? You didn’t even know his name. You didn’t usually feel this way around others, not even when you found someone attractive. And this guy was attractive; oh boy, attractive was an understatement. He was gorgeous.

The subway halts again and the boy stands, gathering his things. You turn back to face him as he loops his headphones around his neck once again. He catches your eyes and gives you one more heart-stopping smile. And then he’s gone, disappearing through the automatic closing doors of the train.

You suddenly feel the urge to run after him, catch him and beg him for a name. Just so that you could put a rest to the unease in your chest. But before you can even move from your seat, the doors click shut again and the subway pulls away from the station, off to drop off at the next stop.

You sit back against the hard plastic of the seat and frown. You know you shouldn’t be so worked up over this guy when you knew close to nothing about him, but there was just something so fascinating about his curved smile and electric skin. He was something different.

You turn your head to face where he had sat only moments ago and notice something strange. There’s a piece of paper in his seat. Did he leave something behind? You pick it up, curiosity getting the better of you, and scan the neat handwriting scrawled onto the paper.

My name’s Zico. You should call me at this number sometime and maybe we could go out for something to eat? Don’t forget about me, make sure you call!

You break out into a smile as you memorize the numbers printed on the paper. You can’t fight the rising happiness in your chest as you read the note again. You mouth his name over and over, feeling the shape of the syllables on your lips. You can’t help feeling like this was meant to be; like the two of you were fated to meet at this very time and day. Or maybe it was just coincidence.

Either way, you felt like luck was on your side. 

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Trin20k #1
Chapter 89: omg hoya feels again, what is this? LOVE this story
Trin20k #2
Chapter 66: Hoya feels <3
Trin20k #3
Chapter 58: CHANGJO IS SO CUTE awww my god, I love this one
barooya #4
Chapter 61: Awww this one's sweet, T__T
I really missed him
Chapter 84: Omg... So cute!
Chapter 83: Okay. This was gooood! Haha.
Chapter 81: Tao's voice. I have a thing for it. Aha.
This was adorable. :)
Chapter 61: I would die if someone did this.
I liked it though. :)
Chapter 35: Hahah. That was so cute!
Chapter 22: New item added to bucketlist.. Dance to Trouble Maker with Junhyung. lol. XD