Beautiful In Every Way

The Little Things (Oneshots)


You really hate mirrors.

You hate the way they point out every flaw on your frame; the not so smooth skin, gangly limbs, awkward hips. You hate the little pinches of chubbiness here and there, your wide eyes, and terribly chapped lips. But most of all, you hate the fact that you look in the mirror and hate all of this. You hate it more than anything else. 

You stand in front of the long mirror, eyes resting too long on your protruding hip bones and clutch your sides with your long fingers. Faint traces of your ribs poke out from under the lace of your undergarments as you twist this way and that, frowning and chewing on your lip as you gaze at the sight in the mirror. Maybe you should lose a little weight…five pounds, maybe ten.

Suddenly the door to your room creeps open with a quick light tap on the frame. You spin around in surprise as your boyfriend steps in through the doorway. “Woohyun…” You start to say, trailing off, as you suddenly remember that you’re standing in only your underwear and bra. You blush and spin back around to face the mirror. You can see his surprised reflection behind you.

Woohyun steps into the room slowly. “I-I’m changing my clothes. I’ll, uh, be out in a moment.” He ignores your words and continues to step in the room with that same conscious and careful pace. “Woohyun?”

“What did I tell you?” He says softly, his eyes sad. There’s an unhappy frown pasted on his face. You hate that expression, like he pities you; or maybe he’s even disappointed in you.

You wrap your arms tightly around your waist. “It’s not what it looks like, I swear.” He frowns and comes to a stop just barely a foot in front of you. He runs a gentle hand through your hair and twirls a long strand around his finger, ignoring the fact that you’re nearly under his searching gaze.

“What did I tell you about tearing yourself apart like this?” You tremble slightly, your eyes tearing up against your own will. He folds you into his arms and keeps you close to his warm chest as warm salty tears silently drip down your cheeks. “When will you realize how beautiful you really are?”

Woohyun your hair carefully as he cuddles you against his firm chest. “B-But I’m not,” you whisper, the words coming out thick through your tears. He suddenly drags your chin up until your eyes meet.

“Don’t you dare say that,” he commands, his voice harsh and serious. You nod once as your bottom lip parts slightly. He closes the short distance between your lips and his, crushing you to him. He pulls away almost as soon as he joined you, staring firmly into your eyes. “You’re beautiful here,” he whispers, kissing each eyelid softly. He moves down to your jawline. “And here…”

His feather-like kisses trail down to your collarbones as he repeats the words. “And here…” Your shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingertips. He doesn’t miss an inch. He falls to his knees and plants several kisses along your stomach. You blush as he holds your gaze, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Especially here.”

He flops back onto the floor, crossing his legs and leaning back on his palms as he gives you a wide, teasing smile. “Every inch of you is absolutely beautiful. Please don’t think you have to change.” You fall to the floor in front of him and nod as he brushes your still damp cheeks clean.

“I promise you, I’ll stop thinking that way.” He grins widely.

“Good. You’re perfect just the way you are.” He stands and brushes off his hands. “Now please get dressed, yeobo. I’m taking you out for a delicious dinner for two!” You laugh and stand up.

“First, you get out. You’ve seen me in my underwear for too long.” He rolls his eyes but gives you a little wave and a cheeky smile as he slips out the door. You sigh and finally smile when you look back at the mirror.

Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. 

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Trin20k #1
Chapter 89: omg hoya feels again, what is this? LOVE this story
Trin20k #2
Chapter 66: Hoya feels <3
Trin20k #3
Chapter 58: CHANGJO IS SO CUTE awww my god, I love this one
barooya #4
Chapter 61: Awww this one's sweet, T__T
I really missed him
Chapter 84: Omg... So cute!
Chapter 83: Okay. This was gooood! Haha.
Chapter 81: Tao's voice. I have a thing for it. Aha.
This was adorable. :)
Chapter 61: I would die if someone did this.
I liked it though. :)
Chapter 35: Hahah. That was so cute!
Chapter 22: New item added to bucketlist.. Dance to Trouble Maker with Junhyung. lol. XD