The Art Show

The Little Things (Oneshots)


Your high school is packed with students, working hard to set up for the art show being held. You, being one of the members of the Art Club, are running back and forth, hanging up streamers and displaying works of art as the stage is being set. It’s no help that your crush Youngmin is here as well, hanging banners and adjusting microphones. Working with him side by side is making your heart pound. But you’ve got important things to focus on, so you’re trying your best. However, it does make it kind of hard when you get paired with him to hang the rest of the banners.

“Let’s go ____-ah!” He cries happily. You grin at his cute actions and the name he uses for you, as if you two were extremely close. You don’t mind it one bit. He carries the banner and you set up the ladder before climbing up and steadying yourself. He raises his arms up high to let you grab the banner. “Be careful, I don’t want you to fall.” You blush furiously and reach up to tack the banner in place. “Don’t worry, I’m fine-” you’re words are cut off when you stumble and teeter backwards, the ladder trembling dangerously. You cry out as you tumble back and suddenly you’re caught by a pair of strong sturdy arms. You gasp, breath leaving you for a moment. Youngmin’s concerned eyes meet yours and he cradles you. You suddenly realize how close you are and you scramble to stand up straight. He lets you go reluctantly and picks up the ladder to move to the next banner while pouting. “I told you to be careful.”

You sigh. “I’m such a pabo.” He laughs at you and starts climbing the ladder as you pass up the next banner. “No you’re not. Besides, I was happy to be you’re savior.” You blush again and stare at the floor as a smile creeps up on you. Youngmin doesn’t notice as he hangs up the banner. He climbs down carefully and takes your hand. Your head shoots up in shock as he drags you to the next area. “C’mon ____-ah!”

You giggle as he gives you a wink. You can’t believe how happy this boy makes you; he has no idea how his touch drives you insane or how his voice makes you want to sing. But you liked it that way-if he knew how much you really liked him, he would avoid you. Anything would be better than that.

You start propping up paintings against small easels as Youngmin follows close behind you. His hand brushes yours as he grabs a canvas and he gives you a small smile, one that makes your knees weak. He notices and gives you a concerned gaze. “Are you sure you’re okay? You scared me earlier with that fall.” You blush. “I’m fine, I promise.”

You turn away trying to hide your rosy cheeks as he sets up the last few canvases. Finally all of the works of art are displayed. Guests are beginning to file in through the large double doors. Youngmin snatches your hand and pulls you towards the auditorium. “I want to hear the songs they’ll be playing and see the dances.” You let him tug you through lines of guests and you slip into the half full seating area. He pulls you down in the seats beside him.

His hand remains clasped around yours and you can feel little tingles travelling up your arm. It drives you insane, being this close to the boy you’ve liked for years, his subtle touches and his ignorance to how you feel. You sigh softly and smile as his rapt eyes focus on the brightly lit stage, more people filing into the auditorium as a dancer takes the stage. Just being here with him like this; it was enough.

You turn and focus on the stage too after tearing your eyes from his flawless face. The performers are very good, and you’re proud of the show that your art club has put on. You feel pride swell up in your chest as suddenly Youngmin leans in close to you. “This all looks amazing. It’s all thanks to you, club president!” He cheers the last part quietly in your ear and you grin. Suddenly his lips press chastely against your cheek and you turn to face him, shocked. His eyes are focused on the stage but a sly grin shows from your side view. You touch your cheek lightly and smile. Maybe he really did like you.

As the shows ends, Youngmin stands, still clutching your hand. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’ve got a question for you ____-ah.” You nod slowly. “Go ahead.”

“Wouldyoubemygirlfriend?” He clutches a hand over his mouth and blushes. “I’m sorry; ignore what I just said, I-uh…” You laugh and pull him in for a hug. “Of course I will.” He stands stiff for a moment before swinging you around. “Yes! She said yes!” A few onlookers give you a smile and one even claps. You giggle uncontrollably and he kisses you on both cheeks. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to ask you that.” You gape at him. You can’t believe what you’re hearing. Could this really be real?

You give him a million watt smile as you finally stop giggling. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear it!”

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Trin20k #1
Chapter 89: omg hoya feels again, what is this? LOVE this story
Trin20k #2
Chapter 66: Hoya feels <3
Trin20k #3
Chapter 58: CHANGJO IS SO CUTE awww my god, I love this one
barooya #4
Chapter 61: Awww this one's sweet, T__T
I really missed him
Chapter 84: Omg... So cute!
Chapter 83: Okay. This was gooood! Haha.
Chapter 81: Tao's voice. I have a thing for it. Aha.
This was adorable. :)
Chapter 61: I would die if someone did this.
I liked it though. :)
Chapter 35: Hahah. That was so cute!
Chapter 22: New item added to bucketlist.. Dance to Trouble Maker with Junhyung. lol. XD