Chapter 6...

First Loves
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"Won! Wake up!"  Jihoon called out to a sleepy Wonwoo. Wonwoo had been up till 3am due to waking up at 2pm from the previous day and unable to fall back asleep. "Aing~ I can't get up Hoonie..." Wonwoo whined. You would think that how Wonwoo is so good to treat Jihoon so nicely when he needs to wake up that Jihoon would do the same, but hohoho~ Jihoon was not having a whiny and sleepy Wonwoo. He was not going to be late for school because of him. He went to the toilet and grabbed a bucket of hot water, ready to pour it on Wonwoo. "Wonnie~ wake up!" Jihoon called out in a too-good-to-be-true gentle voice. "If you don't wake upin 3 seconds a surprise will befall you...1,2,3!" Jihoon raised the bucket and poured the hot water all over Wonwoo. Thank god it wasn't scalding hot, but it made Wonwoo scream in pain and made his whole body red. "Yah! Lee Jihoon! What do you think you are doing?! That is freaking hot water!" Wonwoo scolded. The boys didn't expect it but their adoptive mother came in the room to see what was the ruckus about. "Yah! Boys! Some people has to prepare to go to work to support their family!" Their mother scolded. Wonwoo immediately took this chance to make Jihoon regret what he did. "Mum~! Hoonie poured hot water all over me! My skin might burn off!!" Wonwoo exaggerated since he wanted Jihoon to be in deep trouble even though it was only red and slightly sore. Their mum usually wasn't in, but when she was, she would spoil the boys rotten, but yet she would know when to discipline them, thus Wonwoo taking the opportunity. Their mother's eyes widened in anger and she pulled Jihoon's ear and brought him into her room to teach him a lesson.

Wonwoo smiled to himself happily and got ready for school. When he went down to get his bottle of milk, he could see a sour Jihoon sitting at the table with arms crossed with an obvious hand mark on his face. Ouch... the slap must have been hard... Wonwoo then went to the medical kit and looked for the lotion to place on swollen areas. He might have caused this to happen and he might have been happily laughing to himself when he saw the hand print, but he sincerely cared for his brother and would die for him. He went over to the table at rubbed lotion over the mark as Jihoon's eyes well up in pain. "I am sorry for pouring hot water over you... BEFORE YOU EVEN THINK I AM CRAZY, MUM MADE ME DO THIS! SHE SAID SHE WILL CALL YOU TO ASK, AND IF I DIDN'T, SHE WOULD MAKE SURE THERE WOULD BE ANOTHER MARK ON THE OTHER SIDE OF MY FACE!" Jihoon apologized insincerely without looking into his eyes, and the moment Wonwoo laughed at him he explained the situation. Wonwoo then hugged Jihoon and said," I forgive you, even though you deserved it." Jihoon then patted the latter's back and ate the breakfast Wonwoo got out for Jihoon which was originally his, a bottle of milk. 

Jihoon and Wonwoo then walked to school holding hands. Everyone in school were used to their skinship, so they didn't say much when they walked into the class with their hands interlocked. Jihoon hated skinship to be honest, but since Wonwoo liked it, he endured the toture. Soon, Jun and Soonyoung entered after them and they started chatting about their weekend until the teacher came into the classroom. 

"Class dismissed!" Mr Choi announced and with that the whole gang went down to the cafeteria together. But Wonwoo noticed that the Jihoon who was always walking next to Wonwoo was walking next to Soonyoung with their hands interlocked. "WHAT?!" Wonwoo shouted through the hallway while pointing at their hands. "Shut up you idiot! You're going to disturb the other classes! I already told you just now during classs, but your were too occupied telling us about your date!" Jihoon whispered with gritted teeth and slapped Wonwoo's head. Wonwoo was at a loss, he didn't feel jealous or angry, but he felt sad and yet happy. He was sad that his little brother wasn't just his anymore, but he was happy that he was happy for him as he had found someone for himself. Wonwoo then walked to the cafeteria sulking to himself until a certain tall boy came to him. 

"Hyung!!" Mingyu called out to Wonwoo. Wonwoo turned around to see Mingyu running after them, just like a puppy who was happy to see his owner. But the sad part was that Jihoon heard Mingyu calling and immediately went to Wonwoo's side and held onto him. Jihoon winked at Soonyoung hinting to him that it was just a joke to play with Mingyu and thankfully, Soonyoung understood and played along. Soonyoung went to Wonwoo's other side and held onto his hand while Jun had already went off with Minghao when he saw him walking along with Mingyu. Mingyu stopped in his tracks when he was in front of the elder and started pouting. "Hyung~! Make them get off of you!" Mingyu complained as he stomped his foot on the ground. Hmmp! I didn't see my baby for a day and there is already ANOTHER guy latching himself onto him besides Jihoon-hyung and Jun-hyung! Mingyu thought to himself with a frown forming on his face. Wonwoo laughed at the younger and asked Jihoon and Soonyoung to leave first, thankfully, they did. Wonwoo then stepped closer to the younger and rubbed away the crease his eyebrows were forming on his forehead. 

"Did you miss me puppy?" Wonwoo said completely forgetting they were in school and their relationship wasn't known by everyone as he tilted the youngers head downwards to look him in the eye. "Erm... hyung... we are in school..." Mingyu whispered. Wonwoo immediately let go and looked around, making sure no one saw them. Mingyu smiled at the elder's actions but found it sad that he didn't want anyone to know about their relationship. He then walked to find a sit with Wonwoo and he asked as they took a sit,"Hyung... Why don't you want anyone to know about us...? Are

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hyukkie_vixx_ #1
Chapter 8: omo :O
nabxla #2
Chapter 3: I CAN'T STOP SQUEALING IT'S SO FLUFFY. lookin forward for the updates
Chapter 3: I know I keep on commenting on you story, but THIS WAS SO FLUFFY THAT I ALMOST DIED. LIKE BRUH. thanks for updating often i appreciate it very much :)))
wonhan_trash #4
dodokyungie101 Thx for the upvote:) It makes my heart go boom boom
Chapter 2: This is a pretty good story so far. The only thing that kinda bothered me was that u kept on referring to hyung when the girls were talking, but actually in RL they don't call them that, henceforth oppa comes in, or else they R considered tomboyish. Besides that this story makes me have the feelz. Please keep on updating!
Chapter 1: it's good.. cant wait for the next chap authornim... fighting.. wonu