Chapter 4 ;)

First Loves
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That night when Wonwoo came back from school, he fell asleep straight after bathing. That day had left him exhausted and even though he was happy, it was the most he had ever done in one day. He was sad that the next day was a Saturday, and that meant no school, which equals to not being able to see Mingyu, but he was happy he could finally rest after that long and tiring week. He went to sleep with no nightmares that night for the first time in a long time. He used to get nightmares every night about the day his dad left, but that didn't happen that night. Wonwoo was glad Mingyu entered his life. 

"Ding Dong..." The house bell rang. Jihoon and Wonwoo woke up to the sound but decided to ignore it, hoping the person would just give up. But of course, nothing goes their way. "Ding Dong...Ding Dong...DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG!!" The house bell rang non-stop. An angry Wonwoo stomped down the stairs all ready to scream at the person who woke him up at 8.00am in the morning. He wanted to sleep in until at least 1.00pm. But when he opened his door, he saw a certain tall tan boy waiting anxiously at the door with a bouquet of flowers in hand, and all his anger melted away within seconds. "Wonwoo-hyung!!" Mingyu called out with open arms, and Wonwoo's legs brought him into is embrace without his consent. Even his legs loved Mingyu...  

"Mingyu-ah! What are you doing here? Who gave you my house address?" Wonwoo questioned after the heartfelt reunion. "Oh, I ask Minghao to ask Jun-hyung for your address! I wanted to surprise you with a date today!! What do you think of going to the arcade with me??" Mingyu asked with hopeful eyes. Oh how am i suppose to say no to such a cute puppy... "*sigh... Alright alright! Just let me go wake Hoonie up and eat breakfast. You can come in for breakfast too!" Wonwoo answered and welcomed Mingyu into the house. While Mingyu looked around the house, Wonwoo went to wake Jihoon up. 

"Hoonie-ah~ Wake up! We've got a guest and i will be leaving soon. You need to take care of the house." Wonwoo told Jihoon. Jihoon started to whine and squeal, Wonwoo knew that meant that Jihoon was NOT going to wake up anytime soon unless you woke him up by force. He carried Jihoon downstairs to the toilet, unaware of a jealous Mingyu staring at them. He started to take Jihoon's clothes off and bathed him. Even after the shower, Jihoon wasn't awake. Wonwoo carried Jihoon to the dining table only to find a pouting Mingyu sitting on the couch. Hmm? Why's he pouting? "Mingyu? Are you ok?" Wonwoo asked, but Mingyu just ignored him. "Do you want breakfast?" But Mingyu continued to ignore him. sigh... What did i do this time... Wonwoo went to get Jihoon's breakfast ready, but just as you expect, Jihoon was sleeping head down on the table. Wonwoo tilted Jihoon's had up and spoon-fed him his breakfast. Wonwoo was helping him wipe his mouth even. After about 5 minutes of feeding, FINALLY, Jihoon woke up. Jihoon noticed a hiding but watching MIngyu at the couch watching them. Jihoon knew at first glance that Mingyu was jealous of them right now. Since Wonwoo's back was facing Mingyu, he didn't know what was going on. Jihoon being his evil self decided to make Mingyu even more jealous. 

"Wonnie... I want to sit on your lap... and i want you to continue feeding me..." Jihoon requested. Mingyu's eyes widened at the request Jihoon just said. Wonwoo being the ever loving brother he was, and the oblivious boyfriend, allowed Jihoon to do whatever he wanted. Jihoon sat on Wonwoo's lap face to face and let Wonwoo feed him. Of course he and his evil mind thought of something even better. He took up the spoon and fed Wonwoo some. Wonwoo was suspicious, but decided to think that Jihoon was still tired seems Jihoon spilled some on his face. But little did he know that was part of Jihoon's scheme. Jihoon then said,"Ara... Mianhae Wonnie... I spilled some food on your face, let me clean it up." and with that, Jihoon the food off Wonwoo's face. That was the last straw for Mingyu though, Mingyu left the house and sat outside the gate with welled up eyes. Why did Won let Jihoon-hyung do that... no... why are you jealous Mingyu?? They're just brothers! Stop being so jealous!! Arghh- But Mingyu's thoughts were interrupted by a concerned Wonwoo asking him a question. "Gyu-ah, are you feeling ok? Your eyes are really red..." Aish... Why is he still so caring...even after i threw that tantrum... I have to change myself... "Yep hyung! Thanks for caring! I am so lucky to have such a caring boyfriend!" Wonwoo blushed at the comment. Wow... I guess it still haven't sunk in that we are together... 

They then left the house to go to the nearby mall to go to the arcarde. Wonwoo never liked the arcade because he remembers his dad bringing him to the arcade after exams if he did well and allowed him to play as much as he wanted. But since Mingyu asked, he couldn't find it in him to say no. But now that he was here, he didn't mind so much since Mingyu was there with him. The only thing he mind was how noisy it was. Wonwoo hated noisy places because he would never be able to think. But looking at Mingyu excitedly running around the arcade took all his worries away and only filled his mind with happiness. 

"Hyung! Hyung! Which one do you like? I'll win it for you!!" Mingyu asked jumping around excitedly. He was pointing to those claw machines where you try to get a stuff toy. Wonwoo personally didn't like stuff toys, but there was this one doll that caught his eye. It was a fox, with a

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hyukkie_vixx_ #1
Chapter 8: omo :O
nabxla #2
Chapter 3: I CAN'T STOP SQUEALING IT'S SO FLUFFY. lookin forward for the updates
Chapter 3: I know I keep on commenting on you story, but THIS WAS SO FLUFFY THAT I ALMOST DIED. LIKE BRUH. thanks for updating often i appreciate it very much :)))
wonhan_trash #4
dodokyungie101 Thx for the upvote:) It makes my heart go boom boom
Chapter 2: This is a pretty good story so far. The only thing that kinda bothered me was that u kept on referring to hyung when the girls were talking, but actually in RL they don't call them that, henceforth oppa comes in, or else they R considered tomboyish. Besides that this story makes me have the feelz. Please keep on updating!
Chapter 1: it's good.. cant wait for the next chap authornim... fighting.. wonu