
Christmas in 10 years


“I never felt the extreme urge to kill a person until now." I said between clenched teeth, mixing my food. Half an hour later, I still can't get over with the fact that this jerk embarassed us in front of the station. We're inIl Mare, an italian restaurant located somewhere near the Busan National University subway. I didn't actually expect him to bring me in an italian restaurant, he said he's just going to treat me a nice hot kimchi soup.


Oh fine, I liked Italian its just I never knew Seunghyun likes italian food too.


Nevertheless, I'm still mad at the jerk.


Seunghyun just smiled and continued stuffing food inside his mouth like he hadn't eaten for years. He ordered a shrimp cream pasta, calamari Zuppa di fungi, cioppino - an italian fish soup and a quattro formaggia which is basically a four-cheese pizza.

He smiled at me while eating his 3rd slice of pizza, “I know.”


I glared at him, “You're... Ugh."


“If you just said yes earlier, I wouldn’t pull that off.”he explained with a playful smile on his lips, closing the distance between our faces. "You're so hard to get, Mushroom."


His deep voice just gave me goosebumps. Ugh. “Whatever." I cut him, pushing him away. "You’re just a jerk.”


“Yeah. A jerk who's willing to embarrass himself just to have lunch with you."


I stopped myself from smiling. Damn this guy, he has a way with words. I pretended to not care and just continued eating. “Why would you do that? We don’t even get along with each other.”


“I like to have you around, that’s why.”he said while smiling at me.


“So you can always declare war.”I stick my tongue out and turned my attention to the plate in front of me. Why the hell am I suddenly feeling giddy? I mentally cringed at the thought of being giddy around Seunghyun. That's just... A big NO NO. He chuckled to himself and continued eating.


I risk a glance at him; He was stirring his soup gently while blowing it with such grace. Seriously, how can he do that? I mean, yeah, he looks good, I get it. But one cannot just stir a soup and look like a freaking hollywood star. He slowly lifted the spoon to his mouth, and suddenly, he jerked back.


I bit my lower lip, preventing myself from laughing. Seunghyun's expression was priceless.  The soup must have been still hot. I stiffled another giggle, purposely covering the half of my face with my hair so he couldn't see it.


I continued eating, feeling suddenly weird. For the first time, I found the jerk cute.



Apparently, Seunghyun was a tour guide after all. After eating lunch together, he brought me to a park. Yongdusan park as they call it. Seunghyun told me it was named yongdusan because the view of the mountains around looks like a dragon's head climbing out from the sea to land. Seunghyun toured me around; telling me some facts about everything I see, the pavilion, the Busan tower, the statue of General Lee Sunsin... Basically everything about the park.


I glanced at him him a number of times as he speak.


Wow. These are the kind of things Seunghyun knows. No wonder the company put him under the Travel and Cultures department. I nodded my head as he pointed here and there, looking like a child listening to her teacher.


 I admit he looked a slightly cute with those random facial expressions he made.


Okay, he's cute.


Fine, he's super cute.


I looked away, what is wrong with me? Goodness.


"Hey mushroom, stop me if I'm boring you."

I was startled when he suddenly nudged me by his elbow, probably sensing my silence. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, waiting for an answer.


 I was admiring the way you talk, you dummy.


 I smirked, "No, go ahead. I'm not listening anyway." I stick my tongue out as I increased the distance between us.


Good thing I was already a few meters away when he realized what I said.


Seunghyun looked at me incredulously, "Not listening?" he scoffed. "Why this little... Yah!" he yelled as he charged towards me.


And I ran for my life.




“So this is the tour? A restaurant, a park and a market?”I asked him as we walked in the busy street of gwanghak. Surprisingly, all of them were my things. Well, I liked to eat. In my free time, I always roamed around parks. And markets? Come on, who wouldn't like them? Shopping for the win.


“I thought of bringing you in Nampodong Christmas Tree festival later but I figured out that you don’t have much time to tour around the city. Well, minus the tree festival, these are the best places for me.”I was surprised when he said that. We like doing same things?


I stared at him in amusement. "You like markets?”


“A little. why not? Does that make me a less of a man?" he asked, raising his eyebrows and I playfully punched him in the shoulder in return. "I brought you here because I thought you liked shopping.”


A smile crept up to my face. “How did you know?”


“Connections.”he wiggled his eyebrows and held my wrist.  “Come on. Choose anything you want. My treat.”


“Why, Mr. Choi? What on earth happened to being an infamous jerk? Why so kind suddenly?" I asked, trying hard not focus on his hand around my wrist. Weakling, he could've held my hand. I wouldn't mind.

Damn these crazy thoughts.


Seunghyun just shrugged and put his other hand inside his pocket, still not letting go of me. "Because it's Christmas?"


"You already treated me for lunch.”


“Well, I’m rich.”


Seriously. I rolled my eyes at him, which he just ignored by half smiling and then pulled me towards the shops.


GukjeMarket was filled with a lot of shops and booths; clothing stores, gadget shops, accessory booths selling socks, scarves, sweaters, jewelries, hats, couple items-- name it.


I was so fascinated by the shops that I forgot that Seunghyun and I were enemies. I dragged him around, entering every shop we see.


It was another surprising thing, He wasn't like the other guys I knew who hated shopping around with girls. He was always game, enthusiastic with everything but in a very manly way. We had fun, making each other wear weird stuffs.



One was a jacket with a colorful furry collar I found in one of the clothing shops.

"Seunghyun! Look what I found!" I smiled at him teasingly, with narrowed eyes and wiggling eyebrows.


Seunghyun shook his head, smiling.

 "Yah, I'm not wearing that." he laughed, backing away. "and stop that smile."


"Why?" I paused, "That's my aegyo."


"You look like a ."




I almost kicked him in the shin, "Whatever." I made a face and started putting the jacket at him, "Now the way to wear this..." I said as I fix the collar, "is to pretend like a rockstar."


"Rockstars don't wear colorful feathers, Mushroom."


"That's a fur, Idiot." I slightly knocked at his head, "There!"


I take one full look at him, and then laughed so hard.


We spent our time like that in almost every shop; making fun of each other, which surprisingly was enjoyable.We strolled around some more; I don't know why but I suddenly felt conscious, like this was some kind of a date. I kept glancing at him and that's just stupid... But I can't help it. It's like the first time we met.


I tried to focus my attention somewhere. And that's when I notice that we're getting some attentions from some girls.


Probably because of the gorgeous jerk beside me.


Then the 4 of them came up to us.

"Sir, can we take a picture of you?"


God, girls these days.


I suddenly felt weird, when I saw them talk to Seunghyun like a bunch of fangirls to which he just politely smiled and nodded. I shook my head slightly. The jerk didn't even say a thing, he entertained them like I wasn't there. One of them, the small one with a long blond hair almost pushed me away. Relax Tiffany, they're just excited to meet a jerk. I sighed exasperatedly as I distanced myself from them.


Seunghyun kept smiling and chuckling with every word they say. Well he can introduce me to them at least.



As if the heavens heard me, Seunghyun smiled and pointed at me.



The girls look at me and one of them, the tall one with a darker skin tone than the rest came rushing towards where I was standing.

I smiled back politely as the girl approached me.


"Excuse me Miss, can you take a picture of us?" she said as she handed the camera


I don't know whether I should just take the camera and smash it on the floor or just drag Seunghyun and strangle him to death.


Oh, If the world is just fair.

I gritted my teeth, put the best smile I can and politely nodded as I got the camera and  took a picture.

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blckmenthol #1
HanaYui #2
Chapter 5: It was mark or it was seunghyun? hahaha I guess Mark is Seunghyun and Seunghyun is Mark, isn't it? And I wonder with what happen next, please update soon
trisha_ss23 #3
Chapter 5: Author-nim !! I'm dying here cause you haven't updated this story for I don't know, 3 years?! You're killing me hahaha author-nim there's still a lot of your readers are waiting for this. I know you have problems but please just post that you're still alive hahaha jk. I feel abandoned :'(
Chapter 5: Looking forward the next update author! :-)
Anding2810 #5
Chapter 5: This one too just let hanging without ending # hey it's rhyme........
dadecer101 #6
Chapter 5: update soon... your‘e such a great writer... really...~~
goodluck author...
good course huh :-)
hwaiting :-)
dadecer101 #7
Chapter 4: MAN~~!!!! THIS IS SO SWEET~~~~ HAHAHA XD
I keep smiling with squeel.. I‘m like an idiot here... ayieee~~
Chapter 5: please tell me that mark is fake
cloudragon #9
Chapter 5: you don't make seunghyun and mark a same person? i thought this would be a short one!
do whatever you want, dear writer. i'm too hooked up on you to stop reading, anyway.