
Christmas in 10 years



A few hours later, I found myself comfortably leaning at someone’s shoulder, which I later realized was Seunghyun’s.

“You done drooling, mushroom?” I looked at him with half eyes open, and when I realized what he just said, I quickly covered my mouth.


Indeed, there was a wet spot on his shoulder.


Can this day get any worse? First, I called him gorgeous and now, I drooled not just somewhere but on his shoulder. .

Sensing my discomfort, he looked at me and gave me a smile. “It’s fine.”


I don’t know if I was just dizzy but I suddenly find his smile appealing. It was different from his usual teasing smiles and smirks; this one looks actually real, highlighting some of his features and I hate that I love it. Ugh.


I massaged my temples, “I’m sorry. Do you have spare clothes?”




“Are you wearing anything underneath?”


His face suddenly paled then he grew red. I wondered why then I realized what I just said.

Oh .


Before I can take it back, his smile grew wider. “Of course I have underwears.”


“YAH!” I punched him in the shoulder, “I mean clothes! Underneath that sweatshirt so I can clean it up!”


He laughed. “God, you are so cute.”


“What did you say?”


“Nothing.” He chuckled, “Anyway, like I said, It’s fine. No one will notice. I’ll put my coat later, don’t worry about it.”

I feel cheeks burn for the nth time. Why do I have to be such a klutz in front of this creature? I looked good today, if not for those stupid acts, I’m sure I would have an appeal to him somewhat. Ugh.

What the hell am I even thinking?


“Are you okay? You got that weird expression on your face.” Seunghyun asked.


“Shut up.” I snapped at him, “Anyway, how long was I out? Where are we? Have we passed Busan station already?”


“Relax. You just slept for an hour.” He said as he fixed himself in his seat, “and we haven’t passed Busan yet. You going there too?”


I nodded as I raised an eyebrow at him, “Are you?”

He let me see his ticket for the second time around. The jerk’s going to Busan too. “I’m going to visit some relatives there. You?”


I can’t tell him that, can I? “I’m visiting someone too.”


He took his eyes away from me, “Boyfriend?”


I can feel my cheeks getting hot again, “K-Kind of.”


He looked at me incredulously, “Why do you blush all the time?”


“I don’t!”


The jerk scoffed, “So you got a boyfriend? I’m surprised.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


He opened his mouth to speak then hesitated for a bit, “Well… I thought you and Jessica kind of have a thing going—OUCH!”


I punched him in the arm before he could finish his sentence.


“What the hell Seunghyun? You thought we were lesbians?!”


“Why are you so mad, Mushroom? Lesbians are hot.”


“and you thought I was one?”




“Oh my God, you find me hot don’t you?”


“I..” With him stammering, I figured out that I caught him off guard. He looked stunned and a bit embarassed and I’m loving the way it made him uncomfortable. “My My My… The great Choi Seunghyun finds the Mushroom hot after all.” I stared at him in bewilderment and burst into a giggling fit.


Seunghyun didn’t say anything; he just laughed with me.

 A few moments later, an attendant came to us, asking if we want to have something to drink. Seunghyun and I was just arguing by that time.


“Just a glass of water for me.” I told the tall and beautiful attendant, who looked like a model slash stewardess. I suddenly envied her for having such long legs.


Seunghyun flashed his idol smile, Ugh seriously. “I’d like to have a glass of your finest red wine, Sooyoung-ssi.” He said in his casual voice, looking at the girl’s nameplate which was an inch above her right chest.


No wonder this dickhead saw her name.


The lady blushed at the sound of her name.


I gave Seunghyun a look.

“What?” Seunghyun turned to me then back to the attendant, “I’m sorry. My mushroom right here doesn’t want me looking around—”


“I am not your mushroom!” I almost shouted at him.


The attendant just smiled, “You look good together.”


“I look better without him.” I rolled my eyes at Seunghyun, “I’m sorry, make it 2 glasses of wine.” I told the lady and she gladly gave me my order. After exchanging a few more sentences with Seunghyun, she went away.


“Ugh.” I purposely said in disgust when Seunghyun looked at me. “You’re unbelievable.”




“That’s how you move?”


“What do you mean?”


“Please Seunghyun.” I waved at him in dismissal, “That’s… ugh.”


The jerk just laughed, “That’s how my charm works.”


“Excuse me?”


“I’m charming, am I not? That’s how I use it. And It works on everyone.”


“No. Not everyone.” I rolled my eyes at him, “It didn’t work on me.”


“I didn’t use it on you.”


I pondered whether to come back with a wittier retort or just punch him in the face. This person is just so despicable. “I hate you.” I told him and just let it go.


Seunghyun laughed again, sipping at his wine while I look on the window, concentrating hard on the beautiful view ahead of us. Didn’t use it on me? yeah right. Who cares. I can’t believe I got this far, I mean in the office, I can’t stand a minute with him around.


Which was weird, by the way, because everybody in the office loves him. If he was murdered, no investigations would be needed, the suspect would definitely be me.


I was aware that the jerk was staring at me for quite some time now, so I faced him. “It’s rude to stare at someone, you know.” I snapped at him irritatingly.


He squinted at me, “Why do you hate me so much, Tiffany?”

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blckmenthol #1
HanaYui #2
Chapter 5: It was mark or it was seunghyun? hahaha I guess Mark is Seunghyun and Seunghyun is Mark, isn't it? And I wonder with what happen next, please update soon
trisha_ss23 #3
Chapter 5: Author-nim !! I'm dying here cause you haven't updated this story for I don't know, 3 years?! You're killing me hahaha author-nim there's still a lot of your readers are waiting for this. I know you have problems but please just post that you're still alive hahaha jk. I feel abandoned :'(
Chapter 5: Looking forward the next update author! :-)
Anding2810 #5
Chapter 5: This one too just let hanging without ending # hey it's rhyme........
dadecer101 #6
Chapter 5: update soon... your‘e such a great writer... really...~~
goodluck author...
good course huh :-)
hwaiting :-)
dadecer101 #7
Chapter 4: MAN~~!!!! THIS IS SO SWEET~~~~ HAHAHA XD
I keep smiling with squeel.. I‘m like an idiot here... ayieee~~
Chapter 5: please tell me that mark is fake
cloudragon #9
Chapter 5: you don't make seunghyun and mark a same person? i thought this would be a short one!
do whatever you want, dear writer. i'm too hooked up on you to stop reading, anyway.