
Christmas with Markjin
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So, I'm sure most of you wonder, where have you been? why haven't you updated the last days although you promised you would post a new drabble everyday?
honestly I don't think I've been this disappointed in myself for a long time, I promised this would be updated daily and I wasn't able to keep it.
I wanted to make this pre christmas time special and enjoyable, make you all happy because I know there aren't many markjin updates the last weeks, seeing my wish failed and I propably disappointed my readers is really upsetting.
Anyways, lets get to what happend, simply: the charging cable for my laptop doesn't work anymore. I tried writing over my phone but its just not the same, also winterdepression got the best of me (that isnt an excuse but explains why my motivation to buy a new charching cable was kinda non existent) and I'm in a busy test phase, constantly studying and not having much time to look for other possibilities how to update this calendar.
I was asking myself how I could fix this failure, make it up to you again, but I seriously have no idea. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to catch up with writing all the drabbles I missed. If you have an idea/a wish that'd be nice but Idk if I'll be able to carry it out because at the moment I'm kinda unable to do anything? It makes me sound weak and stupid, what I am haha, but right now just standing up and simply taking care of my body like every day hygiene, are one of the hard

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Chapter 10: Ahhh it's okay, u wrote plenty of wonderful stories already... I really appreciate all of them.... Get well soon
Maarked #2
Chapter 10: You and your health comes first don't feel like you are a disappointment
Ripples_Tides #3
Chapter 10: You're doing us a favour by intending to post fics daily, you could've decided for once a week and that too would've been sufficient enough.
You and your health come first, always.
Chapter 7: >.< markjin toddlers is the cutest
Chapter 4: Damn yes! I'm really curious about the package's content :') loved this chapter btw
Chapter 4: heeee this is so cutee ... the kiss tho ~
jan2kay #7
Chapter 4: Yeahh... I tought it would be ...hahahaa..blame my ert :D
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 3: Just love it!! That kiss ~~ *=*
alpha00 #9
Chapter 2: this is very cute!!! >///<