Third lullaby

Sweet dreams (are made for me)

Jihoon found himself at the edge of an enormous checkered board.

He could make out Hansol, standing a few meters away from him on a white field, wearing a crown and directing human-sized chess pieces Harry-Potter-style. On the other side of the chessboard stood Jeonghan, wearing a similar crown but substituting the queen instead of the king. (Hansol would be killed immediately if real-world Jeonghan would ever find out.)

At the sides of the board laid the already beaten figures of both players. They seemed to be in the middle of a heated battle, the winner completely undetermined.

While Jeonghan moved one of his black knights forward, Jihoon walked over to the heap of defeated pieces and started nibbling on a black rook. Hansol retaliated by moving his bishop, beating one of the pawns threatening his second knight. (The first one already laid knocked out in front of Jihoon.)


Jihoon dropped his minty treat when a feeling of dread engulfed him, just like it had back in Jisoo's dream but much more potent. He wanted to hit his past self for not checking the dream directly after his arrival.

The chess pieces seemed to waver, their outlines weirdly contorted. They began turning towards Hansol while Jeonghan flickered for a second and then simply vanished.
Hansol took a step back in fright after noticing that he had lost control, prompting the figures to move towards him, while Jihoon started sprinting in his direction. "Run! There are too many, we can't fight them!"

For a second Hansol looked frozen and utterly shocked by Jihoon's arrival, but then he his heels and began sprinting. Jihoon had caught up to him and frantically examined the vast emptiness that surrounded the chessboard, his mind running on overdrive to find a solution.

He knew that Hansol wouldn't be able to die in a dream but a really intense nightmare could leave mental scars and that was something he desperately wanted to avoid. Also, they couldn't risk fighting against so many nightmares at once, because Jihoon himself was not as protected as Hansol was. He could indeed die in a dream that wasn't his own, which would mean that his mind wouldn't return to his body, leaving it in a state of permanent coma - not something very high on his bucket list.

The easiest way to get out of the situation would be to wake up the host, but waking someone up from inside a dream was a nearly impossible task and he didn't want to leave Hansol alone at a moment like this either. So he decided on the only other solution he could think of and grabbed Hansol's hand.

"Close your eyes and JUMP!"


They crashed into a mossy forest floor, limbs entangled and gasping for air.

"What the hell just happened?!" Hansol croaked out. "Sorry about that, but I thought a change of location would be a good idea," Jihoon said distractedly while looking around, scanning the area for nightmares. After finding none he picked himself up and reached out a hand towards the still flattened Hansol.

The trees around them were so tall, they couldn't even make out their leaves. Everything seemed oversized, from the blades of grass that reached up to their chest, to the mushrooms towering over them. A strange sound erupted behind them, making them turn around instantly in a defensive stance. A massive snail made it's way over to the mushrooms ever so slowly.

"Okay I have no idea what's going on but this is seriously freaky," Hansol said in a slightly shaky voice, eyes glued to the snail.
"Yeah... I'm not really sure what to do since you're not exactly supposed to be here in the first place, but how about we look around? I'm sure we'll find one of the members somewhere." "Why would anyone want to be in a mutant forest with giant snails crawling around?" Hansol sounded rather doubtful and Jihoon couldn't blame him. If this were his dream he wouldn't be here either but well, sometimes you just have to it up.

After climbing over massive roots and nearly drowning in a puddle they found a clearing filled with sunlight. In this clearing sat Chan, surrounded by oversized forest wildlife. ("What is this, a friggin Disney movie?" grumbled Hansol and Jihoon couldn't agree more.)

Noticing them he got up with a smile. "Hyungs what are you doing here? Are you okay? You look a bit messy." "Oh I'm feeling great, just fleeing from murderous chess pieces and nearly getting eaten by a giant snail, the usual," Hansol said coolly.

While Hansol was busy entertaining Chan with a detailed - and quite exaggerated - recapitulation of what had happened, Jihoon wandered off towards some bushes growing at the edge of the clearing. The bushes were so tall that he had trouble reaching the berries, but once he had climbed on one of their branches he was able to pluck a red berry that was about the size of his head. Eating the savory light orb he was finally able to relax a little. This adventure could've ended a lot worse than it did, he was glad that he was able to jump into Chan's dream at the right time. Bringing Hansol had been an emergency measure but it wouldn't have any repercussions, as long as it didn't happen again anytime soon.

Tired of feeling even smaller that he usually did he decided to move on.


Junhui's dreams always were a weird mix of Chinese and Korean, sometimes even with a few random English words thrown in. He wasn't as invested in his past as Minghao was and he seemed to adapt to the Korean life better too, since most of his dreams took place in Seoul.

Jihoon wandered through the familiar rooms of their dormitory, looking for the other members. He found Seokmin, Mingyu, Junhui and Minghao sitting in front of the television, playing some sort of racing game and being generally noisy. They greeted him without looking up, too busy with winning. While Jihoon just stood in the doorway and watched, a second Jihoon walked in, holding a bag of chips and a bottle of coke. Junhui looked up at the movement and promptly drove his car into a wall. "Does Jihoon have a twin I didn't know about?" Confused by the question the others looked up as well, their eye's growing wide at the sight. Dream-Jihoon looked just as wary as the rest, while the real Jihoon smiled nervously. "Haven't I told you? I'm his older brother by thirteen minutes. We sometimes switch places to get some time to relax," he made up, sending his dream-twin a withering glare. Seokmin and Minghao both exclaimed something incomprehensible - for Jihoon - in Chinese while Mingyu closed in to examine their faces, touching Jihoon's nose inappropriately. "But you have to keep it a secret, the agency would wring my neck if they knew," he pleaded. "Of course," Junhui smiled at him, "sit down and tell us exactly what's going on, please."

Jihoon let out an inaudible groan - that was going to take a while.

After making up random facts about his nonexistent twin-brother for what felt like hours, Jihoon excused himself, leaving his slightly dazed double behind. He was a bit worried about falling behind his schedule now, having spent more time in Junhui's dream than he had originally planned. The time inside a dream moved differently than on the outside, so it was probably only a matter of minutes but he still needed to get his own sleep after he finished eating. Munching on a pen that tasted surprisingly similar to bubble gum he prepared himself to return to his own body.





A.N.: I know you're waiting for Jicheol so I try to keep the dreams short, but sometimes I can't help myself ;)

 Also: The friggin amount of time it took me to find a decent Hansol gif from the MMA 2016 intro, urgh.

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Chapter 9: Awwwwwwxw I love this one, I think it's my favorite story of yours with The Others! It was short but really good, I like the "dream-eater" concept a lot, thank you for your hard work~~
rosequartznserenity #2
Chapter 11: I like this idea of a dream-eater and was very glad for the extra chapter at the end. Thank you and i'll go read your next story now (instead of reading the research journals like i should be)!
fanfan109 #3
Nice one ☺
DarryLu #4
Chapter 11: Das war einfach irgendwie... Total süß :D die Idee von Träumereien finde ich richtig gut, auf sowas würde ich nie kommen xD Aber in meine Träume dürfte der arme Jihoonie nicht kommen... Der wäre für sein Leben verstört...
Simple-J #5
Chapter 8: Yay an extra chapter! I was sad this was over
Simple-J #6
Chapter 6: Meanie even in their dreams xDDDD
Simple-J #7
Chapter 4: It's ok! I like to see the dreams of the other guys
Simple-J #8
Chapter 3: Aw Wonwoo :(
Simple-J #9
Chapter 2: Ok I'm liking this more than intented xD It's so interesting
Simple-J #10
Chapter 1: Woa... I liked this, seem interesting