
Ace Project

Ipod Shuffle Challenge - Series


infinite sunggyu, you

I walked down the stairs.
I dragged my feet across the floors of the cold, empty house.
'I can't take her off my mind'
I ruffle my hair.
I dragged myself across the living room and to its corner where my piano is placed.
I slowly placed my fingers atop it and started playing.
Slowly. Note by note. Like how we used to do.
A/N: Recommended. Listen to this.
 BTW I dunno how to put this as flash.

The empty house was filled with short, sad notes.
When just before, it was filled with laughter and happiness.






"Oppa! Catch me if you can!" you ran around the couch and stopped just in front of me.
Teasing me.
"Mehrong" She stuck her tongue out as I chased her around the couch.
"Ya! Come here!" I said as I laughed together with her.
I finally got a grab of her and pulled her next to me on the couch.
We sat together while waiting for her laughter to end.
I put arm over her shoulders and stared into her eyes.
She was so mesmerizing.
So beautiful. Words can't explain how much she means to me.
I was so lucky I had her.











I found out.








She had another guy. Not just one.
Every night. She'd go out and meet other guys.
Just after she left my house.
She would lie to me about being with her friends.
Being at home. Shopping.




She'd go out to the club and make-out with different guys.





I found out one day, when my friends asked me to go clubbing with them.





I saw her. There on the table.
She had no shame and was even sitting on his lap.
She looked like such a .
I loved her so much but it only turned out to be like this.





"I guess you like the bad boy type.
And I guess I wasn't enough to satisfy you, huh?"


I said when I walked over to their seats.
I slammed my glass on their table and walked away.
I never wanted to come back to a place like this.






She didn't even ask for forgiveness.
She didn't care.
Not one call. Not one visit.








But now. I still miss our happy memories.
How sweet she looked and how we were.
Why did it have to be like this?
I can't even blame her or myself.
Everyday seems so lifeless.
I can't leave the house.




I feel like I was imprisoned in my heart.
So dark and empty. In a betrayed and lonely house.

Originally published on August 5, 2012
Revised on August 22, 2012

A/N: This is another succesful E/N. Yey! And I finished it fast.
But it's so boring. And sad. Huhuhuhu. And BTW The main character is Sunggyu.
But if you think it was someone else. It's fine

Ayieee. You thought of some one else.

And answer this poll. Hahahaha





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ParkJimins_TinyWifey #1
I absolutely LOVED my oneshot and your writing is just awesome!!! I enjoyed this very much and I wasn't expecting the ending, hehe, can I please request again?????? :D
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
hi there, I subscribed but I don't have a twitter! is there anyway I can just request here please? :)