Keep Your Head Down

Ace Project

Ipod Shuffle Challenge - Series

action, science fiction
dbsk changmin, yunho



In another planet. A fight was beginning.
In the middle of the biggest arena in Mt. Olympus.
Yes. There was life on mars.
Yet, humans have not found out about it.
Because these extra-terrestrial creatures have extraordinary abilities.
This is why they look down on humans.
Because compared to them, the humans are weak, powerless, and useless.
These Olympians are the children of the gods and goddesses.
Each Olympian had unique abilities.
And when it is time for their coming of age.
They battle using their abilities which they have trained since young.
They are very independent.
Since they were born, like how humans give birth, they are given their needs and are left alone to learn by themselves.
They take after their parents for their abilities.
The mixing of different abilities created unusual abilities.
But nonetheless, these children have made use of them well.

These two, who are at their coming of age ceremony, have to battle against each other.
Changmin and Yunho. Changmin was blessed with the power of light.
While Yunho was given the power of fire.
Most might say that Changmin is at a disadvantage, but he was very bright.
He found out a way to use his abilities for battle.
While Yunho was left by his parents because his parents searched for a way to enter Earth.
His parents' faces. He never knew what it looked like.
Like every other child. He was alone.
He played by himself, instead of going with other children.
Until he met Changmin.
He knew Changmin had similar abilities with him.
From then on. They teached each other with different attacks, techiniques, and skills.
They were of the same age and they knew they would battle soon.
So they would always test each other.
Sometimes Yunho would win and other times, Changmin would win.
They would never quarrel about who's better because they'd find out soon enough.

And finally, the time came.
They stood directly in front of each other, but very far away.
They waited for the whistle of the referee to start the game.

A battle of Light and Fire.


Originally published on August 5, 2012
Revised on December 15, 2016

A/N: Who do you think would win, you ?
E/C : Actually I don't remember how many times I played it. Was 2 or 3?


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ParkJimins_TinyWifey #1
I absolutely LOVED my oneshot and your writing is just awesome!!! I enjoyed this very much and I wasn't expecting the ending, hehe, can I please request again?????? :D
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
hi there, I subscribed but I don't have a twitter! is there anyway I can just request here please? :)