Mona Lisa

Ace Project

Ipod Shuffle Challenge - Series


mblaq cheondung, you

I step in the wide, spacious museum.
Yeah. I entered an Art Museum.
I needed the inspiration to paint.
Or write.

I pass by all the marvelous paintings.
Picasso. Leonardo Da Vinci. Edvard Munch. Juan Luna
Statues and paintings.
I feel so refreshed just by looking at these.
I notice Mona Lisa ahead.
I kept my gaze at the paintings and carelessly walked forward.
And I didn't see that there were people who were viewing it too.
I bumped into someone.
I didn't see their face, though.
He or she was too tall.

It made me step back a bit. 
I face him shortly, looking away from the painting.
"Uhhh.. I'm sorry." I instinctively reply, then returned to viewing the painting.
I study every detail and every on the painting.
Until I feel an irritating stare from the side.
"Ahem. Excuse me mister." I face the guy which I bumped into a moment ago.
"Yes?" He raises an eyebrow.
I only take the time to notice now but I do admit he's handsome.
He had pearly white skin and slightly chubby cheeks with short, curly, hair.
To add, he was tall and when I say tall, I don't just mean taller than me but TALL.

"Were you staring at me?"
He stared blankly at me without even a reply.
I wave my hand in front of his face.
"Huh? What?" he shakes his head and closes his eyes.
Then he looks at me again.
The look in his eyes changed.
It looks more calm and caring.
Ok. What is wrong with me.....

"I'm sorry about that." He smiles and bows a little.
"You just seem like Mona Lisa."
I raise an eyebrow.
"What? How? WHY? I don't think I lost my eyebrows" I instinctively my eyebrows to check if they were still there
He chuckles.
"I don't mean that, it's because you may not be smiling but you still look stunning."
I was flattered and flustered at what he said but I didn't look away, that would've made it obvious.

He smiles again and extends his hand out.
"My name is Cheon Dung."
Why did I feel like I knew this was coming.
I sigh mentally.
" you " I smile back.
Ughh. I feel so fake.
"Cheondung. Come here!" Some guy behind 'Cheondung' called him.
I take a peek and saw that the guy had noticeable eyebags, like REALLY dark eyebags.
Although I feel bad for thinking that.
For all I know, he might be losing sleep from working hard and everything.
"Ah. Neh! Wait. I guess we'll have to say goodbye."
I smile back at him.
Ughhh. Finally. This guy is leaving. He's too weird.
Wait. Was he flirting with me?

When Isnapped out of my thoughts, I noticed he was handing me a piece of paper.
"What's this?" It was a small piece of paper that seemed to be ripped from the edge of something.
"My number." He extends his hands more, closer to me.
"Uhhh...." I  hesitantly take it.
"Don't worry, Mona Lisa." He winks at me before turning his back at me and walking away.
"uhhhh...." What was that about? "Ugghh....."
I scoff to myself.

"I guess I'll be writing romance tonight."
I say as I pocket the paper.

Originally published on August 5, 2012
Revised on November 22, 2016

E/C: I admit. I only played Mona Lisa once.
A/N: Neh=Yes (politely or cutely) Hyung=older brother (Only used by boys)

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ParkJimins_TinyWifey #1
I absolutely LOVED my oneshot and your writing is just awesome!!! I enjoyed this very much and I wasn't expecting the ending, hehe, can I please request again?????? :D
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
hi there, I subscribed but I don't have a twitter! is there anyway I can just request here please? :)