Chapter Four (To Safety)

R.I.S.E: Abnormal
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Trees to my left. Trees to my right. Trees to my front and trees to my back. Is it because I'm watching the National Geographic channel on a huge flat screen TV about the countryside in Alaska? No. It's because for the last twenty-five minutes, in complete and utter silence, I have been looking at trees from the passenger window. I almost and I mean ALMOST forgot that I was nearly impaled my a hail of bullets, went on a man made rollercoaster through the air by a maniac, threaten by some goons wearing prom suits and almost choked to death by a hairy human woman boar. How could I nearly forget that list of accomplishments I only encountered in a little over an hour?

"So...", I thought I should end the overbearing silence in the car. "When are we suppose to meet up with this so called medical unit?"

"We should see them in a matter of minutes. Due to the fact that we had a problem back there, I had to take a different route. I don't think you want to encounter anymore things especially with your mother in bad shape."

"Can't argue with you", I said as I looked at the rearview mirror to check on my mom. Now I'm starting to think about dad. This entire morning has been officially shot to hell. I just want to go home and- That's right. I no longer have a home so I'll be adding that to my list of accomplishments.

"Do you hear that?", spoke Himchan which broke my train of thought.

"Hear what? Please don't tell me that they followed us", I said looking at all sides to see if I saw any suspicious cars tailing us.

"No. It's faint, but I think I hear sirens up ahead", he pointed as he kept one hand on the steering wheel.

I squinted my eyes and leaned off the passenger's seat to see if I could see them coming in our direction. "I think I see something... There! I see an ambulance van to our left!", I loudly said. Mom is going to be alright. 

Himchan put on his emergency blinkers and pulled over on the side of the back road.

"I'll open this side of the door for the medical until", he said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. I copied his same actions and got of the car just in time to see the ambulance park on the other side. A few seconds later three people including the driver hoped out of the van and ran in our direction.

"Where is she?", asked a woman who looked to be in her late twenties to early thirties, wearing a hospital uniform.

"In the back seat. We laid her carefully down and I monitored her breathing every five minutes. She was attacked by a Wilder Beast type. That one in particular looked like she was able to control how long she can stay in that form", Himchan informed.

"It looks like she did a number on her. I don't know if there's any broken bones so the two of you need to be carefully removing her", another medic said.

"Yes ma'am. I'll take this side and you take the other Rita."

"Kay!", the girl eagerly shouted and ran to the other side pass me.

"And who's this?", asked the lady who seems to be in command now looking at me.

"The victim's daughter. She sustained an injury around her neck", Himchan explained to the lady.

"Then let's take a look at it", she said as started walking around the car.

"I-It's okay. It's not that serious compared to what happened to my mom", I lied as I tried wiggling out of being checked out. Being around anything that has to do with hospital gives me goose bumps for some reason.

"Don't lie. I can clearly see that your skin has been irritated because you have red spots on your neck", the doctor (I'm assuming) said as she settled herself in front of me. "It doesn't look too bad, but I think it would be safe if you got it checked out."

"Rita wheel out the-"

"I already got the bed Ms. Sawyer", she said smiling enthusiastically.

"Himchan!", the doctor who examined yelled.

"Y-Yes ma'am!", he replied back.

"Help Tyler get the patient onto the bed. Rita is still an intern", directed Ms. Sawyer.

Himchan walked with urgency to the other side of the car, opened the door and took mom's ankles with his hands. "Ready when you are."

"On three I'll pick her up and then you follow", spoke the guy medic on the other side of the car bent over with arms underneath mom. "One, two, three!"

Tyler (if I remember correctly) lifted my mom's upper body with ease then carefully began to slide her out of the car with Himchan inside. The young intern wheeled the bed closer to Tyler as more of her unconscious body began to become more visible outside the car. I decided to go around and observe carefully to make sure none of them drop my mother. Himchan, after several seconds of delay, came out steadily, holding mom's ankles.

"Good. Now carefully place her on- That's right...Good job you two", Ms. Sawyer commended the both of them. "Now let's hurry and take her to the ER." As she was about to follow Rita and Tyler to the van she stopped and turned my way. "Would you like to join her in the back? She is your mother after all."

"Uh no! It's fine. I can't possibly do much anyway and I don't want to be in your way. I'll stay in the car with this guy." Why am I making an excuse? I should be in the back with mom, holding her hand and trying to comfort her, but the thought of entering the ambulance- I rather not. "She's top priority now", I said recalling mom using those words to express her wanting to protect me.

"Alright then. I guess I'll see you two in a little while", and with that said she ran to the van, jumped in the back and closed the double doors behind her. I continued to watch as Tyler drove forward then made a u-turn to get on the side that Himchan and I are on, then stepped on the gas.

I stood there watching as the view of the white and red colored ambulance became less and less visible. The cold spring air suddenly slapped across my entire body making grab my neck as I felt a tingle sensation. I guess it's still in some pain which it should be after what that brute did to me. But it's strange. I thought my skin felt more rough than this earlier.

"We should get going too", said Himchan as he went to the driver's side and got in.

Less than ten seconds I was already inside seating once again in the passenger's seat, and we were once again on the rode. The sound of the soft humming sound coming from the engine, along with the frosty wind blowing against the sides the car, helped make it not so quiet between the two of us. It was like he sat in his own world and I sat in mine. May be I'm just being over sensitive, but I kind of get a sense that something about him changed since we first got in the car. 

I wanted to bring up some questions about those two Abnormals that attacked me, the men in suits and- Wait. Men in suits... why does it feel like I'm suppose to remember something...

Five, four. three. two...

"Stop the car!", I shouted after going through my thoughts, which in return shocked Himchan and made him step on the brake with force.

"The guy!", I said as the seatbelt kept me from flying across the dashboard. "In the trunk! Is he still alive?!"

"Oh crap... I totally forgot all about him. I guess I should check to if he's still breathing", he casually said like it didn't matter if he died in the trunk.

The car slowly picked up speed and came to a halt on side of the road. Himchan, nonchalantly while whistling I might add, got out of the car and strolled to the back.

"Seriously, does he not care if there happens to be a dead body in his- Nope", as I realized after thinking back when we first met. He shot three of those men without a care in the world. I should keep both eyes on him.

I decided to look in the rearview mirror to observe his actions. I noticed that Himchan just stood still with his hands in his jacket pockets. "Why is just standing there like nothing is going on?" I watched him closely and saw his eyes move every so often a car drove by us. When what seemed like the last car went by he opened the trunk and hastily removed the guy from inside.

"I see you're still breathing", I heard him say with a different tone. The same tone prior when he asked the second guy he shot and killed if he wanted to die along with his friend. "Good", he continued. "Now get in the back seat before I make you."

"His personality did a one eighty huh?", I said lowly in the car, waiting to see what will happen next. The sound of the car door opening made me instinctively sit still and watch as the guy in the red and black suit grunt as he got in the back. Himchan then got back to his position as driver and drove off.

Now the atmosphere is completely awkward as hell. You could cut the tension with a chainsaw, that's how suffocating it is in here. I would have rather just left him in the trunk and endure the silence if I knew it would be like this.

"May be some music will adjust our mood", said Himchan, breaking only a piece of the ice.

*Click*(Man) Shiny happy people holding hands!(Woman) Shiny happy people holdinnnggg haaannndddsss! (All together) Happy peoplllleee! Happy- "May be not that one", he said as he scurried to turn the music off.

Not only did it get more awkward, but I think I'm a bit embarrassed too...


-Fifteen minutes later-

Are we there yet!, I hollered in my head out of anxiety from being stuck with these two and also hunger. I'm starting to feel like those celebrities on those many Snicker Bar commercials when they're in a bad mood because they didn't eat. I need something to nibble on before I commit a serious crime because of hunger.

"If we don't get there soon... I swear I will-" I mumbled to myself then stop because I felt the car slowing down.

"And we're here', Himchan announced as we pulled in next to a

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Finally getting a chance to do a new chapter.


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Chapter 2: So much action! Ommmggggg. COOL. And the "you know the type that can't scratch their let alone their back" got me dying. Lmao. I can definitely picture that kind of body type you were talking about.
Pearl01 #2
I hope more ppl will read it. There aren't a lot of stories that catch my interest and not a lot B.A.P like before. I liked them for 3 years so far
Pearl01 #3
Chapter 6: Happy new year to you too and thanks for the reply. A lot of authors don't do that. I'm commenting for 5 and 6 since I'm playing catch. I loved that Min has a smart mouth and a joke for everything. Himchan's personality is uhm... how can I say... I need to read more. Right now he comes as an jackass. And that slap to Dara was wow. I love the new characters you added as well. Rain (Jung Ji Hoon) seem like he and Min won't get alone either. I loved how once again the tone is set. Thanks for the update ^^. I read Black Magic and Cherry Boy (well still reading) and they are really good. I see Zelo is the main character for Black Magic which I like.
Chapter 1: They're such a cute little family ^•^ That is, until I realized I hate last minute things and secrets being kept from me also -_-

Pearl01 #5
Chapter 3: So far I like how different the story is. I find it interesting that you use very different characters then stories I read before. I know all the characters and I love how someone is finally given Min some shine. I also like Himchan's character so far. Can't wait to see the rest story as it unfolds.