Chapter 2 - Worthy

Vampire with a heart

Wonshik hugged himself where he lied in his bed. His new bed. He hurt so bad. He was so hungry..
It had been nearly a week since he ran into Dara. Since his life ended and he became.. This.
This monster he thought was only real in stories... He refused to eat. Dara had tried to force him, but he wouldnt. He couldn’t stand the thought of killing another person... He wouldn’t even touch the glasses the blue haired queen brought him, knowing it still meant someone’s death..

But it was starting to hurt so bad.

«My little prince» He flinched at the sound of her sweet, silky voice.
«You're starving yourself.. You will wither, and die. Come with me. Feed» Wonshik shook his head.
«You know my answer..» He said it weakly, but her sigh was a clear sign that she heard him.
«Fine...» It went quiet for a while.

He thought she left, until he felt the weight on the bed. She had gotten in behind him. Slowly she moved her hands around him, nuzzling gently at his back and placing a soft kiss between the blades.
«I wont force you, Wonshik...»
He felt his shoulders relax when she said those words, and slowly he drifted off in the gentle hold she kept around him. Why did she always feel so warm?



He woke up some hours later, feeling groggy. He slowly rubbed his head and sat up, realizing he wasnt in his bed anymore. He looked around with slight confusion before seeing her in front of him.
«Dara? Where am I?» She smiled and raised her hand, gently beckoning at him with her fingers.
«I wish to show you something, my dear» She said. Wonshik recognized the tone of her voice. The snakelike tone. He had noticed that whenever she used it on him, it was like he lost his will. That voice made him obey. So he got up and walked over.
«Show me what..?»

Dara smirked and gave his cheek a soft pat.
«In there» She pointed to a door on the side.
«Go there, and close the door» Wonshik looked at Dara for a moment before feeling his body follow the orders, going to the door and entering. He had a bad feeling, wondering what she was putting him up to. The moment he closed the door behind him, he heard the door lock.

His mind turned back to be his own at the sound and he turned around quickly, yanking at the door to try and open it.
«Dara! What are you doing!» He shouted through the door before slowly glancing around the room. It wasn’t very large, and had a single, small light hanging from the ceiling. Wonshik squinted slightly to identify a form lying on the other side of the room.
«Don't let him beat you, my dear» He heard Dara say from the other side of the door.
Him? Was that a person?

The form slowly rose up, and Wonshik paled. The man was tall, nearly two heads taller than him, and muscular. Was Dara trying to have him killed?
«Vampire» The man said with a toxic tone then spat at the ground in front of him. While Wonshik looked at the man in slight shock, processing what was happening, the mass of muscle took off, storming at him with a roar.

«No, wait!» Wonshik shouted at the man before he was picked up and thrown across the room roughly, slamming into the wall on the other side. He grabbed at his head for a short moment, before the man grabbed at his shoulder and picked him back up, punching him hard in the face and letting him fall again.

Wonshik scrabbled to his legs and ran to the door.
«Dara let me out!» He shouted. «This thing will kill me!»
«Then kill him first»

He paled and turned around, jolting to the side just in time to avoid being rammed in by the enraged man. The man smacked into the door and screamed slightly, blood starting to run from his head where it hit.
Wonshik's eyes widened at the scent. Blood. That’s what she was trying to do.. Make him feed. Or die.

The boy shook his head in disbelief before he felt his arm grabbed again, and his body being thrown into a wall again. He gave out a sharp gasp and grabbed his side then he looked at the beast that came running at him. Wonshiks eyes flared into a dark red as the vampire inside him woke up. As the man threw a heavy punch, Wonshik snarled and caught his fist with his hand, stopping it dead.

The man in front of him stared at him surprised, as Wonshik judged the hand in his, and started squeezing. The man started screaming loudly, as Wonshik felt how he snapped bones in his hand. He forced the man to his knees and grabbed him violently by the neck, feeling the muscle in it bend and nearly break. The man shouted something, but Wonshik couldn’t hear it. He could only hear the blood rushing in said mans neck. Streaming through him, and smelling so good....

Wonshik's mind blanked as he broke the mans neck, and dug his fangs into his throat, feeding for the first time.


He was on his knees, his face and shirt covered in the blood of the now.. dead man in front of him, when Wonshik vaguely heard the door behind him creak open. He didn’t bother to turn and look. He knew it was Dara.
He just kept watching the body. The man who's life he had just taken... A man who probably had a family out somewhere...

But.. the blood had been so tasty. So warm, in his cold body. He could still feel the heat on his tongue. On his face.
Then he felt her arms slowly moving around him. His sire, his queen, gently wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him to her, letting him lean on her and look away from the body. Her hands were soft, nimble, and she gently wiped away some blood of his chin while she looked into his eyes.

«You did so good.. my sweet prince» She whispered with her warm, sweet voice.
«You fed well» She gave him a soft smile. «You are a true vampire now, my sweet. You're worthy of it.. Worthy of me»

Worthy of his queen... a true vampire? He closed his eyes and just let himself rest against her chest for a while, enjoying the warm feeling he got from the blood, and the joy he felt from her words. But he still did not smile.
No matter how good he felt..


The regret screamed inside of him.  

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kathyrica17 #1
Chapter 4: This story is sad but beautiful. was enjoying readung this.
mrstaehyungcool #2
Chapter 4: Its good and its so sad
Chapter 4: Nice story
mrstaehyungcool #4
Chapter 2: Its good.pls continueeee