Chapter 4 - We all burn - Finale

Vampire with a heart

May 5th, 2146

Wonshik stepped away from the window as he watched the sunrise. He knew this was dangerous, but he wanted to see as much as he could.
«Close the curtains» he heard her speak from behind him, but he ignored her

«Ravi, I said close the curtains» She nearly hissed out, but he ignored her again, staring at the sun until it was too close and quickly closing the curtains before he would burn. He heard a loud sigh from the bed behind him and turned around.
«Why wont you listen to me?» She was angry. He didn’t care.
«I wanted to see it»
«Are you insane? If the sun had touched us, we would both be dead!» Dara was shouting. But Wonshik only shrugged.

«... You're acting strange today» She said it with suspicion.
«... Come here, my dear» She raised her beckoning finger and told him to come. But he didn’t.

«I'm gonna check on Hyuk» He said, prominently leaving the room and leaving her alone, in their bed, and confused. She didn’t have the same appeal anymore. The same control..


August 30th, 2146

Jaehwan was watching him with a glare. Hyuk had his head tilted in confusion. Dara just stared in shock.
«What.. do you mean.. 'not joining'?» She hissed out.
«This is our night! We all go, ALL of us!» She shouted at Wonshik and walked over, grabbing his chin and looking deep into his eyes.
«-All- of us go» She said in her snakey voice. Wonshik shook his head.
«I don’t want to»

Dara threw his head away and backed up in shock. She.. Had no control? How was this possible. Her king... The man she made, the vampire she trusted.. Was refusing her so intently.
«... Fine.. Fine! Boys, lets go.. Ravi needs some... time to think» She said sharply before turning and leaving, Jaehwan quickly following behind. Hyuk lingered and looked at Wonshik unsure.

«.. You really rent coming?» He said quietly
«I really ain’t. I don’t feel like it today» Wonshik said softly, smiling at the sweet boy who looked baffled for a moment before running after the others.

He was playing a dangerous game, but.. He didn’t want to kill tonight. Even if it would upset his queen so greatly. He just couldn’t get himself to care about her desires tonight. Any of them.
He had noticed that she could no longer force him to do anything. He wouldn’t even touch her unless he truly wanted to now.

She wasn’t pleased with that. But he didn’t mind her anger. He didn’t mind it at all


February 8th, 2147

Wonshik sat in his chair in the main room, holding a book limply in one hand while he thought intently. Was this really the right thing? Was it truly what he wanted to do?

He sat that way for hours, barely moving, while he contemplated his thoughts, slowly making up his mind, and forming his plan. It was simply..The right thing to do.


March 12th, 2147

Wonshik locked his chest and pushed it back into its hiding spot in the dungeons. The plan was finally ready.

«Ravi?» He jolted and turned around, breathing relieved as it was just Hyuk.
«Yes? What is it?»
«... I cant sleep...What are you doing here?»
«Nothing, Hyuk. Don’t worry about it» He got up and smiled at the boy. 40 years since he was turned, and he was still so innocent. His hair was still black, even after all these years, and his eyes barely yellow. He was still just a little boy...
«... Ravi?» The boy said unsure.
«... Are you going to leave us? Dara seems to think so...» Wonshik bit his lip then walked over, giving the boy a gentle hug.
«..No, Hyuk... I will never leave you»



April 30th, 2147

Wonshik lied awake. It was the night. The night he had planned and planned for months. He turned to have a look at his queen. His partner for almost 100 years...She was sleeping after an early chaotic attack night with the boys. Wonshik had even joined this one. He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before quietly leaving the bed and getting dressed, making not sure to wake Dara from her sleep.. Not yet, at least.. He silently left the room, heading to the dungeon to find his chest.

He looked around for a bit, listening to make sure no one was awake before unlocking the chest and opening it.
The chest creaked ominously open, as if it knew what was inside, and Wonshik looked at his items.
Two stakes. Gasoline. A lighter... Hopefully he wouldn’t need anymore than that. He gave out a sad breath and picked up the stakes first, putting them in his pocket, before walking up with the gasoline, and leaving it by the stairs to the top floor. Then he started walking to the first destination. Jaehwan's room.

Wonshik stopped for a moment outside of the room, thinking this over one last time before nodding to himself. It was the only way..
He gently pushed the door open and looked inside. Jaehwan was sleeping calmly, holding a bloody teddy bear he had found during one of their nights years ago. He was peaceful. And looked almost.. sweetly. But Wonshik knew better, after all these years. He clutched one of the stakes in his hands and walked over, sitting slowly on the bed and watched as the blonde shifted slightly in his deep sleep.

«.. I’m sorry, Jaehwan. But this is the right thing to do..» He whispered before closing his eyes, raising the stake in the air. He bit his lip for a moment before ing it down, through its target and, once he vanished to dust, into the bed. Wonshik whimpered, a tear springing to his eye before he shook it off. At least he hadn’t woken, or felt it... Just gone in his sleep.

He slowly stood up, leaving the stake in the bed and slowly opened his eyes to look at the now empty bed. Only ashes remained, and Jaehwans teddy bear... Wonshik swallows hard then composed himself quickly before moving on.

Next one would be far harder...
He quietly entered Hyuks room and smiled where he saw the boy. He had fallen asleep with his book in his hands. How cute..
Wonshik walked over and gently took the book out of his hands, looking at it for a moment before putting it in his pocket.

«Ravi?» He tensed at the soft, half asleep word. This wasn’t the plan. He wasn’t supposed to wake up... He didn’t answer as he sat down on the bed, trying to steady his breathing. Hyuk tilted his head faintly and watched him.
«Ravi, are you OK?»

Wonshik slowly turned to him, tears running down his face.
«..I’m sorry, Hyuk» The boy looked at him with a confused gaze.
«Sorry for what?»
«... I promised to never leave...»

The boy didn’t seem to understand for a bit before looking sad. He thought Wonshik was leaving. Before.. he saw the stake and his eyes went wide.
«... Ravi, don’t!»
«I’m sorry!» Wonshik said and quickly covered the boys mouth, closing his eyes tightly as he felt him fight against him until the stake went through. Ravi opened his eyes just in time to watch the little boys face turn to ash. His eyes wet from crying, turned black. And then he was no more.

«... I’m so sorry...» Wonshik softly sobbed out. He sat there for a while, crying before he slowly got himself together. He wasn't done yet..

Wonshik wiped his eyes as he walked to the stairs, grabbing the gasoline and heading upstairs again. To his room. To his wife, his queen, his lover. He couldn’t leave her alive either. He entered the room and looked over at her. His beauty.

He walked over to her and gently caressed her cheek, studying her face a last time. Then he opened the canister of gasoline. It stank, but he didn’t care right now. He quickly started pouring it over her and the bed. She woke up

«Ah.. Wh-Ravi, what are you doing!?» She shouted as she realized what the smell was. She jumped out of the bed and ran across the room.

«Ravi, have you lost your mind?!» She screamed furiously.
Wonshik looked at her with a sad, blank look.
«Its the only way, Dara...» He flicked on the lighter and her eyes went wide.
«No.. Ravi, stop it. Put the lighter away..» She said softly, but Wonshik could hear the snakey, controlling voice under it.
«... You cant control me, my love..And it has to be done..»

She went even paler than she already was, then bolted towards the door. But Wonshik was prepared. He threw the lighter towards the door, setting it on fire and blocking her exit.

«.. I’m sorry...» He whispered as the fire caught her before she could get out of the way. She started shrieking, screaming for him to save her....

But he wouldn’t. He walked to the window and jumped out, closing it behind him so she wouldn’t get out. He turned and looked through the window. Watched the woman he had loved, adored, for a 100 years, run, scream and shriek in pain, until she turned to dust. He turned around and looked at the sky. It was almost morning now..

He had done what he had needed. He had taken the lives of the 3 people he knew and loved in this world. His family... To save the rest of the world. To save humanity.. To allow humans a true chance at the world. He just hoped the humans would be worth it....

Wonshik sighed softly and sat down on the roof he was standing on, the room behind him starting to burn more intensely. But his eyes were locked on the sky. The sun was rising. He was going to see it one last time.

He wasn’t going to go back on his word... He wasn’t leaving them. He was leaving with them.
Even tho he had wanted to burn on his own. Wanted to let them all live, he had wanted that so badly.. but he couldn’t. He knew what they would do.. Without him, Dara would turn more people into beasts. Into monsters who fed on the people they used to be... It was better this way....

He slowly smiled as the sun started rising. He would soon be free. Get to end this..Purgatory of a life he had been stuck in, and finally see if there was another side.. And if there wasn’t.. Then at least, finally. He could rest.

As the sun rose, Wonshik silently cried, but with a smile on his face, looking at the beauty of the sun as it hit him, slowly scorching him. Turning him to ash, like the rest of his family.. But he didn’t scream. Because he was ready for this. He took a last breath and whispered before he fell into dust.

«Its finally over»


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kathyrica17 #1
Chapter 4: This story is sad but beautiful. was enjoying readung this.
mrstaehyungcool #2
Chapter 4: Its good and its so sad
Chapter 4: Nice story
mrstaehyungcool #4
Chapter 2: Its good.pls continueeee