Chapter 1 - The queen

Vampire with a heart

Wonshik hummed a soft song to himself as he grabbed his bag. He had just finished a long session in the dance studio and he was ready to get home and flat out infront of the tv with a nice pizza.
As he walked outside, he noticed it had gotten darker than he had expected. It was the mid of fall, and he was still not quite used to the quick days. Atleast the streetlights were on, he thought to himself, as he started on his walk home.

While Wonshik went through his phone, trying to decide what song to listen to during the walk, he thought he heard a noise. He stopped and removed the headset to listen, but it was quiet. Strange. He put it on, but before the music began once more, he heard it again. Was that a scream? He removed his headset again and looked around, feeling shivers as he heard it again. It was clear this time. But short. He decided to hurry to the sound, thinking it might be an assult, or a robbery. Nothing wouldve prepared him for what he ran into.

The sound brought him to an empty alley. It was dark, and Wonshik squinted as he walked down the empty way. The voice was gone, and there was nothing here. How strange. He decided to turn on the flashlight on his phone, just to make sure.
«Oh god!» He screamed, as the light illuminated a large puddle of blood infront of him. Where did that come from! Where was the person? He flicked the light around a bit, trying to locate where the blood came from, but there was nothing?

«Wah, look at this...» Wonshik jumped and turned around, aiming his flashlight at the person he swore wasnt there a moment ago.

«He's pretty..» the soft voice said. Wonshik felt a slight shiver go down his spine at the sound, but he wasnt sure if it was fear, or attraction.
The woman infront of him had blue hair, long on one side, and short on the other. She wasnt too tall, but she had an air of athority about her that made him nervous.

«Who are you?» he asked unsurely. «Did you see what happened? Did someone get hurt?»
She laughed. It was a dark, cold laugh. Wonshik swallowed.
«Oh, someone sure did. Some little girl, no worries» She almost sang out.
«What is your name, brave boy?»

Wonshik hesitated. This woman really made his skin crawl, but at the same time.. he wanted to speak with her.
«Kim Wonshik.. what happened to the girl?»
«Come here» She said, ignoring his question, and beconed him with her fingers.
«Let me see your face»

Wonshik frowned. This woman was weird. He decided to leave, so he shook his head and started walking by the lady when he suddenly felt his body freeze. The woman moved infront of him, almost gliding with grace.
«I said... let me see your face..» she whispered as she gently removed his phone from his hands. Turning the flashlight on him and moving her spare hand to his face, gently tracing his jawline.

«You truely have a special look about you.. I enjoy it» She smirked. Her eyes glinted in the light, as did the two sharp fangs in . Wonshik jolted back away from her as he suddenly regained control of his body.
«What the? Y-Your teeth..! You..»
She laughed again. Wonshik backed away further, until he felt the wall of the alley behind him. He didnt even notice the blood he stood in.

«... Do you no longer learn about Vampires, sweet boy? Heh... Are humans so unafraid of us, that they do not even tell of our existance..? Foolish of them.. Good for me» She followed him as he backed up, staying close.
«... And you will help me make them fear again» she said softly, sweetly. Red eyes glinted and she reached out to touch his cheek.

«Wont you, my sweet prince?» she barely breathed the words as she leaned in close. Wonshik's head was numb at the voice. Prince? He thought faintly as her finger gently ran over his lip. «Yes»

He heard himself saying. Yes what? To be her prince? Why on earth-

His mind stopped at the sudden sharp pain to his neck. He gasped and raised his hands to push her off, but she brushed them down with her own. The vampire queen had sunk her fangs in, and was filling the boys veins with the vampire venom. It would kill him in minutes, if she didnt feed him.

«S-stop, what..» Wonshiks voice trailed into the air.

After a minute, the woman pulled away from him, taking steps back while watching him with interest.

«Its going to hurt» She said.

«It already did..» Wonshik answered slightly, gently grabbing his neck confusedly, his mind returning to him. He was bleeding.
«What the hell did you d-» His eyes widened. Suddenly, his heart felt constricted, and he grabbed at his chest. The bluehaired woman grinned as she watched him.

«Your heart is stopping» What?.. His heart was stopping..? Why? No NO! He didnt want to die!
Wonshik fell to his knees and gasped for air. He felt like he was choking, looking up at this strange woman with begging eyes. Everything went blurry for a few moments, then it went dark.

Slowly, the woman walked over and kneeled down, gently turning the boy over to his back and carressed his lip, opening his mouth.

«Dont fear, little boy..It wont end yet» She whispered, then cut her own wrist with a nail, letting the thick, almost black blood slowly drip from her skin and into the pretty boys mouth. She observed as it kept dripping for a bit before finally, a movement.

Wonshik twitched, opened his mouth more before shoting his eyes open, swallowing the mouthful of blood in shock as he jolted to his feet, grabbing at his chest then his neck, checking his wound. But his chest didnt hurt. And his neck wasnt open anymore. What had this woman done to him?


«Welcome to your new life, my sweet prince~» the woman said, it sounding like a snake to his ears. Wonshik looked at her in disbelief.
«I am your sire, your queen. Call me Dara»

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kathyrica17 #1
Chapter 4: This story is sad but beautiful. was enjoying readung this.
mrstaehyungcool #2
Chapter 4: Its good and its so sad
Chapter 4: Nice story
mrstaehyungcool #4
Chapter 2: Its good.pls continueeee