Chapter Eleven


Before they knew it, it was time to say goodbye to each other, to Chani, to the lodge. They were busy packing their luggages and all other stuff and although it was sad, there was also some sort of excitement in the air. 

Maybe the next school year would be more bearable, Inseong thought, looking out at the mountains. 

He will miss waking up to this amazing view. Heck,he knew he would miss Dawon's crazy outburts and Rowoon's special ramyun and hearing Jaeyoon singing out at random times during the day. He wanted to stay longer but good things must come to an end and well, there is always next summer. 

And just like that, they were back in their stuffy uniforms, in the four corners of their classroom. 

Well, not really. 

Inseong and Jaeyoon has somehow found themselves hanging out a lot, sometimes with Dawon and Rowoon joining them causing everyone to raise their eyebrows. It's weird having these many people around him who actually somehow understand and know him better than all the others. 

Everything was going pretty well until Youngbin barged into his class, tears streaming down his face, looking for him. Somehow, Inseong knew what happened, but he refused to let it sink in. Not now, not yet. 

He excused himself and they went off to find the others. One look at their faces and they knew what it is. No one dared to say it out loud because doing so might make it more real - they were holding onto a chance, a slim chance that all this is not true. 

A man in a black suit met them in front of the school, giving each of them a thick folder. He bowed then, when he has finished his task and went. Inseong wanted to stop him, to ask questions but the envelope felt heavy in his hand, in his heart so he just let him go. 

They all stood there, the silence heavy looking at each other. Dawon was the first one to leave. He didn't say anything just strode towards the exit, after the man in the suit. One by one, they all followed, until Inseong found himself standing in the hallway with Jaeyoon. 

The bell rang then, and the hallway came to life with students bursting from their classrooms. Inseong watched as Jaeyoon stepped into the crowd and got lost in traffic.


He stood once more, in front of the double wooden door, heart heavy with grief. He traced the same patterns as he did that first day and he wished so hard that all this is just a dream. That Jaeyoon would open the door with a huge smile on his face and welcome him. That he'll meet the rest of the members in a light manner. 

But the chill in the air told him otherwise and so, with trepidation, he opened the door and entered. 

Everything was still the same as they left it but there was a certain gloom to the place. Even the cold has permeated inside making him feel sickly. He decided then to stay in the living room and light a fire, he would be needing it afterwards anyway. 

Being in the lodge, alone and at this time is unnerving. The walls feel stuffy and there's just too much memory in every place that it's hard to even take a single step forwards. But he did, and he managed to reach the living room. 

When Inseong has finally got a nice fire going, he slumped on the floor in front of the fire place, the warmth making him sigh. He reached for his bag and pulled out the unopened envelope that the man has given them that day. 

Somehow, he knew what was inside and that is exactly the reason why he opted to open it here, in this place, where everything started. He watched the fire crackling merrily in the fireplace, his hands getting heavier and heavier holding the thing. 

Finally, he took a deep breath, opened the flap and poured the contents in front of him. 

A smaller, white envelope slid down easily, while the other paper, a bigger, thicker and was folded needed to be taken out by him. 

Inseong took a deep breath as he slowly and carefully opened the bigger paper. 

Sure enough, a picture was looking back up at him. The outline was a bit messy but the eyes of the drawing was emphasized by the dark colors. 

"A desert fox?" he said out loud, almost choking on the words. 

He stared at it for a second longer before carefully folding it again and sliding it back into the envelope. Inseong then turned his attention to the smaller envelope. It took several minutes for him to finally open it and a few more minutes before finally reading the words. 

Inseong hyung, 

Did you like the drawing i made? Have i told you that your eyes resemble that of a desert fox? kekeke Now you know!

Anyways, hyung if you're reading this then--- then you know what happened to me... Don't be sad though, i knew it was going to happen and at least i was able to meet you and be with you all. 

Take care of yourself, hyung. And take care of all the others. 

You can come to the lodge anytime, it's pretty much your home as much as it is mine. 

Thank you for everything, hyung. Be happy. Be healthy and live life to the fullest. 

-Kang Chani

---------------------------------------------- A week later---------------------------------------------------

The eight of them were back in the lodge. Instead of the rowdy group that Inseong has come to love, this group of people are more subdued. It felt a bit unusual and unnerving, especially Dawon who's always energetic and prancing around. Conversations were a little bit hushed, interactions minimal, most of the time, everyone is lost in thought. 

The sadness was evident in the air but there was also a hint of acceptance, a little bit of hope and positivity coming from somewhere. 

Inseong stood up then, and grabbed a glass from the table. He walked to the center of the room and slowly studied each of their faces. Their eyes must reflect the same kind of sadness he's feeling in that moment.

"To Chani," he said raising his glass in the air. 

One by one, they all followed suit, picking up a glass from the table and lifting it up in the air all the while whispering his name. 

Yes, at this moment, they are all filled with an unspeakable sadness but Inseong knew that in time, everything will get better and they would look back at the times they spent here in the lodge, all the precious memories they built and smile. 




So yeah... i know i kinda rushed the ending but there was really nowhere for it to go any more.. my only regret is that i didn't do as well in writing this last chapter. it feels a bit empty of emotions. but the ending, yes, this is the ending that i planned albeit i wanted to go the more dramatic route but i can't find it in me right now. 

Again, sorry and thank you for reading this up to this point. I promise to write a more and better story for you next time. 

by the way i'm in twitter: @kaydawonie 




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lovekangchanhee #1
Chapter 11: It's an ending already?! Oh my Chani im crying
lovekangchanhee #2
Chapter 8: When I saw an update notification, I scream and jump out of my bed! I love this story so much!❤ Hope you'll continue this as soon as possible. Fighting!
Chapter 7: Most of the time I'm like ??????

But then I'm still :DD bc your writing is comfortable go read

Like I binged everything lol
lovekangchanhee #4
Chapter 7: THIS STORY IS GETTING MORE AND MORE INTERESTING!! What happened to Chani? Why were they invited by him? How can they help him? I'm curious i love this feelings
lovekangchanhee #5
Chapter 6: Oh! I've waited for so long but it doesn't matter because this story was really great! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen on the next chapter! Author-nim, Fighting!!
lovekangchanhee #6
Chapter 4: I. REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. LOVE YOUR STORY!! Looking forward for the next chapter:))
Chapter 4: Omg i think its getting more mysterious... cant wait to see what will gonna happen, i love this fic already *-* fighting, author-nim!