Living with Yong Junhyung

The new Tenant


The Tenant

Hyuna look around the house. She had been living in this house for 2 weeks now and she felt lonely. Her parents had given her this big house for her to live in as it is near to her college. She wanted her bestfriend, Leah, to move in with her but Leah’s parents did not allow. Hyuna had made up her mind. Since the house has 2 bedrooms on the second floor and the kitchen and living room is on the first floor, she decided to rent out one of the bedrooms. It is kind of like having a roommate. The only difference is that this is a house.

Hyuna had put up ads in newspaper and had already prepared the necessary things needed in the rental room. Now she just had to wait.

After a week of waiting, she received a call.

“Hello? Is this Miss Kim? I’m here to ask if the room for rent is still available.”

“Hi. Yes this is her. Yes sir, the room is still available. Are you interested in renting it?”

“Yes! Can I come over this afternoon, at 2?”

“Sure. By the way, may I know your name sir?”

“Oh yes. I forgot about that. My name is Junhyung. Yong Junhyung.”

“Ok Mr Yong, see you at 2.”

After Hyuna hung up the call, she just smiled to herself. Finally. She will be lonely no longer.

After finalizing the contract and payment of the rental, Junhyung moved in the very next day. It appears that Junhyung is also a student in the same college as Hyuna but he was a senior. Maybe that is why Hyuna had never seen him before.

After weeks of living together, Hyuna and Junhyung had gotten quite close. At times they would go to college together or back to their house together.

“Damn!” Hyuna cussed when she find out that the heater in her bathroom was spoiled. It was a rainy day and there was no way she is going to shower in cold water. She gathered her toiletries and clothes and went to Junhyung’s room which is across hers. She knocked on the door thrice and she waited. She heard footsteps from inside. Suddenly, Junhyung opened the door, wearing only a white towel wrapping around his torso. Hyuna could see his faint abs and no-so muscular arms. Damn he looked hot. She snapped her eyes back to Junhyung’s face after a long while of staring at his hot body. Junhyung was drying his hair with a towel and smiling at Hyuna.

“Yes Hyuna?”

“Erm.. er.. My heater is broken, can I use your body- I mean! Your heater?” Hyuna stuttered and blushed when she realised what she accidentally said.

Junhyung chuckled. “Sure. I’ve just finished showering. So I’m sure mine isn’t broken.” He smiled.

Junhyung stepped to the side to let Hyuna in. Hyuna stepped in and went straight to the bathroom to avoid saying things about his body again.

After she had finished showering and changing into a simple yellow tank top and a pair of denim shorts, she walked out of the bathroom. She scanned the room for Junhyung and found him sitting at his table, writing something. She placed her toiletries and towel on his side table and walked over to him from behind. She peeked from the side of his head to see what he was writing while resting her arms on the back of his chair. Junhyung didn’t turn and continue writing in his book.

“What are you writing?” Hyuna asked while reading what he wrote.

Junhyung must have felt she was beside him as he was not startled when Hyuna spoke. “You know that I’m in a music production course right? This is one of my assignments. To write lyrics for a song.” Hyuna nodded. She leaned in so much that she did not realised that her head was just inches away from Junhyung’s head.

He wrote his last sentence and spoke, “Do you wanna hear it?” As he asked, he turned his head to Hyuna. Coincidentally, Hyuna also turned hers to Junhyung. Both of them were shocked at how close their faces were, their noses almost touching. Hyuna’s heart beats fast. Very fast. She just stared into Junhyung’s eyes and she saw that his gaze moved down to her lips. Very slowly, Junhyung moved closer to Hyuna. Oh no! He’s going to kiss me! He is right? What am I talking about? Of course he is! What do I do? What do I do? Okay just stay calm Hyuna. Stay calm.

“Ding Dong!”

The doorbell rang when his lips was about to touch hers. Both of them quickly moved away from each other and Hyuna walked straight to the front door. As Hyuna walked out of his room, Junhyung leaned back to his chair and sigh. A long, deep sigh. He then walked to the front door to see who was at the door. As he was at the stairs that was facing the open door, a girl standing outside squealed as she saw him.

“Junhyung oppa!” the girl squealed while smiling widely. Hyuna who was at the door immediately turned to see Junhyung at the stairs.

“Euri-ah!” Junhyung said. He smiled widely and ran to the girl. He hugged her tightly and lifting her slightly from the ground. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck, still smiling widely.

Hyuna was just there, by the side, witnessing the whole scene infront of her. Who is she? His girlfriend? Wait- HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND??

She just turned and walked to the kitchen, leaving the sweet couple. She poured a glass of water and drinking it slowly. She should have known he had a girlfriend. A hot guy like Junhyung is sure to have a girlfriend. But wasn’t he going to kiss her just now? She shoved that thought aside. No Hyuna. You mustn’t like him anymore. Didn’t you see how happy he was to see her? You should have asked whether he had a girlfriend or not the first time you met him.  With that, she walked straight to her room with her head hanging low.


so how was it? hehe.. i was thinking of doing a twoshot of it, but im not sure.. should i? :/ anyways, dont forget to comment kay! i love reading them! :))

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Chapter 3: hahaha lol ; hyuna why cant you tell lmao . great story btw !
nice fic^^ i enjoyed reading it ;D
Congratulations :)
congrats :)
Congratulations on the random feature! ^^
milkytwilight_ #7
congrats ^^
Congrats :D