Chapter 2

Six Girls Handling EXO

No one's POV

Nora was at her parents home, looking out the window of her room while looking through her thoughts when she met up with D.o at the mall a few weeks ago. Then, Nora went to her bad and laid on her bed while reading a novel and then, her phone vibrates. She looked down from her novel and looked at her phone. It's a call from an unknown phone number. She swiped her phone and near her phone on her ear.


"Annyeonghaseyo~" - ?

Nora took away her phone off her ear. 'Who is this guy?' She thought. She put her phone on her ear again.

"Who is this?"

"Umm, its me. Kyung soo. We've met at the mall a week ago. Don't you remember me?" - ?

Nora thinked for a while and remembered something. She gasped and laughed nervously. She heard that D.o chuckle through the phone.

"Ah, now I remember now. Sorry, I was thinking about something."

"Its okay. I'm sorry if I called you late. I was busy with the schedules." - D.o

"Its okay. I'm okay with it. You are a singer, so, I understand."

"All ready eat dinner yet?" - ?

"No. Been busy by the moments."

"Why don't we meet up and eat dinner together or watch a movie?" - D.o

"Sure. Why not. I heard there's a new movie."

"Okay. Pick you up at the cafe I've told that day. Bye." - D.o


Nora put down her phone and hurriedly look for some clothes to wear. When she was looking for her clothes at the closet, her sister, Ha young came into her room and looked at her young sister. "What are you doing, Na young?" Ha young asked Nora with a smiled. "Going out for the night." Nora said.

"With who?"

"A friend." Nora answered. "A friend, huh? So why are you dressing up like a girl going on a date?" Ha young said with a naughty smile. Nora looked at her sister after finished dressing up. "Nothing much." She went out her room and went down stairs. Her family looked at her with question marks on theri faces.

"She's going on a date." Ha young said. Her family gasped and looked at Nora with a smile. Her mother stood up and gave her a hug. "Is it true what I'm hearing? My daughter is on a date? Who is my soon to be son in law?" Nora nervously laughed and shook her head.

"I'm not going on a date, eomma. I'm going to meet a friend. I should be going now. Annyeong." She waved at her family and went out the house.

"I still think she's on a date." Ha young whisperes to her mother. "Me too." Her mother agree. They high fived to each other and laughed.

In front of a cafe...

When Nora came at the cafe D

When Nora came at the cafe D.o told her, she didn't even saw the present of that boy. Then, from the dark, across the road, she saw a a car across the street from the lamp post she was standing next. She knew it was him inside the car. She walked to the car and knocked the car's window. When the window went down, she was shocked that the person inside the car was not D.o. "Hey, sorry. Kyung soo hyung got a little problem at the dorm, and you must be Na young, or some called Nora, right?" That guy said. Nora nodded. "I'm Kim Jong in, but you can call me Kai." He went out of the car and stood next to Nora.

He looked at her from head to toe. "You look so beautiful." He complimented her. "Really? Well, thanks." She slightly blush from the compliment. "Well, lets go then." Kai helped her by letting her into the car. As they drove to the mall, in the car, they were quiet as the wind. Then...


Kai yawned. "Are you tired?" Nora asked. "Yes, but not that tired until I won't help Kyung soo hyung to take you out." You nodded and sighed in relief. "What is it?" He asked. She shook her head and closed her eyes until she fell asleep.

Kai's POV

When Nora was already asleep, I've stopped the car at the sidewalk and admired her looks for a while. Then, I placed my coat on top of her to make her warm and then, I continue our way. When we arrived at the mall, I woke her up and we got out of the car together. We went to have some dinner first at a restaurant. As we finished ordered our food, I started up the conversation.

"So, what is your job?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled. "I just got out college." She answered. I looked at her and she looked back at me. She pursed her lip together. "How old are you?" I asked her. "I know that I'm more younger than you. Just..." She held out one finger out. I nodded. "A year younger?" I asked her. She shook her head. "A month younger, then?" She nodded. So, twenty-two years old? Huh, make sense. It means we're the same age then? Cool!!!" She chuckled and our food had arrive. We ate our food while having a conversation. Then, I've paid for the food and we went to buy some movie tickets.

After I bought the tickets, we walked around the mall and while doing that, we actually waiting for the movie to start in an hour. I brought her to 'Parksons' and she insisted to let me bought her some clothes. "You don't have to do that Jong in." She said cutely. "Nah, I want to. Honestly, I want to buy something that suits you. So, come on. And, its what Kyung soo wants to do in the first place." I said and pulled her to the women's section and she started to find the right clothes for her. Then, she found the right one for her and went to the fitting room.

I took out my phone and called D.o. "Annyeonghaseyo, hyung."

"Annyeonghaseyo, how is she now?"- D.o

"She's fine, and kinda cute too."

"What are you guys doing now?"- D.o

"I'm just bringing her to 'Parksons' to buy her some outfits for her while waiting for the movie to start."

"Really? Thanks for covering up for me. I really appreciate it. Hope you'll make her happy for the evening. Annyeong."- D.o

"Annyeong!" I hung up my phone and put it into my pocket. Then, I saw her coming out of the fitting room. "Close your eyes." She said form a far. I chuckled and closed my eyes. "You can open them now." When I opened my eyes, I looked at her with awe.

She looked kinda pretty with her outfit

She looked kinda pretty with her outfit. "You looked kinda cool, and cute and pretty with that outfit." I complimented her. She blushed and turned around to go to the fitting room. I chuckled and waited for her.

After the movie... after shopping...

Both of us went out the mall side by side. We went to the parking lot and went into my car. "This was the best night I ever had. With an idol." She said. "Even though I'm an idol, I'm still a human." she nodded in agreement. After having a conversation with Nora, we arrived at her place. I cleared my throat and looked at her before she went out the car. "Oh, I forgot. Thanks." I shook my head. She looked at me with a question mark on her face. "Umm, good bye?" I shook my head again. "Umm... I don't know." I smiled and gave her my phone number. "Oh, phone number. So, thanks. Maybe I'll call you sometime. So, annyeong."

"Annyeong." I waved at her and she waved back. I've watched her until she went into her house. She waved at me one last time and closed the door. I smiled and drove off...

Nora's POV

In the morning...

When I woke up from my sleep, I went down stairs to have some breakfast with the family, but not until I say my father talking with my uncle with another guy with a mouth mask on. I went curious and went to the living room. "Na young! Great you're awake." My father said and pushed my to the living room. "You still remember your uncle Joo shin, right?" I nodded. "And, he's the manager of a group called-"

"EXO!!!" I clapped my hands together like a fan girl. My father, uncle Joo shin and the guy looked at me. I cleared my throat and do something like there's nothing happened before. "So?"

"Do you know him?" My father pointed to the guy behind the mouth mask I shook my head. 'He's wearing a mask, appa. How should I know?' I thought. "Is he one of the members in EXO?" I asked sarcastically. Almost laughing sarcastically too.

"You are right!!!" The guy pulled down his mask and showed me his face. It was... "I'm Kim Joon myeon. You can call me Suho. If you want." He took out his hand and I was still dumbfounded. I shook my head and shake hands with him. "So far, three." I said under my breath. "Three? Have you met others?" I nodded. "Who?"

"Kyung soo, Jong in and you."

"Great! The more you meet us, the more you know us." He said to me. I just nodded. "What is the real reason you came?" I asked Suho and my uncle Joo shin. "Oh, that. I want you to take care of something. But, its seems that you just got out of college two day ago. So, I'll tell you next time."

I was about to say something, but my uncle Joo shin cuts me off. "And another thing, Suho will stay here for a week if you don't mind." Father just nodded in agreement.

'This will be a long week for me.' I thought while massaging my temples.


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