Different World

Scar of the Dragons

"Yuna! Wake up!" 

I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids were heavy and my head hurts so much. The light that came into my eyes were blinding, but I tried to overcome it and finally I was able to see the ceiling that had many old goldish dragons cravings on it and I found unfamiliar faces surrounding me. Even though it was blurry, I was able to see the room that looked like a bedroom, but it  was similar to the bedroom I usually saw in my father's television of old Chinese drama. I blinked again and again until everything became clearer and I jumped up to my feet when I saw a man's face that was very close to mine. 

"Yuna! What happened?"

I tried to identify that man. He had a really nice eyes, nose and lips and long hair fell down to his waist. Overall he was sweet and he looked like one of those Chinese actors I usually see, but what distracting me was when I looked into his clothes, it was seemingly weird. He was wearing a robe which was excatly the same like what appeared in my father's drama. I saw another man  stood beside him and this man appeared to have a cold atmosphere around him even though he also had the same beautiful eyes.  

"Em, were you mistaken me for someone else?"

The two men seems bewildered when I asked this. The sweeter man touched my forehead where I immediately shoved his hand.

"I'm fine, I'm not sick."

Speaking of sick, I suddenly remembered when I was lying on the ground and praying to God that He would let me move. I then remembered the voices of God and my promise to help a certain person and suddenly I didn't remember anything. What happened after that? Did I was mistaken as an actress that supposed to play a Chinese drama? But why would they do that when they saw me lying like a dead man in the toilet. I supposed in that situation I need to be taken to a hospital not to a movie set and put me on the bed while waiting for me to awake and continue my work. What kind of director who was so heartless to an actress? 

"Where's you director?"

Again the two men were looking at me like I was an alien. What? I thought to myself? Did I said something weird? And then at that moment I also realized how I started to speak using Chinese. This became weirder, because my knowledge of Mandarin was never good. I only know how to greet and now I seems to perfectly saying the words like I was a native speaker. 

"I don't know what you are talking about, Yue. We found you near the river after the accident. I supposed something hit your head." answered the sweet looking man. 

What was happening now! God, where I was taken?! I tried to think of possibilites but when I thought about the fantasy drama of the main lead travel back in time, I thought it was an incredulous idea. But, what if it was true?

"What year is this?" 

My heart pounding as I asked that question, waiting for either the sweet man or cold man to answer. Both of them seems a bit taken aback but the cold man answered first. 

"It was the year of the Moon."

I never heard about it. I really did read about Chinese history but not in any pages I found the year of the Moon. Maybe it refered to something else, since it was possible that in the future people use different term. So, I only nodded and promised myself that I would be able to identify it when I knew who was the King. 

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember all of you." I lied, making them more confused.

However the sweet men only replied with a warm voice, "I will call the doctor. Tae, please take care of her while I was away."

The guy who was called Tae nodded and when the sweet man left, I felt so awkward with him. Tae was just so quite and he only sat next to my bed while looking through the window, without saying a word. I tried to make him to look at me too, but it seems he was ignoring me.

"Um.. May I know your name?"

"It's Taehyung." he answered coldly. His response showed that I had violated his space and it irritates me a little. 

We never spoke at all, until the sweet man appeared again. He seems to sense the silence around us. A doctor came with him and the doctor was giving me a medical check up. I watched the doctor's expression and his expression didn't seem very good. 

"She have a very weak heart. She received shock and I think because of that she lost her memories."

I questioned the doctor's professionalism since I was clearly don't have any amnesia. However I was also curious as whether it indicated what had happened to me before I lost conciousness. After the doctor left, the sweet guy told me to rest a bit while Taehyung just went away without telling me anything. When they left me, I was so bored in the room that I looked through all the stuff and I seems to believe that I had travel the time. Because, I saw everything seems to be replicated from the ancient China or even real. Even though, it doesn't make any sense that I lived in California and now I was time traveling to the ancient China. However, it makes sense. There was no camera at all and looking from the two men's expression, it was real. 

Because I found nothing in the room about myself and who I was in this era, I walked out from the room and found it was already afternoon. There were two court ladies had been waiting for me and they even greeted me. 

"What's your name?" I asked the two of them.

"Ying Xie and Ying Hwa, my lady." one of the answered. 

I looked at both of them and they seems worthy. "Ying Xie, why there is no mirror in my room?"

When I told her that, she was extremly scared and kept on asking forgiveness. I told it was alright since I wanted to know if I was living in my own body or is it possbile that my physical appearance also changed just like in the drama. Hurriedly, Ying Xie came back with the platinum mirror and when I looked at it, I was so shocked that I dropped the mirror on the floor.

It wasn't me.

The girl who was standing against the reflection has fair skin, large eyes and overall beautiful face. My hair was silky black and when I looked at my arms I found no scars from my heavy trainings. I looked exactly like what a maiden should look like.

"My Lady!" 

Both Ying Xie and Ying Hwa was aghast and quickly looking at my arms, if I was hurt. Of course, there would be no scar and it wouldn't hurt at all. I was trained to be stronger and stronger to not be overwhelmed by pain. But, suddenly my body aches and my knees became so weak that I fell to the ground. I felt like dreaming and I just wanted to wake up from this crazy dream. 

"I'm fine. No need to worry." I waved my hand at them and moved my hand fivorously which did make them anxious. I showed them how I have no scratch or anything.

"We are glad that you are alright, my lady."

"Thank you." I faintly replied and quickly went inside my room. 

Suddenly the image of my parents and Wendy came into my mind. They were calling my name and my dad told me not to forget practicing and when my dad told me that, I would scowled and told him not to treat me like his students and he supposed to treat me like a daughter and gave me pocket money to buy more clothes. While my mom would keep asking if I had drink the juice she made for me and she would pout if I hadn't drink it. When she pouted, I would prepare stock of foods in my room, because my mom will abstain herself from cooking for me. Wendy also came to me asking for my opinion about her clothes but later she scorn at me and told me how bad I am at making a judgment about fashion. I would only ran to her and slap her , because she was just so annoying. And I also remembered Mandy. How she used to always complimenting Henry, either about his looks, his gentlemanly behavior or his kindness towards Mandy which I considered as bull. But Mandy would still smiling at him telling me how she loves Jay so much that she willing to die for him. While those memories saturated my mind, tears flowing down to my cheek and I could only gritted my teeth in order to not make any sound. I cried until I was wasted.


"This could be a problem if she can't remember anything." Ho Seok told Taehyung. They were playing chess and Ho Seok was leading. He was really pleased with his performance today, since he would always lose whenever he play with Taehyung. That guy is just unbeatable during chess. 

"I think she is lying, though." Taehyung moved his Horse further and Ho Soek was questioning his move. What is he trying to do? 

"Why with that speculation?"

"If she really has an amnesia, her reaction will not be as calm as that when she said she didn't remember us. She said it as if she didn't want to remember us."

"You mean there must be an underlying explanation in the death of Lady Mengxi? Do you think that she didn't drown in the river?" 

Taehyung pursed his lips and Ho Seok hates that gestures. It means that Taehyung was confindent that he will win the game and just like that, Ho Seok lost his King by a checkmate. 

"Or maybe she didn't die."

Ho Soek felt shiver through his vein when Taehyung said that. He knew that he sould be relieved when his cousin was still alive, but it's not that case. Instead he felt fear and threat with the return of Mengxi. She shouldn't be there at the Palace because it would only cause chaos and that chaos might lead into something unpleasant or even death. So he hoped Taehyung's deduction would be wrong. Though, he knew very well that Taehyung could never deduce anything wrong. 


Hi guys!

I am on hiatus for a very long time and I just came back from the long deep sleep hahahaha xD

English is not my first language, so please understand if there are any grammar mistakes and feel free to correct me because I am in the process of learning too! I hope you enjoy the story and please leave a comment since I would love to read it :):)

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Can't wait for the update
Misstwilightfan1416 #2
Chapter 1: I like the first chapter, it was interesting^^ I hope you will update soon^^