
Scar of the Dragons

"You can win this time. C'mon take her!" my coach yelled at me from the outer ring. While I tried very hard to punch the girl in front of me who was looking at me with rage eyes. All the practice I had been doing, I applied it on today's championship. My rival herself wasn't a pleasant rival, she was strong and agile too. She had large body where she was almost six feet tall and her muscular body which that could produce such strength to beat me up into pieces. While me on the other hand was only like five feet and three inches and thin, not too muscular. Even my coach was always perplexed on how could I win several boxing competitions with such body. 

"Jay! Hit her!" my coach shouted again. 

I tried to hit her head, but she dodged so quick and instead she got me. Her punch was exceptionally hard and I was pushed to the ground, breathing hard. But my desires to win this competiton had became stronger and I went straight to her, hit her head, stomach and when she was trying to dodge I was able to read her moves and hit her instead. Lastly, she was lying on the ground meanwhile her life on the ring was counted. Unfortunate enough, she couldn't stand up and I was declared as the winner. Everyone was shouting my name and it felt pleasurable in my ears. My coach came to me and hugged me so tightly that I almost couldn't breath. Because my coach too, have this muscular body.

"You did it! You are the best daughter I have!" 

Yes. Funny enough that my dad was the one who trained me to become a boxer. Mostly fathers wanted their daughter to be feminine by buying lots of clothes and do make up. But, I found out that my dad was quite different. He never wanted me to dress up and she told me not to become weakling and had me exercises like crazy everyday. I was built to become a man by my dad and it affected my love life too. 

I never had a boyfriend. Never.

Every boy in my school know how strong I am in the fight. Since kindergarten, the rumor of me being the strongest girl in town was spread like viruses. It was because the day I hit a boy makes Mandy, my best friend cried declared how strong I am. He got beaten up  very bad and since then everyone was scared of me. No one had wanted to see me or even asked to a date. So, even during the most important event in teeange life, the homecoming, I decided I wouldn't participate. I never expected to have a partner and walking the party alone would seems so miserable in my opinion. So, I rather choose to practice instead. Because the day of the championship was also the day of my school's homecoming. 

"Mom, we are home!" 

My mom had cooked a dinner that could feed us for days and she was beaming as she saw me and my dad. She hugged me so tightly too, but not like my dad. She was weak, so I had no worries that she could break my bones. I went to eat dinner and by the way I never have to worry of gaining weight, because my family was always so strict with food. Even this grand lunch was consists of vegetables. So, I never dieting like Mandy or my other girlfriends and that's why they were so jealous of me. They even sometimes came to my house to eat my mom's cook for diet. But for a beginner, my mom's cook never as tasty as what they thought of. It was awful because it was too healthy.

"Where's Wendy?" I asked as I saw no one sat beside my mom.

"She just went with my her friends to the party." my mom answered.


Juxtaposition of me, my sister was a total charmer. She got nice body, beautiful face, great personality, good grades and many guys are going after her. She was the Princess in my school and everyone loves her. They never expected her to have such a strong sister and they never found us to resemble one another even though we were blood related. At first I would get annoyed when they compared me with her and telling her that she should be ashamed of me. However, I had used to it and I never resent my sister of her good genes. I started to accept myself as a strong girl and I accept my faith of maybe becoming a single for the rest of my life. 

"So, I have prepared a gift for your winning!" my dad said with an animated face. He smiled so broadly that I thought it could ripped his mouth. He took out a present from under the table and when I received it, I knew exactly what was in it.

"Thanks, dad." I was trying to look happy but I knew he was giving me another barbell. Only that it was heavier this time. 

"And me too have a gift for you." said my mom and giving me another present. This time it was unexpected because my mom never really gives me present. So I was quite eager when I opened the box, but then I quickly regret it when I saw a smaller barbell with only the color was pink and it was cute. 

"Do you like it?" 

"Of course!" I answered very fast while I tried to hide my disappointment by eating my food as fast as I could and went straight to my room. I was very tired for the competition and just like that I felt asleep.


Who are you?

"Please help me."

"She is in danger. She needs you."


I was awake and I found myself sweating like crazy. This never happened before in my life and I remembered those words. I was quite sure someone was talking to me, but I never believed in myths. So, I tried to forget about it and read a book. 

Not long after I read my book, Mandy came to my house and she haven't sober from yesterday party. She still wearing her dress and her makeup was miserable. She came to my room and she plopped on the bed while she groaned.

"I was dumped, Jay! Henry DUMPED ME!" She shouted angrily. 

I went to her side and told her that everything is going to be fine. Honestly, I never liked Henry. In my opinion he looks like one of those guys who didn't want to commit in a relationship and would likely to have an affair. But that time, Mandy was falling head over heels for him and my opinion was a trash for her. Now, when she was dumped by Henry, I was quite glad because it proves her how my instinct was true and she finally able to find a better guy.

"But I LOVED HIM!" She cried again for one hour while telling all her memories with Henry. It was quite cruel for Henry to break up with Mandy after they were making out. And I swear I felt like wanted to punch him in the face. But Mandy told me that it wasn't necessary and she wanted me to came with her for shopping instead. For her, shopping could relieve her sadness and of course I immediately agree. I changed my clothes and offer Mandy my clothes. She washed up at my room and after she was finished doing her make up, we left to shop. 

Mandy as you could expected was a shopaholic. She shops like a madman and I always felt sorry for her parents that they need to pay all of her expenses. And when she was mourning, her shopping activity became crazier and even the strongest girl in town had no strength to carry all of her things. I even need to rests for a while when she visited the shoe store and drank lemonade. 


I heard those voices again. I'm quite sure it wasn't Mandy because I know how she sounds. I had goosebumps all over my body and excused myself to the toilet. In the toilet I washed my face when that voice came to me. But now it was clearer.

Jay. I know you can help me.

"No, I can't! I don't know you!" I shouted. 

Yes, you can.

It gives me headache. Suddenly I felt my body was burning and I couldn't talk. My body went numb and I fell on the ground like a dead person. I'm still awake and I could see the lightning on the ceiling. But my body refused to do anything for me to stand. This wasn't good, my body was my asset and if I had I lose everything. What I had was only boxing and I had always boxing since I was small. Because of boxing, I never been able to play with my friends and because of boxing too, I never got a boyfriend. And if I got , I felt like my world would crumbling down and I couldn't live on anymore. 

Thinking about it I started crying and I prayed to God to help me. If I was given the chance to move, I would work harder for my boxing and I would win all the championships. I didn't want to go numb like this, I rather die than or couldn't move at all. Please God....

Come, Jay. I will lead you.

Was that sound was actually God? 

If so, I would help whoever that person. As long as I was given the opportunity to move again. As I told myself that, I found a very bright shine upon me that blinded my eyes and I started to lose consciousness. 

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Can't wait for the update
Misstwilightfan1416 #2
Chapter 1: I like the first chapter, it was interesting^^ I hope you will update soon^^