five ; acceptance

i hearteu you
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Jungkook was walking down the hall with a big grin on his face. He could saw the looks that the rest of the students gave him and he did not have to guess why. It must be because he was smiling, and hey Jeon Jungkook had never smiled so early in the morning before. He was usually grumpy because he hated morning classes more than everything. But screw them, he just had a feeling that today was going to be a good, good day. Well, he started his day with a smile too, courtesy to his future, or should he just called him his babe already ? Because he was more than sure he will be able to claimed Taehyung as his some day.

He could not stop smiling thinking of what happened before.

* Half an hour ago 

The sound of the alarm disturbed Jungkook from his beauty sleep. He was sprawled on the bed, shirtless, with the blanket at the end of the bed. Half of the blanket was already on the floor. He was very wild on his sleep, he knew that. Because back then during high school, his friends would always complained about his way of sleeping during sleep overs and he would just showed him his bunny smile. That was just his habit, there was nothing he could do with  it. 

He pulled the blanket back on the bed and covered his body up with it. He did not felt like getting up yet so he grab his phone that was placed under the pillow after he shut off the alarm just now and unlocked it. It was just 9.15 o'clock. He had like another forty five minutes before his class started. So he started his morning routine as usual, checking all his notifications, replying to any necessary messages left while he was sleeping and just mindlessly scrolling through his Instagram and Twitter account.

He frowned when he realised that his babe has not yet accepted his follow request on Instagram. Playing hard to get, huh. He thought as he stared at Taehyung's profile. He just really liked the latter's profile picture. That sweater paw though , Jungkook could not help but feeling as if Taehyung was shooting him a love arrow straight through his heart just by being that cute. How could a guy be that cute, seriously Kim Taehyung ? Jungkook kicked his legs in the air as he messed his own hair up. Ahh he was so frustrated with the thoughts that Taehyung was really not going to accept his follow request forever. 

He composed himself and continue staring at the profile. He was not able to do anything beside of staring anyway. Taehyung had posted 45 photos. His heart hurted upon noticing that because damn, he really wanted to see the pictures. Like he was really dying to do so. But he just could not. Oh how he wish Taehyung would just accepted his request already. It could not be that Taehyung had not yet noticed his follow request, right ? He knew that Taehyung purposely refused to accept his request, but whyyyyyy . 

Jungkook then analysed his babe's profile again.

Ah, even his intro is cute, oh my hearteuu. he said to himself, once again clutching his chest. 

kim taetae

an awkward potato who was even more awkward than a potato :3

Seriously, Kim Taetae ? 

What are you doing to my heart right now ? 

Jungkook sit up from his previous position and leaned on the bed post. He shook his head upon realising that he was behaving rather weirdly. He had gotten love strucked. Yes, he was sure that Taehyung must have been shooting him a love arrow the first time they met. If not why would he felt this way. He was Jeon Jungkook, for god sake. And a Jeon Jungkook had never been really in love before this. All the time he dated, they were all just a simply puppy love kind of love. But the feeling he had for this babe, ah there it come, the weird feeling in his stomach. It was like there was butterflies flying all over his stomach whenever he think of Taehyung.

Giving up on Taehyung accepting his request, he close the application and open another one, Twitter. Just like the other days, there were nearly seventy notifications on his interactions, telling him that he had a few retweets, favorite and mentions. Also a few people following him. Aha, he suddenly remembered that he had followed his babe on Twitter too. But he knew that Taehyung would never follow him back, so he frowned at that. He lazily scrolled his notifications, chuckling when realising people even retweeted his random weird tweets. People, he thought. Once, his tweet had even gone viral with about thousands of retweets. And that tweet was just a random photo of flying chicken that he caught accidentally during his stay at his grandmother's house.

His thought was distracted upon his eyes catching one attractive notification. H

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jhong711 #1
Chapter 15: Please continue this story authornim... i really like it so much <3
Bts_and_chogiwa #2
Chapter 15: Aww dont leave it like that. This story is really good
Chapter 15: I NEED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!
fell in love with this fic!
Damn cheesy greasy kookie hahah
Frisur #4
Chapter 15: Happy belated !
Update soon
Frisur #5
Chapter 15: Happy belated !
Update soon
Chapter 15: Saengil chukka hamnida~ Saengil chukka hamnida~ Saranghaneun uri authornim~ Saengil chukka hamnida~ Kyaaa SAENGIL CHUKKAE MY AUTHORNIM! HOHO U HAD ADD ANOTHER NUMBER IN YOUR AGE MUAHAHA , U ARE GETTING OLD MUAHAHA

omg jkjk , dont take it to your heart meh? xD
Chapter 15: Happy Birthday~! <3
Tamara230206 #8
Chapter 15: Happy Happy Birthday! :D
BangtanArmy2004 #9
Chapter 15: happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)