Thump Thump of Heart

Happily Ever After
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Today Mama and Aunt leave for Busan for a reunion. Went three days and two nights, but the message was like going to a month. Especially Mama, it seems like from last night it didn't stop so that I would cook for Jaebum, and Jaebum who would take me to take English courses. "Jaebum will pick you up later. I asked Jaebum to take care of you while I was gone. The thing is, Saturday and Sunday Papa also has a guest from Japan, returning home at night. So later Jaebum will take care of you. You should also pay attention. Jaebum, yes! "And many more messages from Mama, all of which are related to Jaebum, Jaebum and Jaebum. Jaebum and I together escorted our respective mums to the front door. They ride in one car using Mama's car.

"Leave Jinyoung, Jaebumiee? Please take care of him, okay," Mama ordered again to Jaebum before the car drove. "Yes, Auntie, don't worry, Jinyoung will be fine." "See you, Mama!" I said and Jaebum together, before Mom's car finally drove. As soon as they left, I glanced at Jaebum and was also still at the front door of the house. "Eh, ugly! I'm not your caregiver! So you'll eat later yourself" "Who told you to be a caregiver? I also don't want to be close to you." I snorted annoyed, then entered my house. Jaebum Im, why the heck are you always so annoying.




The clock showed three forty minutes compilation I woke up from my afternoon sleep. I immediately jumped in surprise. I only have five minutes to get ready for English lessons, and ten minutes to go there, Ouch ... hopefully Mr. Jimin. My regular taxi, it's at the end of the road. If not, I'm definitely late for the tutoring place!

The sound of a motorcycle horn was heard in my ear I opened the gate. Jaebum appears to be on his motorcycle. "Come on, up! I promised you that Aunt Park would deliver you English lessons. It's almost too late, right!" I glanced at jam in my hand. Eight minutes to go. Like it or not, I accepted Jaebum's order. Moreover, today there is a level increase test. With hesitation, I also ride Jaebum's motorbike. "Hold on," said Jaebum. "I did." "The right grip, it will fall," Jaebum said again, while pulling my arm around his waist. After that, he immediately drove to the English language tutoring place.







I was very satisfied with the test earlier. I can answer all questions well. I'm sure, I will definitely level up with good grades. I saw Jaebum sitting in the waiting room. Gosh, it turns out he's been waiting for me! "It's over! Come on, go home," he said, "have you been here?" I asked in surprise, "Lazy back again," he answered carelessly. "The important thing is me today. Take your lessons. It's fast, don't be noisy, it's drizzling outside, you use this," he said. For a moment I was stunned. "Hurry up! Don't daydream! Later the rain will be heavier! Let's use it," Jaebum said again. "Use the right one, you will get sick." "You don't use it yourself?" I asked softly. "Only one raincoat." I just paused and obeyed. It was raining heavily compiling we were on our way home. Luckily our distance wasn't too far, so we just made Jaebum soaked, while I was quite protected because of the raincoat I'm wearing can also arrive at home soon. But still Arriving at home, my mind filled with events earlier. Jaebum is willing to lend me his raincoat. Hmm, that annoying kid can be cute too. But maybe he just kept his promise to Mama to take me tutoring.





I glanced at the clock in my room. It's half past six. I'd better take a shower, cook, and deliver food to Jaebum, according to my promise to Aunt Im, the white rice that I had printed round that I gave my eyes and mouth. I made for her hair from broccoli and garlic. For the body, I made it from chicken. It's funny too. I put the gray lunchbox first on the parapet, then I climbed up. Jaebum was on his balcony when I climbed. "Jinyoung! What do you want? I'll go there," Jaebum said quickly and then he was immediately busy climbing. Finally we both sat on the wall of our house. "Here, I want to take a meal. You must not have eaten," I said, handing over the lunchbox. "Asking for help, Ma'am Yati, can you? Why should we climb again?" "It's OK," I replied simply. "Besides, I'll call you later, I can tell if you've given you something to eat." I paused for a moment, then again said, "Jaebumiee, thank you for letting me go. I already borrowed a rain coat too. You were rained on. You will get sick later, no?" "It's getting rained on a little bit of rain," Jaebum said. "What is this?"

"Dinner for you. Be careful, it will break. Make it tired!" Jaebum obeyed me. He carefully opened the lunchbox. His eyes sparkled when he saw the beue I made. "Very good, Nyoung. So afraid of eating," he said. This time it really sounded sincere. "Ah, that's just it. I'm the one who cooks. Anyway, you have to finish it, okay! Eat. Calm down, not poisoned. I won't be that bad to win a bet. Jaebum laughs." This is you cooking, Nyoung? " so try it, good or not! "I said again. Jaebum quickly bribed the food in the box. His head nodded. His hands were raised thumbs. I laughed at his childlike behavior. Silent for a moment with friends with us. a bit dark. "Yugyeom just started with Youngjae," I said breaking the silence. "Yes, Yugyeom had a story. Actually Yugyeom has liked Youngjae for a long time. In the end, I got Youngjae too. "Youngjae is my best friend. I'm also happy Youngjae and found the prince of his dreams. I think Yugyeom will be able to look after Youngjae. He can definitely make Youngjae happy."

"Weve not yet, Nyoung! You have a dream prince" "Want to know, just, I smiled teasing Jaebum." Mark, yes! "Jaebum insisted again." Mark was just playing with you, Nyoung. He was using you only "" Sok know! Mark is good to me. "" Yes, it's good if you want to borrow your notes. "My ears are hot to hear. My heart is hot too." The proof, why from all the people in the class he borrowed his notes with me! " . If you don't believe me, that's up to you, "Jaebum said, putting the almost empty lunch box next to him. Looks like he lost his appetite." We're betting! I can definitely go out with Mark. Point five, "I challenged." I don't want to! Silly bets, "Jaebum said." Just say you're afraid of losing! "I blurted out emotion. I went down to my balcony, and quickly entered my room.




At half past nine in the morning, I was getting ready to pick up Youngjae to go to the photo shoot. Ah, the language is so stylish. Even though what I meant was that Yugyeom wanted to date there. Youngjae was invited to accompany Yugyeom. Understandably they just invented, so everywhere they want to be sticky together like rubber. For fear of being bored, Youngjae invited me. At first I refused. Why would I be the third person in the middle of a boyfriend? "No, Nyoung. Besides, there is a writing in the park. The third person is forbidden to enter," Youngjae answered when I expressed my whereabouts last night. "Youngjae!" "Joking, Nyoung. Peace ... anyways you also said you didn't want to be the third person. Already, anyway, come along, Yugyeom will definitely be busy with his photographer friends, so you accompany me. Come on, Nyoung. I used to I've accompanied you to stand under a red light, while waiting for the grandmother. "said Youngjae" Yes. I have been your friend.

A car horn in front of the house makes me run down from my room. I grabbed my pink bag from the sofa then I put it on my shoulder. I quickly opened the gate, and met Youngjae who was standing there. "Come on, Gyeom! I'm ready." Youngjae smiled. "Jinyoung, today is so beautiful, your mood is good, right? Your mood is okay?" I smiled back at Youngjae while nodding steadily even though I actually didn't understand the meaning of Youngjae's words. "Hello, Gyeom .." I say when entering the car. I was speechless when I saw Jaebum in the Yugyeom car. My heart is still upset because of last night. "Jinyoung, let's go in, we're off," Yugyeom said. I looked at Youngjae with a sharp look. Youngjae just smiled confusedly as he shrugged his shoulders. "What are you doing too?" Jaebum asked rudely. "Invited Youngjae. What are you going to do too!" "Want to take pictures with Yugyeom!" "Yes, Youngjae invited Jinyoung, I invited Jaebum. Both of you were invited. Satisfied? Already now sit sweetly in the back, do not fight anymore," Yugyeom said mediating.



Yugyeom's car entered a housing complex. There is a place that is used as a large and beautiful park. I just found out about this place myself. The park is quite extensive. There are pine trees, a flower garden, a small river, there is even a kind of small hill, and a park that Yugyeom and Jaebum immediately busy with cameras, while Youngjae and I went straight up to the highest place in the park. There is a small gazebo there. We chatted while waiting for Jaebum and Yugyeom. After how long, I began to get bored. I walked outside the gazebo to enjoy the beauty of nature. It's really unexpected in Seoul that there is such a beautiful place. Near the gazebo there is a cliff that is not too high. Idly, I looked down. Below there are rocks and weeds. When looking forward, it is very beautiful. My eyes can reach all the beauty that this park offers. I walked slowly on the edge of the cliff. I keep my balance well. "Nyoung, don't walk on the edge, I'm afraid," Youngjae said next to me. "It's okay, Youngjae. Just consider it a balance exercise." Nyoung, don't need to be there. I'm afraid you fall. "Jinyoung Park can't fall, Youngjae. Just calm down"

"Jinyoung, you go down. Really said Youngjae don't walk there!" Jaebum suddenly appeared, I glanced annoyed, just interfering with the man. "Come on down, then fall down." Jaebum reached out. "I can't fall!" I shouted annoyed. But whatever happened, suddenly something was slippery in my shoes that made me slip. I really fell! But someone grabbed me and he fell with me! Everything happened so fast. Finally I stopped. I opened my eyes slowly. Next to me was Jaebum who was holding me with his eyes closed, as if he wanted to protect me. "Jaebum!" I said softly. "You. Are you all right?" he asked softly. Then Jaebum let go of his arms. I groan softly. "My feet hurt." "Which side hurts!" Jaebum asked examining my feet. "Just blisters, Nyoung. You can walk!" "Sick." Jaebum then helped me stand up. He carefully led me to the side. "Are you all right?" asked Yugyeom, who immediately came to the place where we fell with Youngjae.

"Let's just go to the hospital. Jinyoung should be examined. The wound on his knee is only an external wound. But I'm afraid there is a broken one. The fall was quite exciting too," said Jaebum. I looked at Jaebum. Even though he had also fallen. For some reason this time he did not blame me even angry, but looked worried and worried. His clothes are dirty with the ground, but Jaebum doesn't care about himself. "How about you?" Yugyeom asked Jaebum. Jaebum shook his head. "I'm fine. Let's go to the hospital."

The doctor said, I only received minor injuries. There is nothing serious. There are no broken or cracked bones, so you can go home right away. "I'll go back to the house, okay? Youngjae, please take Jinyoung to his room. He must still be shocked. The fall was pretty bad," Jaebum said, saying goodbye. I think he wants to change his dirty clothes full of soil. I was escorted by Youngjae and Yugyeom to my room. "Rest, Nyoung," Youngjae said softly.

"Jinyoung is okay, Youngjae. I'm actually worried about Jaebum," Yugyeom sighed softly. "Jaebum? What the heck is he doing? Not that he's okay!" I asked quickly. "In my opinion, he's covering something. His right hand seems to hurt. But he doesn't admit it," Yugyeom answered. "Actually, I also saw Jaebum's right hand bleeding," Youngjae continued again. So Jaebum was also injured earlier? Why did he hide it? Do not pay attention to him! My heart is becoming anxious. All of this because of helping me. If there was no Jaebum, I knew I would have fallen even worse. Still remembering clearly in my memory, Jaebum held me as if to protect me. "Let's go to Jaebum's house, let's go," I invite, followed by a steady nod by Youngjae and Yugyeom.


Yugyeom knocked on Jaebum's door three times, but there was no answer. "Am I going in, Jaebum? There are Jinyoung and Youngjae too," Yugyeom said as he opened the door of the room which was apparently unlocked.

Jaebum looks asleep. His body was covered by a blue checkered patterned blanket. On the floor of his room I saw the shirt he was wearing. The shirt is bleeding. Seeing that shirt my heart feels bad. Yugyeom and Youngjae said correctly, Jaebum was injured while helping me. I feel responsible. "Jaebum," I called. "What are you doing here!" Jaebum asked softly, opening his eyes. "Jinyoung, why aren't you resting? Going home, I'm sleepy." "You don't lie, Jaebumiee. Yugyeom said you were hurt when you helped me. Youngjae saw that your hand had blood. Why did you not get treatment at the hospital?" Jaebum looked at me deeply. "The important thing is you are okay, right! I already promised Aunt Park to take care of you. Besides, if you get blistered badly, you will get angry again with me." Yes, I also promised Aunt Im to take care of you. "My heart suddenly felt tight. I knew Jaebum was in pain, and I also knew with certainty that he was trying to cover it up from us." There, go home! I'm sleepy. "He said again." You don't lie to us, Jaebumie, "I said again, shaking his body.

He moaned, endured pain, I was increasingly worried to see Jaebum. I know, something must be wrong. "Which one hurts? You don't pretend anymore." After being forced, I, Youngjae, and Yugyeom, Jaebum give up too. He slowly uncovered his blanket, and a quite serious wound was seen on his arm. I was surprised to see the wound. "Geez, Jaebum! This isn't a small wound." "Ah, no. You just fell. It's okay, if you have a scar I have to be fined? I ergghh." Jaebum's rant stopped. For a few moments he grimaced, biting his lip, enduring the pain that I knew was incredible pain. "Jaebum, I don't think you can do it at home. You have to go to the doctor or to the hospital. Inject, continue to be sewn," said Youngjae. "What? No! Eerrghhh, no! No way! No way!" Jaebum protested. "Already, don't be like a child. Cook you already this much still afraid to see a doctor?" Yugyeom said irritably. "This is no joke!" "This is my wound, what can I do, whatever it is. Earlier I also gave medicine," Jaebum answered.

"How can you treat this just like that?" I say soften. It's a pity that I saw Jaebum who was in pain earlier. I took my wallet and handed over our agreement. "Read the ninth point," I said swallowing, "This is our agreement, you must not violate it," I said seriously. Jaebum took the paper, then only a thousand languages ​​remained. "What agreement?" Yugyeom asked curiously. Then he immediately snatched the letter from Jaebum's hand. Youngjae also immediately scrambled to find out the contents of the letter. Before long they burst into laughter which echoed throughout the room. "You two are really crazy! Even in a fight there is a letter of agreement? On the signature of the two again," shouted Youngjae still laughing. "I think you two are matched. It's the same crazy!" "Already, the agreement is indeed our agreement. Jaebum and I have promised to obey. If not, we will be fined." "Point nine, if there are parties who are sick or injured, then the bet will be paused until the party is healthy. In this case both parties are in the peace zone, the sick party must also try to recover soon so they can continue betting." I read the agreement. "Have you heard? That's why you have to get better soon. You promised me. If you don't want to see a doctor, that's okay. But you have to be treated properly." "Jinyoung is right, Jaebumie," Yugyeom added. "Wait a mi

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BtsKeepRuiningLives #1
Chapter 4: Oh this story is soo good? When will you update! ;( JJP ftw! <3
Chapter 4: Are JJP the true soulmates? :o I love JJP heehee
mynameisnick #3
Chapter 4: JJP is all about soulmate
Chapter 3: Oh dang Jinyoung I see you're jealous. I love how Jinyoung is being nicer to Jaebum :)
sica99 #5
Prettyy pleaseeee MARKJIN!
Chapter 2: This is really interesting! I wonder who is Jinyoung's true soulmate
Chapter 2: its destiny jinyoung-ah~~~~ (just my hope TT)
but i want jjp~~~~~
but they are(jjp) so childish because the comic kekek~~ and they are like dog&cat kekeke~~
Chapter 2: aaa i want jjp kekeke
HinanDyan #9
Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS!! Kinda remind me of shoujo manga lol
HinanDyan #10
Chapter 1: So both of them bumped into jinyoungie? For the first time i read the description and tags.... I wish jinyoungie not pick one of them but just got both of them. And I hope my wish become... true...? Lol