

What's up with our manager?! Collaborate? Join force and show the best our company can?! With him?

I can sense right now that I am in a deep trouble with this lady. How am I supposed to cooperate with a girl who does not give way?!


"Hey, Ms. Park Bom, mind to talk to me later for planning?" Seunghyun said cooly not waiting for a response from the Queen Terror.


"Wh-" Bom can't even thoroughly say what the sentence has to send because he is totally lost in her sight.


Why do he acts so highly? WWWWHHHY?! One point for me, Seunghyun, Hahahaha!


Meanwhile in Mr. Manager's office . . .


"Mr. Kang Daesung, why did you want them to collaborate?" Sofia Hee asks.


"Simply to let them realize that this isn't a competition inside the office, it should be outside, with other companies," he said in a very dramatic way, doing hand signs and all.


"You absolutely know they hate each other right?"


"Of course, everyone does know. Well, we might just see the best of the best when these two are combined," he explained with full of determination. That's the manager, a fighter and a smiling disciple.


"Orrr... are you trying to be cupid here?"


"Innocent here!" he says raising both hands.


Let's recall one event wherein Bom and Seunghyun started throwing hateful stares at each other.


"Listen everyone!" Manager Daesung stands up and announces something, "To inspire everyone in working and doing their best, I have decided to implement Most Outstanding Employee of the Month! How's that?"


Majority hated the suggestion but treated it as their motivation. "Game," a lady, named Bom, sets the rocket to fire.


Thanks Heaven after a long time, I can sense a race again. This office probably needs that suggestion of Mr. Manager. My spirits are lift up high right now!


After the implementation, everyone knows Bom is going to win it. She will of course with an aura always surrounding her. You're just gonna be afraid if you are going to take the challenger's seat.


She's the first to arrive and report in the office, setting a record of 9:00 AM SHARP without late/ absents.

She's the first to suggest magnificent ideas and asks opinion of others in a very professional way.

She works like a monster, grabbing any chance.

She's the Queen in marketing department especially when it comes to the talking sessions.

She sharply takes 1 hour break as one hour, no more, no less.

She plans and will finish anything perfectly.

Despite the terror aura she has, she is also kindhearted. One time, an officemate of her cannot go to work because her son is sick. The output for the monitored performance of a quarter needs to be set that day. No one dares to touch the work because it's complicated.


"I'm going to do it," she says a little bit unsure of what she is going to do.


"But this is complicated Bom,"


"I said I'm going to do it."


And so she did, for straight hours. Her officemates were offering her some break already but she insisted she has to finish what she said.

And because we are talking about Bom, she really accomplished the job, earning praises from everyone.


Her happy life is going steady, everything is almost perfect not until...


I came. Choi Seunghyun came.


Oh, they have this most outstanding employee of the month? I kinda like it. Let's see who won the previous month, her name is Park Bom.

Ow, the girl who looks like she does not give a thing?


And so the competition did get exciting.

He did it very effortlessly.


He comes earlier than Bom. "Wow, no people yet?" he asks himself as he arrived at 8:56AM.

Bom walks in happily not until she saw the face of a man having his coffee time, he raises his hands and greets, "Hey, Ms. Bom?"

She ignores him and went directely to her desk and says to herself, "This is not a good sign."


During their meetings, Bom is always the first to give her idea and asks the opinions. OPINIONS not rejections.

"So that's my idea for this project assigned to us, whatcha think?" she happily asks knowing that their answer will be just the same.

"No. That's so grand, we have a limited budget and have you asked what our customers like for the next project?" he says biting the ballpen.

"Of course we will have to ask them Mr. Seunghyun, and we will do some adjustments of course."

"Better be Ms. Bom," he says scanning the papers in front of him.


If she works like a monster, he works like he is taking a very light day always.


"Seungri-ah, I appreciate your effort in doing this one but you forgot to add important details," she says massaging her forehead showing signs of stress.

Seunghyun comes and slaps her back lightly which surprised Bom, "Hey Miss Bom stop stressing yourself too much, Seungri will do it again okay? Chill."

She literally shuts up and answers, "Okay?"


One thing Bom hates most is that someone will replace her place.

"But manager, I am good at doing this one, I want to continue doing this one," Bom pleads asking her manager to let her do the job of delivering their presentation.

"Bommie-ah, I know you love to do this so much but I want to see what Seunghyun can do, I need some evaluation also," Mr. Manager explains.

"O-okay," she pouts and leaves.

"I have a favor Bom."


"I'll be very busy in awhile so probably I can't look after Seunghyun and his performance sooo,"

she closes her eyes for the worst favor of all and finishes the sentence of their manager, "So you want me to do the evaluation? I'm sorry sir he might just fail."

"I trust in you, here are the papers, Ganbatte!"


She observes him quietly. He is expecting to fail in the evaluation especially it's his number 1 rival. He presents normally and jokes often which does not ease their tension.

"This is best for ladies who think being in high will always make them happy," he explains looking at Bom seriously as she writes her comments and evaluation.

"Good job Seunghyun. Very nice for a starter."

"Thank you."

"Miss Park Bom, please give him a good evaluation," one of the highly positioned respected man tells Bom.

"Yes sir."


He was surprised to see how excellent and professional Bom is. "Wow, amazing results Seunghyun. Congratulations on your first presentation," Mr. Manager praises and smiles because Bom is really trusted.

"Wow, I never expect this kind of goodness from her. I gotta give her something," he says to himself thinking on what to give as a present.


If it says 1 hour, it should be 1 hour and she even scolds her officemates for sometimes going overboard. Well in the case of Seunghyun he was late because he brought a present for Bom for the good evaluation and maybe a hope to start a new friendship but ...

"Ya, Choi Seunghyun, you are late for thirty minutes?"

"I'm sorry I just went to buy something very important and it's for-" his sentence was cut short when Bom harshly says.

"I do not care for whoever is that present of yours, let me remind you that our lunch break is for one hour," she says earning stares from her officemates. 

Seunghyun hurts a little bit but decides to erase the little mini tipsy dipsy hate, "I know that Ms. Park Bom but-"

"Do not think so highly of yourself just because I give you a good evaluation, I did not wrote those for nothing," she knowingly says earning gasp from everyone.

"Fine, you just always cut my sentence without letting me finish. Is this how you work? Always thinking you are high and all? DAMN BOM. I shouldn't brought this DAMN GIFT FOR A GIRL LIKE YOU. I even DAMN throw my face just to DAMN PLEAD to the lady to give me this stuffed toy even if it was not for sale. DAMN," he says in one breathe earning a bulging eyes from Bom.

"I'm finished with me being good to you, you want competition, DAMN, let's get it started."

He hands the Lion Stuffed Toy to Bom harshly, more like throwing it to her. "Damn I'm twenty minutes late," he says resuming his work.


"Seunghyun, chill man," Seungri whispers to him as he gets back to his desk.

"I should have but damn, she boils me to death."

She looks at the lion stuffed toy saying, 'Thanks for that amazing evaluation even if I kinda . Anyways, this lion represents you, you can't be tamed.'

She bit her lower lip and realizes she did the wrong thing.


And with that, their competition goes on and on. No one gives up, and no one will surrender.

Their ideas are like spiders, doing some spider fights.


^^ Time to meet for the planning ^^


Bom arrives earlier. "Why did I even come earlier than that bastard?"


"You're here."


"So, what's your plan? Let me hear it first."


"Simple. You take care of the boy's wear and I'll take for the girl's," Seunghyun explains looking at his phone if he received any message. He has been acting like this everytime Bom's in, he just don't want to give a damn.


"Something is wrong?"


"What Ms. Park Bom?"


"Gender. Aren't I suppose to take care for the girl and vice versa?" she asks looking at him with raised eyebrows.


"Let's get something new lady. Your designs will be plain boring if we stick on to that rule. We'll figure it ourselves," he says still looking at his phone.


"But-" she pouts and decides to end, "Okay. Bring it on."


He forms a little side smile and bids goodbye, "I gotta go halo-halo."


I'm going to have a plan. That's it, I'm going to show him what I've got.

She looks at her diary and wrote ...

Thursday, 5:45 PM

Choi Seunghyun is back with his weird plans again. I should take note from now on how to bring him down. I'm going to stalk him. Yeah you heard it right, STALK as in to FOLLOW HIM with my detective skills.


Look what I've got! A picture of her pouting. She thinks I'm plainly looking at my phone well I'll give a damn this time.

She's actually not that ugly but her personality just makes me want to throw her to Antarctica.

Let's see what can I make out of  lady's wear.




^^ Thanks for reading Chapter 2!

Please vote for BIGBANG, 2NE1, TABLO for ALLKPOP AWARDS 2011 which will end in four days I think so.

Sorry for wrong grammars and spellings.

I hope you enjoyed!

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Signing off----

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uwaaa ! ~ xD<br />
Kay37541 #2
Lol their rivalry is adorable! :D and Seunghyun gave her a stuffed animal!!!! <br />
<br />
Update soon please:)
hahha this is cute I like the rivalry they have going on XD<br />
update soon! >3<
belovedsuju #4
Haha.looking forward for the nxt chapter :-)